Rcharts with Highcharts as Shiny Application

rCharts with Highcharts as shiny application

There are two ways to get this working. The first way is to add h1$set(dom = "myChart") in your server.R. This is required so that both server.R and ui.R are communicating about the correct chart. The alternative is to use renderChart2, which is in the dev branch of rCharts, that is a upgraded version of renderChart and will eventually replace it. I am attaching the entire code for everyone's benefit.

ui = pageWithSidebar(
headerPanel("rCharts: Highcharts"),
inputId = "x",
label = "Choose X",
choices = c('SepalLength', 'SepalWidth', 'PetalLength', 'PetalWidth'),
selected = "SepalLength"
mainPanel(showOutput("myChart", "Highcharts"))
server = function(input, output){
output$myChart <- renderChart2({
h1 <- Highcharts$new()
h1$chart(type = "spline")
h1$series(data = c(1, 3, 2, 4, 5), dashStyle = "longdash")
h1$series(data = c(NA, 4, 1, 3, 4), dashStyle = "shortdot")
h1$legend(symbolWidth = 80)

R Shiny: setExtremes in Highcharts (rCharts) on page load

Victorp's reply showed that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with my code, but rCharts was, indeed, old. The above code should work if your version of rCharts is newer than today's date, perhaps with some older versions too. I don't know which release I was working on, but it would have been some months old.

Thanks to Victorp.

rCharts in shiny : width with 2 charts

Replace these lines:

h2$set(width = 800, height = 400)

as follows:

h2$chart(type="line", width = 800, height = 400)

This should help.

R, Shiny can not do rChart

Please note the changes I made where I used showOutput instead of plotOutput and renderChart2 instead of renderPlot as you need to make* these changes to make rChart plots. Also you need to specify namespace in the showOutput, I think that hplot belongs to highcharts but I might be wrong (if anyone knows for sure feel free to comment here so I can update the answer). For more information about using rCharts you can look at the examples here on github.

The following should work:

rm(list = ls())

ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Count Report "),
h4("This application shows product data"),
selectizeInput("product","Product:",c("ALPHA","BRAVO","all"), selected="all")
h4("rChart works!"),
showOutput("chart", "highcharts")


server <- function(input, output) {
x <- data.frame(Category=factor(c("ALPHA", "ALPHA","BRAVO","ALPHA","ALPHA")),
YYYYMM= factor(c("2/1/2015","3/1/2015","4/1/2015","5/1/2015","6/1/2015")),

output$chart <- renderChart2({
a <- hPlot(COUNT ~ YYYYMM, data=x, type="line") ######### doesnt WORK!
return (a)

shinyApp(ui, server)

Sample Image

Shiny rcharts multiple chart output

Change ui to:

ui = bootstrapPage(mainPanel( 
div(class = "row",
div(showOutput("chart2", "Highcharts"), class = "span4"),
div(showOutput("chart3", "Highcharts"), class = "span4")
div(class = "row",
div(showOutput("chart4", "Highcharts"), class = "span4")

Add bootstrapPage to tell shiny to use the bootstrap library. Look at http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/scaffolding.html to get an idea of "scaffolding". mainPanel has a width option which defaults to 8.
This is span8 in bootstrap.
The above code is not ideal but hopefully its a start.

EDIT: For full screen

ui = bootstrapPage(mainPanel(width = 12,  
div(class = "row",
div(showOutput("chart2", "Highcharts"), class = "span6"),
div(showOutput("chart3", "Highcharts"), class = "span6")
div(class = "row",
div(showOutput("chart4", "Highcharts"), class = "span6")

note that mainPanel(..., width = width) is just a convenience function for div with a span of width.

A screenshot of the result:

Sample Image

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