Adding R^2 on Graph with Facets

Adding R^2 on graph with facets

You can create a new data frame containing the equations for the levels of roi_size. Here, by is used:

eqns <- by(df, df$roi_size, lm_eqn)
df2 <- data.frame(eq = unclass(eqns), roi_size = as.numeric(names(eqns)))

Now, this data frame can be used for the geom_text function:

geom_text(data = df2, aes(x = 1.5, y = 2.2, label = eq, family = "serif"), 
color = 'blue', parse = TRUE)

Sample Image

How to add R2 for each facet of ggplot in R?

You can use ggpubr::stat_cor() to easily add correlation coefficients to your plot.


FakeData %>%
mutate(SUB = factor(SUB, labels = c("good", "bad", "ugly"))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Ob, y = Value)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
facet_grid(Variable ~ SUB, scales = "free_y") +
theme_bw() +
stat_cor(aes(label = ..rr.label..), color = "red", geom = "label")

Sample Image

ggplot: Adding Regression Line Equation and R2 with Facet

Here is an example starting from this answer


df <- data.frame(x = c(1:100))
df$y <- 2 + 3 * df$x + rnorm(100, sd = 40)

lm_eqn = function(df){
m = lm(y ~ x, df);
eq <- substitute(italic(y) == a + b %.% italic(x)*","~~italic(r)^2~"="~r2,
list(a = format(coef(m)[1], digits = 2),
b = format(coef(m)[2], digits = 2),
r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3)))

Create two groups on which you want to facet

df$group <- c(rep(1:2,50))

Create the equation labels for the two groups

eq <- ddply(df,.(group),lm_eqn)

And plot

p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE, color="black", formula = y ~ x) +
p1 = p + geom_text(data=eq,aes(x = 25, y = 300,label=V1), parse = TRUE, inherit.aes=FALSE) + facet_grid(group~.)

Sample Image

how to add two regression line equations and R2s with each facet?

1) ggplot2 Try converting df to long form first (see ## line). We create an annotation data frame ann which defines the text and where it goes for use with geom_text. Note that since the plot is faceted by trt, geom_text will use the trt column in each row of ann to associate that row with the appropriate facet.


long <- melt(df, measure.vars = 2:3) ##

trts <- unique(long$trt)
ann <- data.frame(x = c(0, 100),
y = c(250, 100),
label = c(lm_eqn(lm(y1 ~ x, df, subset = trt == trts[1])),
lm_eqn(lm(y2 ~ x, df, subset = trt == trts[1])),
lm_eqn(lm(y1 ~ x, df, subset = trt == trts[2])),
lm_eqn(lm(y2 ~ x, df, subset = trt == trts[2]))),
trt = rep(trts, each = 2),
variable = c("y1", "y2"))

ggplot(long, aes(x, value)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(aes(col = variable), method = "lm", se = FALSE,
full_range = TRUE) +
geom_text(aes(x, y, label = label, col = variable), data = ann,
parse = TRUE, hjust = -0.1, size = 2) +
facet_wrap(~ trt)

ann could equivalently be defined like this:

f <- function(v) lm_eqn(lm(value ~ x, long, subset = variable==v[[1]] & trt==v[[2]]))
Grid <- expand.grid(variable = c("y1", "y2"), trt = trts)
ann <- data.frame(x = c(0, 100), y = c(250, 100), label = apply(Grid, 1, f), Grid)

(continued after image)


2) lattice Its possibly easier in this case with lattice:


xyplot(y1 + y2 ~ x | factor(trt), df,
key = simpleKey(text = c("y1", "y2"), col = c("blue", "red")),
panel = panel.superpose,
panel.groups = function(x, y, group.value, ...) {
if (group.value == "y1") {
X <- 150; Y <- 300; col <- "blue"
} else {
X <- 250; Y <- 100; col <- "red"
panel.points(x, y, col = col)
panel.abline(lm(y ~ x), col = col)
panel.text(X, Y, parse(text = lm_eqn(lm(y ~ x))), col = col, cex = 0.7)

(continued after image)


3) latticeExtra or we could make the lattice plot more ggplot2-like:


xyplot(y1 + y2 ~ x | factor(trt), df, par.settings = ggplot2like(),
key = simpleKey(text = c("y1", "y2"), col = c("blue", "red")),
panel = panel.superpose,
panel.groups = function(x, y, group.value, ...) {
if (group.value == "y1") {
X <- 150; Y <- 300; col <- "blue"
} else {
X <- 250; Y <- 100; col <- "red"
panel.points(x, y, col = col)
panel.abline(lm(y ~ x), col = col)
panel.text(X, Y, parse(text = lm_eqn(lm(y ~ x))), col = col, cex = 0.7)

(continued after image)


Note: We used this as df:

df <-
structure(list(x = c(22.48349, 93.52976, 163.00984, 205.62072,
265.46812, 23.79859, 99.97307, 189.91814, 268.1006, 325.65609,
357.59726), y1 = c(34.2, 98.5, 164.2, 216.7, 271.8, 35.8, 119.4,
200.8, 279.5, 325.7, 353.6), y2 = c(31, 96, 169.8, 210, 258.5,
24.2, 90.6, 189.3, 264.6, 325.4, 353.8), trt = c(6030L, 6030L,
6030L, 6030L, 6030L, 6060L, 6060L, 6060L, 6060L, 6060L, 6060L
)), .Names = c("x", "y1", "y2", "trt"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,


  • Added colored text.
  • Added alternate ann.
  • Added lattice solution.
  • Added latticeExtra variation to the lattice solution.

Plot more than one regression line in a scatterplot using facet() and add the slope coefficient to every line

Let's deal with groups first, then answer the second part about adding labels.

If you want to plot by group, there are basically two options. The first is to facet, as you have. The second is to group the points, either explicitly using aes(group = City), or by another aesthetic such as aes(color = City).

If the second approach generates a messy plot, for example with lots of overlapping lines, then it's best to go with facets.

A couple of examples using the iris dataset.

First, grouping by color:

iris %>%
ggplot(aes(Petal.Length, Sepal.Length)) +
geom_point(aes(color = Species)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm",
aes(color = Species),
se = FALSE)

Sample Image

Group by group:

iris %>% 
ggplot(aes(Petal.Length, Sepal.Length)) +
geom_point(aes(group = Species)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm",
aes(color = Species),
se = FALSE)

Sample Image

Use facets:

iris %>% 
ggplot(aes(Petal.Length, Sepal.Length)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm",
se = FALSE) +

Sample Image

For adding labels such as the coefficients, look at the ggpmisc package. Here is one way to add the coefficients using stat_fit_tb:

iris %>% 
ggplot(aes(Petal.Length, Sepal.Length)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm",
se = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~Species) +
stat_fit_tb(method = "lm",
tb.type = "fit.coefs")

Sample Image

annotate r squared to ggplot by using facet_wrap

You can't apply different labels to different facet, unless you add another r^2 column to your data.. One way is to use geom_text, but you need to calculate the stats you need first. Below I show an example with iris, and for your case, just change Species for Variety, and so on

# simulate data for 2 treatments
# d2 is just shifted up from d1
d1 <- data.frame(iris,Treatment="A")
d2 <- data.frame(iris,Treatment="B") %>%
# combine datasets
DF <- rbind(d1,d2) %>% rename(Variety = Species)

# plot like you did
# note I use "free" scales, if scales very different between Species
# your facet plots will be squished
g <- ggplot(DF,aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Sepal.Length,col=Treatment))+
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+

# rsq function
RSQ = function(y,x){signif(summary(lm(y ~ x))$adj.r.squared, 3)}
#calculate rsq for variety + treatment
STATS <- DF %>%
group_by(Variety,Treatment) %>%
summarise(Rsq=RSQ(Sepal.Length,Sepal.Width)) %>%
# make a label
# one other option is to use stringr::str_wrap in geom_text
mutate(Label=paste("Treat",Treatment,", Rsq=",Rsq))

# set vertical position of rsq
VJUST = ifelse(STATS$Treatment=="A",1.5,3)
# finally the plot function
g + geom_text(data=STATS,aes(x=-Inf,y=+Inf,label=Label),
hjust = -0.1, vjust = VJUST,size=3)

For the last geom_text() call, I allowed the y coordinates of the text to be different by multiplying the Treatment.. You might need to adjust that depending on your plot..

Sample Image

Add stacked bar graphs inside faceted graphs

Not sure if this is what you are looking for but I attempted my best at answering your question.


test <- tibble(
edu = c(rep("hs", 5), rep("bsc", 3), rep("msc", 3)),
sex = c(rep("m", 3), rep("f", 4), rep("m", 4)),
smoker = c("y", "n", "n", "y", "y", rep("n", 3), "y", "n", "n"))

test %>%
count(sex, edu, smoker) %>%
group_by(sex) %>%
mutate(percentage = n/sum(n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(edu, percentage, fill = smoker)) +
geom_col() +
geom_text(aes(label = percent(percentage)),
position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
facet_wrap(~sex) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#A0CBE8", "#F28E2B"))

Sample Image

Add regression line equation and R^2 on graph

Here is one solution

# SOURCE:!topic/ggplot2/1TgH-kG5XMA

lm_eqn <- function(df){
m <- lm(y ~ x, df);
eq <- substitute(italic(y) == a + b %.% italic(x)*","~~italic(r)^2~"="~r2,
list(a = format(unname(coef(m)[1]), digits = 2),
b = format(unname(coef(m)[2]), digits = 2),
r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3)))

p1 <- p + geom_text(x = 25, y = 300, label = lm_eqn(df), parse = TRUE)

EDIT. I figured out the source from where I picked this code. Here is the link to the original post in the ggplot2 google groups


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