R Error in Unique.Default(X) Unique() Applies Only to Vectors

R error in unique.default(x) unique() applies only to vectors

This is a very common mistake, you need to use the named argument FUN:

ave(state$inc, state$region, FUN = mean)

otherwise mean will be interpreted as another grouping variable (part of the ... argument to ave.)

Error in unique.default(x) : unique() applies only to vectors

We could use dplyr

DF %>%
count(month, day)

R Plotly Error in unique.default(x): unique() applies only to vectors

Removing the color = ~am argument from your call to the plot_ly function seems to produce the required plot. Code and resulting plot below.


plot1 <- structure(list(Power = c(69.9874083088991, 52.8823845511674,
57.466598971878, 54.7682734834554, 61.8007644271192, 67.2033748459662,
55.8696111041597, 64.5915381203366, 63.6683866870196, 77.9284830962032,
47.9240347517641, 70.6545718514277, 63.624972518279, 69.0612933117757,
56.7737161200819), gas = c(1.1788726505072, 1.49143516242048,
1.21339029609897, 1.18616542299913, 1.85313915518133, 1.19986033487848,
1.33798310271697, 1.42071527189892, 1.96603005333785, 1.88860512508931,
1.67180843784324, 1.35418148197551, 1.6656400541228, 1.14499850347505,
1.27237787462861), margin = c(188.114554495799, 160.424593244341,
167.169831096674, 166.203918308567, 170.724537947621, 175.021242542284,
161.591428698362, 166.072058276843, 175.075797678045, 190.707360569274,
142.569752983863, 174.685436684351, 170.63549056998, 184.975371979721,
161.664095244404)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -15L

plot_ly(plot1, x = ~Power, y = ~gas, z = ~margin,
marker = list(color = ~margin,
colorscale = list(c(0, "rgb(227, 25, 54)"), list(1, "rgb(194, 205, 35)")),
showscale = F)) %>%
add_markers() %>%
title = "Test",
scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'Electricity ($/MWh)'),
yaxis = list(title = 'Gas ($/GJ)'),
zaxis = list(title = 'Commodity Margin ($ million)'))

Plotly test plot

Error in unique.default(x) : unique() applies only to vectors in rLiDAR package

The ID vector must be named "id"

This is somewhat documented in the help page of chullLiDAR2D:


A 3-column matrix with the x, y coordinates and points id of the LiDAR point cloud.

Looking at the function itself, the "id" is hard-coded.

# chullLiDAR2D #
function (xyid)
spdfList <- plyr::dlply(as.data.frame(xyid), "id",
function(input) { ...

So, just change the name from ID to id and all will be well.

#Setting the IDs of the points
id <- as.factor(clLAS$cluster)

#Setting the XYZID input
XY_ID <- cbind(XYZ[,1:2], id)

#Calculating the LiDAR convex hull of the clusters
chull_Trees <- chullLiDAR2D(XY_ID)

# Plotting the LiDAR convex hull
plot(chullTrees$chullPolygon, add=TRUE, border='black')

Sample Image

Error in unique.default(x, nmax = nmax) : unique() applies only to vectors in R

Here 'ave' doesn't have any of the "Grouping variables, typically factors, all of the same length as x." as described in ?ave (the ... args).

If the goal is to replace NA's with the mean of bmi, maybe just straight up mean is what you want?

ds[c(1,2,4,6),"bmi"] <- NA
{ds$bmi=ifelse(is.na(ds$bmi), mean(ds$bmi,na.rm=TRUE),ds$bmi)}

SparkR : Error in unique.default(x, nmax = nmax) :unique() applies only to vectors

There are two problems with your code: firstly factor is not a SparkR type, you're restricted to strings, secondly as.type does not work on DataFrame columns, you should use the following conversion code

babies$bwt2 <- cast(babies$bwt2,'string')

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