Installing R 3.5.0 with --Enable-R-Shlib

Installing R 3.5.0 with --enable-R-shlib

Just in case someone else runs into this problem.

The issue is the object files ".o" are already compiled without the -fpic option.

The proper solution is to remove the object files from the first build and recomplile:

make clean
./configure --enable-R-shlib
make -j 4

sudo make install

The -j 4 tells make to spawn four compile processes at a time. Adjust the number to match the number of processor cores.

Rstudio-server won't start after updating to R 3.5.0: Error occured during transmission

I had the same problem after installing R 3.5.1 from sources.
The reason for the error is that is not build using the
simple installation procedure described in file INSTALL. RStudio
searches for this and finds an incompatible (old) one. Use this instead:

./configure --enable-R-shlib

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