R Equivalent of Stata Local or Global MACros

R equivalent of Stata local or global macros

First, as a former Stata user, let me recommend R for Stata Users. There is also this article on Macros in R. I think @Nick Cox is right that you need to learn to do things more differently. But like you (at least in this case), I often find myself starting a new task with my prior knowledge of how to do it in Stata and going from there. Sometimes I find the approaches are similar. Sometimes I can make R act like Stata when a different approach would be better (e.g., loops vs. vectorization).

I'm not sure if I will capture your question with the following, but let me try.

In Stata, it would be common to write:

global mydata "path to my data directory/"

To import the data, I would just type:

insheet using "${mydata}myfile.csv"

As a former Stata user, I want to do something similar in R. Here is what I do:

mydata <- "path to my data directory/"

To import a csv file located in this directory and create a data frame called myfile, I would use:

myfile <- read.csv(paste(mydata, "myfile.csv", sep=""))

or more efficiently...

myfile <- read.csv(paste0(mydata, "myfile.csv"))

I'm not a very efficient R user yet, so maybe others will see some flaws in this approach.

R equivalent of Stata's for-loop over local macro list of stubnames

Well, here's one way. Columns in R data frames can be accessed using their character names, so this will work:

# create sample dataset
set.seed(1) # for reproducible example
df <- data.frame(year=as.factor(rep(6:8,each=100)), #categorical variable
varX06 = rnorm(300), varX07=rnorm(300), varX08=rnorm(100),
varY06 = rnorm(300), varY07=rnorm(300), varY08=rnorm(100))

# you start here...
years <- unique(df$year)
df$varX <- unlist(lapply(years,function(yr)df[df$year==yr,paste0("varX0",yr)]))
df$varY <- unlist(lapply(years,function(yr)df[df$year==yr,paste0("varY0",yr)]))

# year varX06 varX07 varX08 varY06 varY07 varY08 varX varY
# 1 6 -0.6265 0.8937 -0.3411 -0.70757 1.1350 0.3412 -0.6265 -0.70757
# 2 6 0.1836 -1.0473 1.5024 1.97157 1.1119 1.3162 0.1836 1.97157
# 3 6 -0.8356 1.9713 0.5283 -0.09000 -0.8708 -0.9598 -0.8356 -0.09000
# 4 6 1.5953 -0.3836 0.5422 -0.01402 0.2107 -1.2056 1.5953 -0.01402
# 5 6 0.3295 1.6541 -0.1367 -1.12346 0.0694 1.5676 0.3295 -1.12346
# 6 6 -0.8205 1.5122 -1.1367 -1.34413 -1.6626 0.2253 -0.8205 -1.34413

For a given yr, the anonymous function extracts the rows with that yr and column named "varX0" + yr (the result of paste0(...). Then lapply(...) "applies" this function for each year, and unlist(...) converts the returned list into a vector.

How do I create a macro for regressors in R?

Here are some alternatives. No packages are used in the first 3.

1) reformulate

fo <- reformulate(regressors, response = "income")
lm(fo, Duncan)

or you may wish to write the last line as this so that the formula that is shown in the output looks nicer:

do.call("lm", list(fo, quote(Duncan)))

in which case the Call: line of the output appears as expected, namely:

lm(formula = income ~ education + prestige, data = Duncan)

2) lm(dataframe)

lm( Duncan[c("income", regressors)] )

The Call: line of the output look like this:

lm(formula = Duncan[c("income", regressors)])

but we can make it look exactly as in the do.call solution in (1) with this code:

fo <- formula(model.frame(income ~., Duncan[c("income", regressors)]))
do.call("lm", list(fo, quote(Duncan)))

3) dot

An alternative similar to that suggested by @jenesaisquoi in the comments is:

lm(income ~., Duncan[c("income", regressors)])

The approach discussed in (2) to the Call: output also works here.

4) fn$ Prefacing a function with fn$ enables string interpolation in its arguments. This solution is nearly identical to the desired syntax shown in the question using $ in place of @ to perform substitution and the flexible substitution could readily extend to more complex scenarios. The quote(Duncan) in the code could be written as just Duncan and it will still run but the Call: shown in the lm output will look better if you use quote(Duncan).


rhs <- paste(regressors, collapse = "+")
fn$lm("income ~ $rhs", quote(Duncan))

The Call: line looks almost identical to the do.call solutions above -- only spacing and quotes differ:

lm(formula = "income ~ education+prestige", data = Duncan)

If you wanted it absolutely the same then:

fo <- fn$formula("income ~ $rhs")
do.call("lm", list(fo, quote(Duncan)))

File import and save with local macro like Stata in R

  1. read in all xlsx files in your root directory (or modify if other)
  2. same them all in a list df.list
  3. rename with assigning names
file.list <- list.files(pattern='*.xlsx')
df.list <- lapply(file.list, read_excel)

names(df.list) <- c("s2", "b2", "c2", "g2")

Using local macros in names of global macros

The 18 Programming Stata Manual explains:

"...You can mix global and local macros. Assume that local macro j
contains 7. Then, ${x`j’} expands to the contents of $x7..."

So you just need to use curly brackets {} in your global macro:

. global test1 = 250
. local n = 1

. display $test1

. display ${test`n'}

Inheriting looping variable or local, global macros

Local macros are .... local. meaning visible only within the same interactive session, program, do-file, or (chunk of) code in a do-file editor window.

Globals are a crude solution to making stuff visible everywhere, but you must refer to them as such using $. So in your run.do you would need


Passing the contents as arguments is a much better solution.

See also the help for include.

All this is utterly basic Stata programming. To become competent as a Stata programmer, a minimal reference is https://www.stata.com/manuals/u18.pdf, which is also bundled with Stata on your system (unless your version is several years out of date).

Examples of the perils of globals in R and Stata

I also have the pleasure of teaching R to undergraduate students who have no experience with programming. The problem I found was that most examples of when globals are bad, are rather simplistic and don't really get the point across.

Instead, I try to illustrate the principle of least astonishment. I use examples where it is tricky to figure out what was going on. Here are some examples:

  1. I ask the class to write down what they think the final value of i will be:

    i = 10
    for(i in 1:5)
    i = i + 1

    Some of the class guess correctly. Then I ask should you ever write code like this?

    In some sense i is a global variable that is being changed.

  2. What does the following piece of code return:

    x = 5:10

    The problem is what exactly do we mean by x

  3. Does the following function return a global or local variable:

     z = 0
    f = function() {
    if(runif(1) < 0.5)
    z = 1

    Answer: both. Again discuss why this is bad.

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