Implementation of Skyline Query or Efficient Frontier

How to pick only efficient frontier points in a plot of portfolio performance?

This uses the function cummax to identify a series of qualifying points by then testing against the original data:

> data <- data[order(data$Stdev),]
> data[ which(data$AvgReturn == cummax(data$AvgReturn)) , ]
Stdev AvgReturn
24 0.81 0.21
19 0.88 0.22
13 0.96 0.24
9 1.05 0.27
5 1.16 0.30
3 1.39 0.31
2 1.53 0.34
1 1.92 0.35

> plot(data)
> points( data[ which(data$AvgReturn == cummax(data$AvgReturn)) , ] , col="green")

It's not actually the convex hull but what might be called the "monotonically increasing hull".

Sample Image

Using R to print the pareto solutions of a dataset

Here's a solution using chull (convex hull of a set of points). Warning: untested.

# assume d is your matrix or data frame of points
ch <- d[chull(d), ]
ch[apply(ch, 1, function(p) !any(ch[, 1] < p[1] & ch[, 2] < p[2])), ]

You could extend this to >2 dimensions by replacing chull with your own convex hull algorithm, say one of those from here, and extending the conditional test to fit.

Can I use arbitrary metrics to search KD-Trees?

The nearest-neighbour search procedure described on the Wikipedia page you linked to can certainly be generalised to other distance metrics, provided you replace "hypersphere" with the equivalent geometrical object for the given metric, and test each hyperplane for crossings with this object.

Example: if you are using the Manhattan distance instead (i.e. the sum of the absolute values of all differences in vector components), your hypersphere would become a (multidimensional) diamond. (This is easiest to visualise in 2D -- if your current nearest neighbour is at distance x from the query point p, then any closer neighbour behind a different hyperplane must intersect a diamond shape that has width and height 2x and is centred on p). This might make the hyperplane-crossing test more difficult to code or slower to run, however the general principle still applies.

How to plot multi-objectives pareto frontier with DEAP in Python

Following a recipe in this link (not my own) to calculate the Pareto Points you could do:

def simple_cull(inputPoints, dominates):
paretoPoints = set()
candidateRowNr = 0
dominatedPoints = set()
while True:
candidateRow = inputPoints[candidateRowNr]
rowNr = 0
nonDominated = True
while len(inputPoints) != 0 and rowNr < len(inputPoints):
row = inputPoints[rowNr]
if dominates(candidateRow, row):
# If it is worse on all features remove the row from the array
elif dominates(row, candidateRow):
nonDominated = False
rowNr += 1
rowNr += 1

if nonDominated:
# add the non-dominated point to the Pareto frontier

if len(inputPoints) == 0:
return paretoPoints, dominatedPoints

def dominates(row, candidateRow):
return sum([row[x] >= candidateRow[x] for x in range(len(row))]) == len(row)

import random
inputPoints = [[random.randint(70,100) for i in range(3)] for j in range(500)]
paretoPoints, dominatedPoints = simple_cull(inputPoints, dominates)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
dp = np.array(list(dominatedPoints))
pp = np.array(list(paretoPoints))

import matplotlib.tri as mtri
triang = mtri.Triangulation(pp[:,0],pp[:,1])

, you will notice that the last part is applying a triangulation to the Pareto points and plotting it as a triangular surface. The results is this (where the red shape is the Pareto front):

Pareto front in matplotlib

EDIT: Also you might want to take a look at this (although it seems to be for 2D spaces).

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