How to Use Functions in One R Package Masked by Another Package

How do I use functions in one R package masked by another package?

You could run into deeper problems, but at the top level car::recode should do the trick. Not sure what happens if recode uses functions that are also masked.

Using functions from other packages - when to use package::function?

If you're actually creating an R package (as opposed to a script to source, R Project, or other method), you should NEVER use library() or require(). This is not an alternative to using package::function(). You are essentially choosing between package::function() and function(), which as highlighted by @Bernhard, explicitly calling the package ensures consistency if there are conflicting names in two or more packages.

Rather than require(package), you need to worry about properly defining your DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files. There's many posts about that on SO and elsewhere, so won't go into details, see here for example.

Using package::function() can help with above if you are using roxygen2 to generate your package documentation (it will automatically generate a proper NAMESPACE file.

How to unmask functions masked by `library(...)`?

As someone suggested in the comments, just redefine the vanilla baz.

baz <- bar::baz

R - deliberately mask a function in a package function?

You can programatically create a function

foo <- function(...) if(!require('MASS')) stop('foo')

testfun <- function(fun){
require <- function(...) FALSE
fff <- function(){}
formals(fff) <- formals(fun)
body(fff) <- body(fun)


testfoo <- testfun('foo')

require is defined as is testfun when the function is now created.

## Loading required package: MASS


# Error in testfoo() : foo

You could do something similar with local, but I think it would be messier


testfoo2 <- local({
require <- function(...) FALSE
foo <- function(...) if(!require('MASS')) stop('foo')

## Error in testfoo2() : foo

(From mathematicalcoffee - a followup based on this answer).

I was able to define a function:

overrideIn <- function(f, ...) {                                                
overrides <- list(...)
nms <- names(overrides)[names(overrides) != '']
# stub out the functions
for (nm in nms) {
assign(nm, overrides[[nm]])

# copy over f
fff <- function () {}
formals(fff) <- formals(f)
body(fff) <- body(f)

so that I could do

f <- overrideIn(myFunc, require=function (...) FALSE)

Now when I call f it has the overridden version of require in it, so I can do (using the fantastic testthat package):

expect_that(f(), throws_error('You do not have rgdal installed'))

A slightly more succinct version of the overide function (mnel again)

overRideIn2 <- function(fun,...){
e <- environment()
.list <- list(...)
ns <- nchar(names(.list))>0L

list2env(.list[ns], envir = e)

fff <- as.function(as.list(fun))


Masked functions in R

UsingR::QQPlot() and/or QRMlib::QQPlot()

Try to load preferred library last, since it will mask the "unwanted" function...

All the best!

What does The following object is masked from 'package:xxx' mean?

The message means that both the packages have functions with the same names. In this particular case, the testthat and assertive packages contain five functions with the same name.

When two functions have the same name, which one gets called?

R will look through the search path to find functions, and will use the first one that it finds.

## [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:assertive" "package:testthat"
## [4] "tools:rstudio" "package:stats" "package:graphics"
## [7] "package:grDevices" "package:utils" "package:datasets"
## [10] "package:methods" "Autoloads" "package:base"

In this case, since assertive was loaded after testthat, it appears earlier in the search path, so the functions in that package will be used.

## function (x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
## {
## x <- coerce_to(x, "logical", .xname)
## call_and_name(function(x) {
## ok <- x & !
## set_cause(ok, ifelse(, "missing", "false"))
## }, x)
## }
<bytecode: 0x0000000004fc9f10>
<environment: namespace:assertive.base>

The functions in testthat are not accessible in the usual way; that is, they have been masked.

What if I want to use one of the masked functions?

You can explicitly provide a package name when you call a function, using the double colon operator, ::. For example:

## function ()
## {
## function(x) expect_true(x)
## }
## <environment: namespace:testthat>

How do I suppress the message?

If you know about the function name clash, and don't want to see it again, you can suppress the message by passing warn.conflicts = FALSE to library.

library(assertive, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# No output this time

Alternatively, suppress the message with suppressPackageStartupMessages:

# Also no output

Impact of R's Startup Procedures on Function Masking

If you have altered some of R's startup configuration options (see ?Startup) you may experience different function masking behavior than you might expect. The precise order that things happen as laid out in ?Startup should solve most mysteries.

For example, the documentation there says:

Note that when the site and user profile files are sourced only the
base package is loaded, so objects in other packages need to be
referred to by e.g. utils::dump.frames or after explicitly loading the
package concerned.

Which implies that when 3rd party packages are loaded via files like .Rprofile you may see functions from those packages masked by those in default packages like stats, rather than the reverse, if you loaded the 3rd party package after R's startup procedure is complete.

How do I list all the masked functions?

First, get a character vector of all the environments on the search path. For convenience, we'll name each element of this vector with its own value.

envs <- search() %>% setNames(., .)

For each environment, get the exported functions (and other variables).

fns <- lapply(envs, ls)

Turn this into a data frame, for easy use with dplyr.

fns_by_env <- data_frame(
env =, lengths(fns)),
fn = unlist(fns)

Find cases where the object appears more than once.

fns_by_env %>% 
group_by(fn) %>%
tally() %>%
filter(n > 1) %>%

To test this, try loading some packages with known conflicts (e.g., Hmisc, AnnotationDbi).

How do I prevent name conflict bugs?

The conflicted package throws an error with a helpful error message, whenever you try to use a variable with an ambiguous name.

## Error: units found in 2 packages. You must indicate which one you want with ::
## * Hmisc::units
## * base::units

Prefering functions in tidyverse over other loaded packages

If you don't want to worry aboutpackage loading order, as you see in @benson23 answer, this is one way:

select <- dplyr::select

Another way is using conflicted package:

conflict_prefer("select", "dplyr")

At last, if you use want to use tidymodels meta-package (includes dplyr), you can do this too:


How can I prevent a library from masking functions

  1. It is possible to prevent some functions from being masked?

I don't believe so but I could be wrong. I'm not sure what this would look like

  1. Is it possible to mask "the masking function" (e.g. xgboost::slice) with an early imported function (e.g. dplyr::slice)?

If you're asking about just or use in an interactive session you can always just define slice to be the function you actually want to use like so

slice <- dplyr::slice

and then you can use slice as if it is the dplyr version (because now it is).

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