How to Map a Vector of Values to Another Vector with My Own Custom Map in R

How do I map a vector of values to another vector with my own custom map in R

A couple of options, all using:



newvals <- c(.2,.4,.5)
#[1] 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.2

Named vector

newvals <- c(`1`=.2,`2`=.4,`3`=.5)
# 1 2 3
#0.2 0.4 0.5

# 1 2 3 2 3 3 1
#0.2 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.2

Lookup table

mapdf <- data.frame(old=c(1,2,3),new=c(.2,.4,.5))
#[1] 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.2

Benchmarks to quantify @Joe 's comment below and address @Ananda's comment as well.

myVector <- c(1,2,3,2,3,3,1)
# setup for the benchmarking
test <- sample(myVector,1e6,replace=TRUE)
newvals <- c(.2,.4,.5)
newvalsvec <- c(`1`=.2,`2`=.4,`3`=.5)
mapdf <- data.frame(old=c(1,2,3),new=c(.2,.4,.5))


#Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq median uq max
#factor 1863.40146 1876.04197 1890.99147 1913.13046 2014.23609
#namedvector 1809.26883 1812.76272 1837.18852 1851.42954 1858.44996
#lookup 38.48697 38.83405 39.90146 69.65140 71.75051
#newvals[test] 34.07380 34.55885 50.61287 65.69495 66.08699

Pass a vector of arguments to map function

Skip the group_by() step and just use nest() - otherwise your data will remain grouped after nesting and need to be ungrouped. To get your function to work, just pass the parameters as a list.


mtcars %>%
nest(data = -cyl) %>%
newold = map2_df(data, list(c(5, 10)), myf)
) %>%

# A tibble: 3 x 4
cyl data old new
<dbl> <list> <dbl> <dbl>
1 6 <tibble [7 x 10]> 19.7 30.7
2 4 <tibble [11 x 10]> 26.7 31.1
3 8 <tibble [14 x 10]> 15.1 17.0

Map a function over a vector

With purrr, we use map

map(myknots, ~ myfoo(x, y, nknots = .x))

Applying purrr::map over each of a vector of characters

Your syntax is a little bit off, you'd either use map(animals, make_df) or map(animals, ~ make_df(.)), the second argument of map needs to be a function, which is the same as lapply:

data.frame(animals) %>% mutate(ldf = map(animals, make_df)) %>% as.tibble()
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# animals ldf
# <fctr> <list>
#1 sheep <data.frame [5 x 3]>
#2 cow <data.frame [5 x 3]>
#3 horse <data.frame [5 x 3]>

data.frame(animals) %>% mutate(ldf = map(animals, ~ make_df(.))) %>% as.tibble()
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# animals ldf
# <fctr> <list>
#1 sheep <data.frame [5 x 3]>
#2 cow <data.frame [5 x 3]>
#3 horse <data.frame [5 x 3]>

Or if using the data.frame constructor, you need to use I to create a list type column:

data.frame(animals, ldf = I(lapply(animals, make_df)))
# ^

How to replace the elements of a large character vector

You could create a lookup dataframe with vec1 and vec2 as columns. Note that, there were some whitespaces in the data that your shared which I have removed.

dat <- data.frame(a = c("Zone 1A", "Zone 1C","Zone 2B","Zone 3C"), b = 1:4)
vec1 <- c("Zone 1A","Zone 1B","Zone 1C","Zone 2A","Zone 2B","Zone 2C")
vec2 <- c("Zone 1","Zone 1","Zone 1","Zone 2","Zone 2","Zone 2")
lookup <- data.frame(vec1, vec2)

You can use match to replace values.

dat$a <- lookup$vec2[match(dat$a, lookup$vec1)]

Based on the data shared we can remove the last character in a column which returns us the proper "Zone" value. You can use sub to do that.

dat$a <- sub('[A-Z]$', '', dat$a)

Replace values in a vector based on another vector

Working with factors might be faster:

xf <- as.factor(x)

Note, that levels(xf) gives you a character vector similar to your x.lvl. Thus, for this method to work, elements of y should correspond to appropriate elements of levels(xf).

How to sort a vector by alternating its values

We may use rowid

[1] 4 5 4 5

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