How to Speed Up Rbind

How to speed up rbind?

Here are a few options that I'm sure could be better:


#function to generate your data
getData <- function(){

#using data table's rbindlist each iteration
fDT1 <- function(n){
dat <- getData()
for(i in 1:n){
dat <- rbindlist(list(dat,getData()))

#using data table's rbindlist all at once
fDT2 <- function(n){
return(data.frame(rbindlist(lapply(1:n,function(x) getData()))))

#pre-allocating a data frame
fPre <- function(n){
dat <- data.frame(x=rep(0,n*10000),y=rep(0,n*10000),z=rep(0,n*10000))
j <- 1
for(i in 1:n){
dat[j:(j+10000-1),] <- getData()
j <- j + 10000

#standard rbind
f2 <- function(n){
return(,lapply(1:n,function(x) getData())))

#current approach
f <- function(n){
dat <- getData()
for(i in 1:n){
dat <- rbind(dat,getData())

As you can see using data.table's rbindlist() is a big improvement over base R's rbind() and there is a big benefit in appending rows all at once instead of in interations, however that may not be possible if there are memory concerns. You may also note that the speed improvements are nowhere near linear as the size of data increases.

 > microbenchmark(fDT2(5),fDT1(5),fPre(5),f2(5),f(5),
+ fDT2(25),fDT1(25),fPre(25),f2(25),f(25),
+ fDT2(75),fDT1(75),fPre(75),f2(75),f(75),
+ times=10)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
fDT2(5) 18.31207 18.63969 24.09943 25.45590 72.01725 10
fDT1(5) 27.65459 29.25147 36.34158 77.79446 88.82556 10
fPre(5) 34.96257 39.39723 41.24445 43.30319 68.75897 10
f2(5) 30.85883 33.00292 36.29100 43.53619 93.15869 10
f(5) 87.40869 97.97500 134.50600 138.65354 147.67676 10
fDT2(25) 89.42274 99.39819 103.90944 146.44160 156.01653 10
fDT1(25) 224.65745 229.78129 261.52388 280.85499 300.93488 10
fPre(25) 371.12569 412.79876 431.80571 485.37727 1046.96923 10
f2(25) 221.03669 252.08998 265.17357 271.82414 281.47096 10
f(25) 1446.32145 1481.01998 1491.59203 1634.99936 1849.00590 10
fDT2(75) 326.66743 334.15669 367.83848 467.85480 520.27142 10
fDT1(75) 1749.83842 1882.27091 2066.95241 2278.55589 2419.07205 10
fPre(75) 3701.16220 3968.64643 4162.70585 4234.39716 4356.09462 10
f2(75) 1174.47546 1183.98860 1314.64585 1421.09483 1537.42903 10
f(75) 9139.36935 9349.24412 9510.90888 9977.24621 10861.51206 10

How can I prevent rbind() from geting really slow as dataframe grows larger?

You are in the 2nd circle of hell, namely failing to pre-allocate data structures.

Growing objects in this fashion is a Very Very Bad Thing in R. Either pre-allocate and insert:

df <- data.frame(x = rep(NA,20000),y = rep(NA,20000))

or restructure your code to avoid this sort of incremental addition of rows. As discussed at the link I cite, the reason for the slowness is that each time you add a row, R needs to find a new contiguous block of memory to fit the data frame in. Lots 'o copying.

Fastest alternative to rbind.fill

In a speed comparison performed of rbind, bind_rows, and rbindlist by Ashwin Malshé in 2018

In ascending order:

  1. rbindlist from data.table is the fastest. It’s more than twice faster than bind_rows from dplyr.

  2. bind_rows from dplyr, which was more than 10 times faster than rbind from base R

  3. rbind base R

There are certainly a few extreme values in all 3 simulations but the medians are close to the means, suggesting small influence of extreme values!

How can I speed up a function combining rbind and lapply?

Over large datasets, data.table will be a lot quicker than dplyr:

setDT(df)[, lapply(.SD, toString), by = c("Case","Month")][,.N, by = c("Fruits","Month")]

Why would rbind work faster than set for growing a data table?

set is more often an alternative to := for fast assignment to elements of a data.table. This is one example of how it's normally used.

As chinsoon12 points out, rbindlist(lapply(filepaths, fread)) should be a faster solution here. In terms of the example given, one option would be to define a list of the correct dimensions and use rbindlist:

list.way <- function() {
wildfire_data_list <- vector("list", length = 3)
for(tile in 1:3) {
# Normally this data would be read in from an external file, but we'll make some dummy data for this example
new_wildfire_data <- data.table(x = sample(1:1e6,1000), y = sample(1:1e6,1000), total_PM10 = sample(1:1e6,1000),
total_PM2.5 = sample(1:1e6,1000), total_CH4 = sample(1:1e6,1000), total_CO = sample(1:1e6,1000), total_CO2 = sample(1:1e6,1000), total_NOx = sample(1:1e6,1000), total_SO2 = sample(1:1e6,1000), total_VOC = sample(1:1e6,1000), total_char = sample(1:1e6,1000))

wildfire_data_list[[tile]] <- new_wildfire_data
wildfire_data <- rbindlist(wildfire_data_list)

Faster way to rbind data frames from a list of lists

An option would be to transpose the big_list and use bind_rows

out_lst <- transpose(big_list) %>%

R - Expected speed of,...)

This sounds like a scenario where data.table could be dramatically (100-1000x) faster.

Is there a higher order replacement for, ...)?

Curious what your benchmarks say if you replace above with:

allgamespbp <- data.table::rbindlist(prebindgames[1:1000]) 

Increase speed with rbindlist does not work with two for loops

This should be fast, and is quite simple:


Performance of

Can you build your matrices with numeric variables only and convert to a factor at the end? rbind is a lot faster on numeric matrices.

On my system, using data frames:

> system.time(result<, someParts))
user system elapsed
2.628 0.000 2.636

Building the list with all numeric matrices instead:

onerowdfr2 <- matrix(as.numeric(onerowdfr), nrow=1)
someParts2<-lapply(rbinom(200, 1, 14/200)*6+1,
function(reps){onerowdfr2[rep(1, reps),]})

results in a lot faster rbind.

> system.time(result2<, someParts2))
user system elapsed
0.001 0.000 0.001

EDIT: Here's another possibility; it just combines each column in turn.

> system.time({
+ n <- 1:ncol(someParts[[1]])
+ names(n) <- names(someParts[[1]])
+ result <-, function(i)
+ unlist(lapply(someParts, `[[`, i))))
+ })
user system elapsed
0.810 0.000 0.813

Still not nearly as fast as using matrices though.


If you only have numerics and factors, it's not that hard to convert everything to numeric, rbind them, and convert the necessary columns back to factors. This assumes all factors have exactly the same levels. Converting to a factor from an integer is also faster than from a numeric so I force to integer first.

someParts2 <- lapply(someParts, function(x)
matrix(unlist(x), ncol=ncol(x)))
result<, someParts2))
a <- someParts[[1]]
f <- which(sapply(a, class)=="factor")
for(i in f) {
lev <- levels(a[[i]])
result[[i]] <- factor(as.integer(result[[i]]), levels=seq_along(lev), labels=lev)

The timing on my system is:

   user  system elapsed 
0.090 0.00 0.091

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