How to Paste Together the Elements of a Vector in R Without Using a Loop

Is there a way to paste together the elements of a vector in R without using a loop?

You just need to use the collapse argument:


R - add same element to vector without use for loop

From the above comments we had found some useful answers where every new OP can view in aswer window rather than comment sections, thanks OP for your valuable answers

v <- c(v, rep(NA, 4)) # joel.wilson

length(v)<-length(v)+4 # Nicola

'length<-'(v, 8) # akrun

Please note:

in general the Joel.Wilson's option is the good one 'cause can be used to append several times a specific value (numeric, character, boolean, etc.), while other two solutions only NA values as they play on the length property.

How to concatenate vectors of different lengths without recycling and without using a loop?

Find the length of the longest vector and set the length of each vector to that, then concatenate.

v1 <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
v2 <- c("F", "G", "H")

n <- max(length(v1), length(v2))

length(v1) <- n
length(v2) <- n

paste(v1, v2, sep = "-")
#> [1] "A-F" "B-G" "C-H" "D-NA" "E-NA"

Created on 2021-09-26 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

using paste to collapse multiple vectors

You just need option sep=.

paste(a, b, sep=" + ")
# [1] "one + two + 3 + 4"

How to include a vector with multiple elements in a paste() statement?

Concatenate Strings

Your approach will work For inputs of length 1 but you have a vector.

Because error.list is a vector, use one of the following methods:

error.list <- c("a", "b", "c")

paste(c("Hi, Your data has the following errors:", error.list, " Regards, XYZ"), sep = " ")

Provide the output:

[1] "Hi, Your data has the following errors:" "a"                                      
[3] "b" "c"
[5] " Regards, XYZ"

One line use parameter collapse = :

paste(c("Hi, Your data has the following errors:", error.list, " Regards, XYZ"), sep = "  ", collapse = " ")

Provide the output:

"Hi, Your data has the following errors: a b c  Regards, XYZ"

or you can use paste0() with parameter collapse = to get one line output, for also using the error.list as vector:

paste0(c("Hi, Your data has the following errors:", error.list, " Regards, XYZ"), collapse = " ")    

Provide the output:

[1] "Hi, Your data has the following errors: a b c Regards, XYZ"

How to paste a string on each element of a vector of strings using apply in R?

No need for apply(), just use paste():

R> d <- c("Mon","Tues","Wednes","Thurs","Fri","Satur","Sun")
R> week <- paste(d, "day", sep="")
R> week
[1] "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday"
[4] "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday"

How to generate a sequential character vector without a loop?

Here is another way to with rep and lapply.

seq_fun <- function(n, m){
unlist(lapply(1:n, function(x) c(rep("", times = m), x)))

seq_fun(3, 2)
# [1] "" "" "1" "" "" "2" "" "" "3"

Pasting two vectors with combinations of all vectors' elements

You can use this, but there may be a simpler solution :

R> apply(expand.grid(vars, vis), 1, paste, collapse=".")
[1] "SR.1" "PL.1" "SR.2" "PL.2" "SR.3" "PL.3"

expand.grid gives back a data.frame which when used with apply, apply will convert it to a matrix. This is just unnecessary (and inefficient on large data). outer gives a matrix and also takes function argument. It'll be much efficient on huge data as well.

Using outer:

as.vector(outer(vars, vis, paste, sep="."))
# [1] "SR.1" "PL.1" "SR.2" "PL.2" "SR.3" "PL.3"

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