Adjacency Matrix in R

Creating an Adjacency Matrix in R

We can assign an id column for Case and get the data in wide format. Then use count to count how many times the combination of Plaintiff and Defendant occur.


df %>%
mutate(Case = dense_rank(Case)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Status, values_from = Person) %>%
count(Plaintiff, Defendant)

# Plaintiff Defendant n
# <int> <int> <int>
#1 11111 44444 1
#2 22222 99999 1
#3 33333 44444 1
#4 44444 99999 1
#5 55555 66666 1
#6 77777 22222 1
#7 99999 11111 1
#8 99999 88888 1

Create adjacency matrix from a path given as a vector of nodes in base R

You can use the powerful but little-known trick of matrix-based indexing:

index_mat <- rbind(
c(1, 2),
c(2, 3),
c(3, 1)

mat <- matrix(FALSE, 3, 3)
mat[index_mat] <- TRUE
[,1] [,2] [,3]

So do this:

path_to_D <- function (path, p) {
indices <- cbind(path[-length(path)], path[-1])
D <- matrix(0, p, p)
D[indices] <- 1

D <- path_to_D(hypothesis_path, 25)
which(D == 1, arr.ind=TRUE)

row col
[1,] 6 1
[2,] 7 6
[3,] 17 7

Convert data frame into adjacency matrix format in R

This sounds like a textbook case for using a pivot. There are many ways to do this in R. Here's a base R solution:

#Your example data:
original <- data.frame(Sample_A = c("Rabit", "Mouse", "Tiger", "Mouse", "Lion"),
Sample_B = c("Mouse", "Tiger", "Lion", "Rabit", "Rabit"),
Value = c(1.2, 7.89, -0.9, 1.2, 98.13))
with(original, tapply(Value, list(Sample_A, Sample_B), FUN = identity))


      Lion Mouse Rabit Tiger
Lion NA NA 98.13 NA
Mouse NA NA 1.20 7.89
Rabit NA 1.2 NA NA
Tiger -0.9 NA NA NA

adjacency matrix R

Here are two different possibilities:

Method 1

Using igraph::get.adjacency

# Convert data.frame to igraph
ig <- graph_from_data_frame(df);

# Get adjacency matrix
#6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
# Kanye West Beyonce Kid Cudi Jay-Z Nicki Minaj
#Kanye West . . . 1 .
#Beyonce . . . . 1
#Kid Cudi . . . . .
#Jay-Z . . . . .
#Nicki Minaj . . . . .
#Chance The Rapper . . . . .
# Chance The Rapper
#Kanye West .
#Beyonce .
#Kid Cudi 1
#Jay-Z .
#Nicki Minaj .
#Chance The Rapper .

Method 2

Using reshape2::dcast

df$from <- factor(df$from, levels = unique(as.character(unlist(df))))
df$to <- factor(df$to, levels = unique(as.character(unlist(df))))
dcast(df, from ~ to, fun.aggregate = length, drop = F);
# from Kanye West Beyonce Kid Cudi Jay-Z Nicki Minaj
#1 Kanye West 0 0 0 1 0
#2 Beyonce 0 0 0 0 1
#3 Kid Cudi 0 0 0 0 0
#4 Jay-Z 0 0 0 0 0
#5 Nicki Minaj 0 0 0 0 0
#6 Chance The Rapper 0 0 0 0 0
# Chance The Rapper
#1 0
#2 0
#3 1
#4 0
#5 0
#6 0

Sample data

# Sample data
df <- read.table(text =
"from to
'Kanye West' 'Jay-Z'
'Beyonce' 'Nicki Minaj'
'Kid Cudi' 'Chance The Rapper'", header = T)

How to filter a adjacency matrix by values above x

Using the superior performance of data.table, we can avoid altogether the conversions to and from an adjacency matrix.

Given a SubsMAIN dataset like the one reproduced here

structure(list(MEMBER_ID = c(199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 301950, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781, 199781,
199781, 199781, 199781, 199781),
RATING = c(5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4, 2, 5,
5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2,
5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4,
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5,
5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5,
5, 5, 2, 3, 5, 5, 3, 5, 4, 3),
AUTHOR_ID = c(258195, 201494, 409591, 1964674948, 284187, 641414,
686042, 531975, 1892323204, 362579, 199781,
2988937092, 205270, 353623, 657993, 2418118532,
590804, 222936, 216022, 2320404356, 199862, 538993,
290046, 234885, 417532, 1705021316, 216430,
1320783748, 301950, 2012450692, 3267006340, 321415,
213839, 1967230852, 519301, 1880919940, 409850,
617204, 262004, 200165, 3267006340, 345500,
1711443844, 290046, 238184, 241451, 452301, 301950,
205491, 212098, 241578, 2367524740, 2366410628,
225252, 2988937092, 1789300612, 1965068164, 432146,
2151190404, 1772130180, 290046, 203622, 210929,
243427, 205705, 301950, 2551549828, 2250674052,
1378848644, 298157, 1873186692, 526355, 231243,
2988937092, 241578, 547653, 1301319556, 1956417412,
292382, 2571341700, 421709, 2309066628, 256232,
214201, 447962, 278848, 2533396356, 328874,
1955106692, 262822, 1568706436, 458913, 217003,
583640, 307259, 199780, 1836027780, 235786,
2366279556, 358714),
STATUS = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L),
CREATION = c("2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
"2001/01/10", "2001/01/10", "2001/01/10",
LAST_MODIFIED = c("2001/03/24", "2001/08/25", "2002/12/02",
"2001/03/29", "2002/03/22", "2002/04/22",
"2001/01/22", "2001/11/15", "2001/04/10",
"2001/03/24", "2001/04/03", "2001/10/11",
"2001/05/08", "2001/03/07", "2002/01/26",
"2002/03/10", "2001/03/24", "2001/03/25",
"2001/01/28", "2001/09/06", "2001/05/22",
"2001/05/03", "2001/01/18", "2001/10/26",
"2002/01/09", "2001/08/21", "2001/02/09",
"2001/03/14", "2002/03/22", "2001/03/19",
"2001/02/10", "2001/01/19", "2001/02/09",
"2001/09/28", "2001/01/19", "2001/01/31",
"2001/03/19", "2001/01/31", "2001/02/09",
"2001/03/07", "2001/08/10", "2001/09/29",
"2001/07/31", "2001/06/20", "2001/07/03",
"2001/09/12", "2001/03/30", "2002/05/07",
"2002/08/10", "2002/02/23", "2001/09/06",
"2001/03/19", "2001/10/30", "2001/01/29",
"2001/04/28", "2001/11/17", "2002/02/23",
"2001/03/15", "2001/10/28", "2001/01/31",
"2001/06/12", "2003/08/06", "2002/01/09",
"2001/08/30", "2001/12/22", "2001/08/21",
"2001/04/16", "2001/11/15", "2002/05/03",
"2001/03/15", "2001/08/29", "2001/09/12",
"2001/11/17", "2001/10/04", "2001/08/20",
"2001/08/21", "2001/11/17", "2003/08/06",
"2001/04/03", "2001/07/22", "2001/02/11",
"2001/09/12", "2001/07/03", "2001/05/11",
"2002/01/09", "2001/03/05", "2001/07/10",
"2003/06/25", "2001/02/18", "2001/03/27",
"2001/06/06", "2002/08/11", "2001/04/27",
"2001/02/18", "2001/08/22", "2002/02/23",
"2001/10/30", "2001/07/03", "2001/06/04",
row.names = c(NA, 100L),
class = "data.frame")

the following data.table solution


# ...
# Code to generate your dataset 'SubsMAIN'.
# ...

# Set your cutoff for the minimum number of transactions.
x <- 3

# Filter 'SubsMAIN' to only those transactions for pairings that meet the cutoff.
results <-[
# Mark each transaction with a new ID for its pairing of 'MEMBER_ID' with
, Pair_ID := .GRP,
# To make the relationship symmetric, pair by the MAX and MIN of the two
# original IDs, rather than by their column order.
by = .(pmax(MEMBER_ID, AUTHOR_ID), pmin(MEMBER_ID, AUTHOR_ID))][
# Mark each transaction with the tally of all transactions for its pair.
, Tally := .N, by = Pair_ID][
# Include only those transactions whose tallies meet the cutoff.
Tally >= x,
# Exclude the 'Tally' column, so the header is exactly like 'SubsMAIN'.

# View results.

should yield results like this

1: 301950 5 199781 0 2001/01/10 2001/04/03 11
2: 199781 5 2988937092 1 2001/01/10 2001/10/11 12
3: 199781 5 290046 0 2001/01/10 2001/01/18 23
4: 199781 5 301950 0 2001/01/10 2002/03/22 11
5: 199781 5 290046 0 2001/01/10 2001/06/20 23
6: 199781 5 301950 0 2001/01/10 2002/05/07 11
7: 199781 5 2988937092 1 2001/01/10 2001/04/28 12
8: 199781 5 290046 0 2001/01/10 2001/06/12 23
9: 199781 5 301950 0 2001/01/10 2001/08/21 11
10: 199781 5 2988937092 0 2001/01/10 2001/10/04 12

where every transaction from SubsMAIN is preserved, so long as it belongs to a pairing (Pair_ID) of MEMBER_ID and AUTHOR_ID having at least x transactions.


For reference, here are the tallies that would be in the Tally column:

1: 301950 5 199781 0 2001/01/10 2001/04/03 11 # 4
2: 199781 5 2988937092 1 2001/01/10 2001/10/11 12 # 3
3: 199781 5 290046 0 2001/01/10 2001/01/18 23 # 3
4: 199781 5 301950 0 2001/01/10 2002/03/22 11 # 4
5: 199781 5 290046 0 2001/01/10 2001/06/20 23 # 3
6: 199781 5 301950 0 2001/01/10 2002/05/07 11 # 4
7: 199781 5 2988937092 1 2001/01/10 2001/04/28 12 # 3
8: 199781 5 290046 0 2001/01/10 2001/06/12 23 # 3
9: 199781 5 301950 0 2001/01/10 2001/08/21 11 # 4
10: 199781 5 2988937092 0 2001/01/10 2001/10/04 12 # 3

See how that 1st row, with a MEMBER_ID of 301950 and an AUTHOR_ID of 199781, is tallied together with the 4th, 6th, and 9th rows; which each have the reverse: a MEMBER_ID of 199781 and an AUTHOR_ID of 301950. That is, our Pair_ID (here 11) has preserved the symmetry requested here.

Now because the sample SubsMAIN had no pairings that tallied 5 (or more) transactions, I lowered the cutoff to x <- 3. That way, at least some transactions could make the cut, and there would be some output to display.

For your full dataset, free to change the cutoff to x <- 5, or whatever value you want.

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