How to Join Data from 2 Different CSV-Files in R

How to join data from 2 different csv-files in R?

Use read.csv and then merge.

Load the two csv files into R. (Don't forget to make sure their common variables share the same name!).


Merge the dataframes together by their shared variables and add argument all.x=T (the default) to ensure all rows are kept from your database containing species.


To see this in action using test data:



How to join two csv files in R and match the data from both tables?

try this:

final_csv = merge(csv_1, csv_2, by = c("Show.Name", "Episode.Name"))

full join of multiple csv files in R

map syntax is map(list, function). read_csv2(paste("~/Documents/data", files, sep = "/") isn't a function, it's trying to run read_csv2 on all the files, but read_csv2 isn't vecrorized. Change to purrr style lambda syntax as below. I'd also strongly recommend specifying the by columns in your join, especially a full join, to make sure you're getting what you think you are and the result doesn't blow up in size.

files %>% 
map(~read_csv2(paste("~Documents/data", ., sep = "/")) %>%
reduce(full_join, by = c("name", "extension"))

If you need to debug more, give yourself a small example and do it one line at a time. Say, start with files2 <- files[1:2] and just work on reading in the first two files. When that works, move on to the join.

Merging CSV files of the same names from different folders into one file

The problem can be split into parts:

  1. Identify all files in all subfolders of the working directory by using list.files(..., recursive = TRUE).
  2. Keep only the csv files
  3. Import them all into r - for example, by mapping read.csv to all paths
  4. Joining everything into a single dataframe, for example with reduce and bind_rows (assuming that all csvs have the same structure)
  5. Split this single dataframes according to station code, for example with group_split()
  6. Writing these split dataframes to csv, for example by mapping write.csv.

This way you can avoid using for loops.


# Identify all files
filenames <- list.files(here(), recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

# Limit to csv files
joined <- filenames[str_detect(filenames, ".csv")] |>
# Read them all in
map(read.csv) |>
# Join them in

# Split into one dataframe per station
split_df <- joined |> group_split(station_code)

# Save each dataframe to a separate csv
map(seq_along(split_df), function(i) {
paste0(split_df[[i]][1,1], "_combined.csv"),
row.names = FALSE)

Combining multiple csvs with different column names to unique column names

You can try this code -


directory() %>%
filter(endsWith(path, ".csv")) %>%
pull(path) %>%
.x %>%
read_csv %>%
mutate(Ori_code = names(.)[1],
Ori_desc = names(.)[2],
across(.fns = as.character)) %>%
rename_with(~c('Gen_code', 'Gen_Desc'), 1:2)
}) -> result


Code inside map_df is what repeats for each file.

  • Reads the csv
  • Create two new columns Ori_code and Ori_desc which has the value from the two column names.
  • Convert all the columns to character since if we have columns with mixed datatype we will not be able to merge them together in one dataset.
  • Rename the 1st two columns to c('Gen_code', 'Gen_Desc').
  • Since we are using map_df it will combine all the files together into one result.

merge multiple .csv files - R

You can use :

data_csv <-, lapply(myfiles, read.csv, sep = ";"))

Or with purrr's map_df

data_csv <- purrr::map_df(myfiles, read.csv, sep = ";"))

If there are lot of files you can use data.table functions.

data_csv <- rbindlist(lapply(myfiles, fread))

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