How to Fix Spaces in Column Names of a Data.Frame (Remove Spaces, Inject Dots)

How to fix spaces in column names of a data.frame (remove spaces, inject dots)?

as of Jan 2021: drplyr solution that is brief and uses no extra libraries is

df %<>% dplyr::rename_all(make.names)

credit goes to commenter.

Can I remove whitespace from all column names with dplyr?

As @camille metions you can use rename_all


mpg %>%
rename("tr ans" = trans, "mo del" = model) %>%
rename_all(~str_replace_all(., "\\s+", ""))

Or rename_at with everything()

mpg %>%
rename("tr ans" = trans, "mo del" = model) %>%
rename_at(vars(everything()), ~str_replace_all(., "\\s+", ""))

How to deal with spaces in column names?

This is a "bug" in the package ggplot2 that comes from the fact that the function in the internal ggplot2 function quoted_df converts the names to syntactically valid names. These syntactically valid names cannot be found in the original dataframe, hence the error.

To remind you :

syntactically valid names consists of letters, numbers and the dot or
underline characters, and start with a letter or the dot (but the dot
cannot be followed by a number)

There's a reason for that. There's also a reason why ggplot allows you to set labels using labs, eg using the following dummy dataset with valid names:

X <-data.frame(
PonOAC = rep(c('a','b','c','d'),2),
AgeGroup = rep(c("over 80",'under 80'),each=4),
NumberofPractices = rpois(8,70)

You can use labs at the end to make this code work

ggplot(X, aes(x=PonOAC,y=NumberofPractices, fill=AgeGroup)) +
geom_bar() +
facet_grid(AgeGroup~ .) +
labs(x="% on OAC", y="Number of Practices",fill = "Age Group")

To produce

Sample Image

remove spaces in selected pandas columns at once

Use Series.str.strip, because working with Series (columns):

print (df)
0 d d s s a
1 a a s a r

df[['A','B','D','E']]=df[['A','B','D','E']].apply(lambda x : x.str.strip())
print (df)
0 d d s s a
1 a a s a r

Your solution should be possible with DataFrame.applymap for element wise processing:

df[['A','B','D','E']]=df[['A','B','D','E']].applymap(lambda x : x.strip())

Or use if possible:

df = pd.read_csv(file, skipinitialspace=True)

How to remove '.' from column names in a dataframe?

1) sqldf can deal with names having dots in them if you quote the names:

d0 <- read.csv(text = "A.B,C.D\n1,2")
sqldf('select "A.B", "C.D" from d0')


  A.B C.D
1 1 2

2) When reading the data using read.table or read.csv use the check.names=FALSE argument.


Lines <- "A B,C D
read.csv(text = Lines)
## A.B C.D
## 1 1 2
## 2 3 4
read.csv(text = Lines, check.names = FALSE)
## A B C D
## 1 1 2
## 2 3 4

however, in this example it still leaves a name that would have to be quoted in sqldf since the names have embedded spaces.

3) To simply remove the periods, if DF is a data frame:

names(DF) <- gsub(".", "", names(DF), fixed = TRUE)

or it might be nicer to convert the periods to underscores so that it is reversible:

names(DF) <- gsub(".", "_", names(DF), fixed = TRUE)

This last line could be alternatively done like this:

names(DF) <- chartr(".", "_", names(DF))

Replace all underscores in feature names with a space

What about:

example_df %>% select_all(funs(gsub("_", " ", .)))


  a nice day quick brown fox blah ha ha
1 1 A 4
2 2 B 5
3 3 C 6

You could also use rename, however in this case you'd need to call it in a different way:

example_df %>% rename_all(function(x) gsub("_", " ", x))

Or simply:

example_df %>% rename_all(~ gsub("_", " ", .))

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