How to Filter Rows Based on the Previous Row and Keep Previous Row Using Dplyr

How to filter rows based on the previous row and keep previous row using dplyr?

By filtering you could do:

z %>%
filter( (x == "incorrect" & lag(x) != "enter") | lead(x == "incorrect" & lag(x) != "enter") )


          x        y
1 correct 7.207544
2 incorrect 7.351168

R: Select rows by value and always include previous row

Create a position index where 'time' value is 13 using which and then subtract 1 from the index and concatenate both to subset

i1 <- which(df1$time == 13) 
ind <- sort(unique(i1 - rep(c(1, 0), each = length(i1))))
ind <- ind[ind >0]


  ID speed dist time
2 B 7 10 8
3 C 7 18 13
4 C 8 4 5
5 A 5 6 13
6 D 6 2 13


df1 <- structure(list(ID = c("A", "B", "C", "C", "A", "D", "E"), speed = c(4L, 
7L, 7L, 8L, 5L, 6L, 7L), dist = c(12L, 10L, 18L, 4L, 6L, 2L,
2L), time = c(4L, 8L, 13L, 5L, 13L, 13L, 9L)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

filter rows based on all previous row data in another column

I think looping through the rows and saving the ids that you already encountered should be enough?

orig_df <-
included_rows <- rep(FALSE, nrow(orig_df))
seen_ids <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(orig_df)){
# Skip row if we have seen either ID already
if(orig_df[i, 'New_ID'] %in% seen_ids) next
if(orig_df[i, 'New_ID.1'] %in% seen_ids) next
# If both ids are new, we save them as seen and include the entry
seen_ids <- c(seen_ids, orig_df[i, 'New_ID'] , orig_df[i, 'New_ID.1'] )
included_rows[i] <- TRUE
filtered_df <- orig_df[included_rows,]

Select specific rows based on previous row value (in the same column)

For the fourth example, you could use which() in combination with lag() from dplyr, to attain the indices that meet your criteria. Then you can use these to subset the data.frame.

# Get indices of rows that meet condition
ind2 <- which(df$Type==20 & dplyr::lag(df$Type)==40)
# Get indices of rows before the ones that meet condition
ind1 <- which(df$Type==20 & dplyr::lag(df$Type)==40)-1

# Subset data
> df[c(ind1,ind2)]
Trial Type Correct Latency
1: 28 40 1 500
2: 29 20 1 230

Select previous and next N rows with the same value as a certain row

A solution with data.table:

# load the package & convert data to a data.table

# define shock-year and number of previous/next rows
shock <- 2018
n <- 2

# filter
pdata[, .SD[value == value[time == shock] &
between(time, shock - n, shock + n) &
value == rev(value)][.N > 1 & all(diff(time) == 1)]
, by = id]

which gives:

    id time value
1: 4 2016 0
2: 4 2017 0
3: 4 2018 0
4: 4 2019 0
5: 4 2020 0
6: 5 2017 0
7: 5 2018 0
8: 5 2019 0
9: 6 2017 1
10: 6 2018 1
11: 6 2019 1
12: 7 2017 1
13: 7 2018 1
14: 7 2019 1
15: 8 2016 1
16: 8 2017 1
17: 8 2018 1
18: 8 2019 1
19: 8 2020 1

Used data:

pdata <- data.frame(
id = rep(1:10, each = 5),
time = rep(2016:2020, times = 10),
value = c(c(1,1,1,0,0), c(1,1,0,0,0), c(0,0,1,0,0), c(0,0,0,0,0), c(1,0,0,0,1), c(0,1,1,1,0), c(0,1,1,1,1), c(1,1,1,1,1), c(1,0,1,1,1), c(1,1,0,1,1))

How do you remove rows that are repeats of the previous row in R?

You may use lag from dplyr -

df %>% filter(x != lag(x, default = 0))

# row x y
#1 1 1 left
#2 2 2 left
#3 3 3 right
#4 5 4 right
#5 6 2 right

Alternatives in base R and data.table -

subset(df, c(TRUE, tail(x, -1) != head(x, -1)))

setDT(df)[x != shift(x, fill = 0)]

In Base R or dplyr: How to keep the row with value == HIT and the 4 rows preceeding it

A base R option :

n <- which(df$Y == 'HIT')
df[unique(c(sapply(n, `+`, -4:0))), ]

# X Y
# <int> <chr>
#1 6 MISS
#2 7 MISS
#3 8 MISS
#4 9 MISS
#5 10 HIT

In case 'HIT' is present in first 3 rows of the data the above will error out since it will generate negative numbers. In which case, you can use -

df[Filter(function(x) x > 0, unique(c(sapply(n, `+`, -4:0)))), ]

How to use FILTER function to get the previous row data based on certain fixed conditions in google sheet?


=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(FILTER(B3:B19, E3:E19<=I4, A3:A19>=I3), B:B, 0)-1, 2))

Use the results of previous row to mutate in a specific numeric order

Using the tidyverse packages (specifically dplyr and tidyr)


TreatB <- c(6,12,9,11,2,10)

df <- df %>%
mutate(Treat = case_when(lag(value, default = TRUE) != value ~ "New",
TRUE ~ "Same"))

df$TreatB[df$Treat == "New"] <- TreatB

df <- df %>%
tidyr::fill(TreatB, .direction = c("down")) %>%
mutate(Treat = NULL)
# A tibble: 53 x 3
row value TreatB
<dbl> <lgl> <dbl>
1 1 FALSE 6
2 2 FALSE 6
3 3 FALSE 6
4 4 FALSE 6
5 5 FALSE 6
6 6 FALSE 6
7 7 FALSE 6
8 8 FALSE 6
9 9 FALSE 6
10 10 FALSE 6
11 11 FALSE 6
12 12 FALSE 6
13 13 TRUE 12
14 14 TRUE 12
15 15 TRUE 12
16 16 TRUE 12
17 17 TRUE 12
18 18 TRUE 12
19 19 TRUE 12
20 20 TRUE 12
21 21 TRUE 12
22 22 TRUE 12
23 23 TRUE 12
24 24 TRUE 12
25 25 FALSE 9
26 26 FALSE 9
27 27 FALSE 9
28 28 FALSE 9
29 29 FALSE 9
30 30 FALSE 9
31 31 FALSE 9
32 32 FALSE 9
33 33 FALSE 9
34 34 TRUE 11
35 35 TRUE 11
36 36 TRUE 11
37 37 TRUE 11
38 38 TRUE 11
39 39 TRUE 11
40 40 TRUE 11
41 41 TRUE 11
42 42 TRUE 11
43 43 TRUE 11
44 44 FALSE 2
45 45 FALSE 2
46 46 FALSE 2
47 47 FALSE 2
48 48 FALSE 2
49 49 FALSE 2
50 50 FALSE 2
51 51 FALSE 2
52 52 FALSE 2
53 53 TRUE 10

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