R Error: Cannot Coerce Type 'Closure' to Vector of Type 'Double'

R error: cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'double'


sd.norm = sd(sample)/sqrt(n)


sd.norm = sd(the.sample)/sqrt(n)

You are trying to use the function sample (a closure) as a number (double)

r shiny - cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'double'

Try this:


df2 <- tibble(years = c(2012,2013,2014,2015))

ui <- fluidPage(
"Select Years:",
min = 2012,
max = 2019,
value = c(2012, 2019),
ticks = FALSE)),

server <- function(input, output) {

output$table <- renderTable({
filter(df2, years >= input$year_range[1], years <= input$year_range[2])

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Error in as.double(y) : cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'double' when I try to measure the pairwise distances

You should assign the value of the cluster process to c1 and then plot it afterwards:

c1<- rPoissonCluster(5, 0.2, nclust, radius=0.2, n=10)

The result is a planar point pattern of class ppp and the plot command is dispatched to plot.ppp. In your original command you are saving the result of the plot. This plot command returns a function that can be used to make a new plot with the same plotting options (characters, colours, etc.).

Don't understand Cannot Coerce type 'closure' Error

TidySymptoms data has no id column in it. Assuming it's a mistake and you have that already in your data you can do the following changes in the function.

  • There is no need to pass df.new to the function.
  • The column in TidySymptoms is called as word but you are using text in the function.

Try this code.

minus_TextNum <- function(df){

df.new <- mutate(df, text = gsub(x = word, pattern = "[0-9]+|\\(.*\\)", replacement = "")) %>%
unnest_tokens(input = text, output = word) %>%
filter(!word %in% c(stop_words$word, "patient")) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarise(text = paste(word, collapse = " "))


Cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type list when creating a lag variable by id

Don't use quotes around the column name.

TandCtable[, RDexp_pre1 := c(NA, RD_expenses[-.N]), by=id]

If you want lag of different offset length it is better to use shift as suggested by @Waldi instead of appending NA's.

TandCtable[, RDexp_pre1 := shift(RD_expenses, 2), by=id]

R error: cannot coerce closure to double

Looks like you were just missing some of the parameters, so you confused optim() about what you were passing into it.

optim(par=c(0),fn=ll, method = 'BFGS')
[1] 400

[1] -1581

function gradient
2 2

[1] 0


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