How to Do a Data.Table Merge Operation

How to do a data.table merge operation

You are quoting the wrong part of documentation. If you have a look at the doc of [.data.table you will read:

When i is a data.table, x must have a
key, meaning join i to x and return
the rows in x that match
. An equi-join
is performed between each column in i
to each column in x’s key in order.
This is similar to base R
functionality of sub- setting a matrix
by a 2-column matrix, and in higher
dimensions subsetting an n-dimensional
array by an n-column matrix

I admit the description of the package (the part you quoted) is somewhat confusing, because it seems to say that the "["-operation can be used instead of merge. But I think what it says is: if x and y are both data.tables we use a join on an index (which is invoked like merge) instead of binary search.

One more thing:

The data.table library I installed via install.packages was missing the method, so using merge would call After installing the package from R-Forge R used the faster method.

You can check if you have the method by checking the output of:


EDIT [Answer no longer valid]: This answer refers to data.table version 1.3. In version 1.5.3 the behaviour of data.table changed and x[y] returns the expected results. Thank you Matthew Dowle, author of data.table, for pointing this out in the comments.

Chaining multiple data.table::merge operations with data.tables

Multiple data.table joins with the on argument can be chained. Note that without an update operator (":=") in j, this would be a right join, but with ":=" (i.e., adding columns), this becomes a left outer join. A useful post on left joins here Left join using data.table.

Example using example data above with a subset between joins:

dt4 <- dt1[dt2, on="food", `:=`(status = i.status)][
food == "apples"][dt3, on="food", rank := i.rank]

##> dt4
## food quantity status rank
##1: apples 1 good okay

Example adding new column between joins

dt4 <- dt1[dt2, on="food", `:=`(status = i.status)][
, new_col := NA][dt3, on="food", rank := i.rank]

##> dt4
## food quantity status new_col rank
##1: apples 1 good NA okay
##2: bananas 2 bad NA good
##3: carrots 3 rotten NA better
##4: dates 4 raw NA best

Example using merge and magrittr pipes:

dt4 <-  merge(dt1, dt2, by = "food") %>%
set( , "new_col", NA) %>%
merge(dt3, by = "food")

##> dt4
## food quantity status new_col rank
##1: apples 1 good NA okay
##2: bananas 2 bad NA good
##3: carrots 3 rotten NA better
##4: dates 4 raw NA best

R data.table: How can I merge a list of data.tables?

We can use join on

na.omit(Reduce(function(x, y) x[y, on = .(V1)], dtl))

A merge indicator for R data.table?

You can use with all=TRUE for a full outer join:

DT <- merge(df1[, r1 := .I], df2[, r2 := .I], by="key", all=TRUE)
DT[, merge_ := "both"][, merge_ := "right_only"][, merge_ := "left_only"]


   key v1 r1 v2 r2     merge_
1: a 1 1 4 1 both
2: b 2 2 5 2 both
3: c 3 3 NA NA left_only
4: d NA NA 6 3 right_only


key1 = c('a','b','c')
v1 = c(1,2,3)
key2 = c('a','b','d')
v2 = c(4,5,6)
df1 = data.frame(key=key1,v1)
df2 = data.frame(key=key2,v2)

As mentioned by Michael Chirico, with data.table_1.13.0 released on Jul 24, 2020, one can also use fcase as follows:

DT[, merge_ := fcase(, "right_only",, "left_only",
default = "both"

Data.Table Full Outer Join in R without key

What you are looking for is a cross join

setkey(dt1[,c(k=1,.SD)],k) [ dt2[,c(k=1,.SD)], allow.cartesian=TRUE ][,k:=NULL]

Merging two sets of data by data.table roll='nearest' function

Here is a step-by-step example based on the sample data you give:

# Sample data

# Create time column by which to do a rolling join
set_A[, time := time_a]
set_B[, time := time_b]
setkey(set_A, time)
setkey(set_B, time)

# Rolling join by nearest time
set_merged <- set_B[set_A, roll = "nearest"]

unique(set_merged[order(ID_b)], by = "time")
# ID_b b1 b2 source time_b time ID_a a1 a2 a3
# 1: 2 34.2 15.114 set1.csv.1 20.35750 20.01000 8 85640 5274.1 301.6041
# 2: 7 67.2 16.114 set1.csv.2 21.35778 21.00972 7 85697 5345.2 301.6043
# 3: 12 12.2 33.114 set1.csv.3 22.35806 22.00972 4 65694 9375.2 301.6049
# 4: 17 73.2 67.114 set2.csv.1 23.35833 23.00972 3 85694 9278.9 301.6051
# 5: 23 88.2 42.114 set2.csv.2 19.35861 19.00972 5 85653 4375.5 301.6047
# 6: 28 90.2 52.114 set3.csv.1 0.35889 0.00944 2 35694 5245.2 301.6053
# time_a
# 1: 20.01000
# 2: 21.00972
# 3: 22.00972
# 4: 23.00972
# 5: 19.00972
# 6: 0.00944

Two comments:

  1. We create a new time column to avoid losing one of the original time columns from set_A and set_B. You can always remove the time column after the join if required.
  2. We use unique to remove duplicated time rows by order of ID_b. You mention in your post that "it doesn't really matter which row will be merged" but in case that you do want to retain specific rows, you might need to adjust this line of code.

Update (thanks to @Henrik)

As @Henrik pointed out, what you're after is actually a rolling join of set_A with respect to set_B, in which case you don't need to deal with the duplicate rows.

That translates to


# Create time column by which to do a rolling join
set_A[, time := time_a]
set_B[, time := time_b]

set_A[set_B, on = "time", roll = "nearest"][order(ID_a)]
# ID_a a1 a2 a3 time_a time ID_b b1 b2 source
#1: 2 35694 5245.2 301.6053 0.00944 0.35889 28 90.2 52.114 set3.csv.1
#2: 3 85694 9278.9 301.6051 23.00972 23.35833 17 73.2 67.114 set2.csv.1
#3: 5 85653 4375.5 301.6047 19.00972 19.35861 23 88.2 42.114 set2.csv.2
#4: 6 12694 5236.3 301.6045 22.00972 22.35806 12 12.2 33.114 set1.csv.3
#5: 7 85697 5345.2 301.6043 21.00972 21.35778 7 67.2 16.114 set1.csv.2
#6: 9 30694 5279.0 301.6039 20.01000 20.35750 2 34.2 15.114 set1.csv.1
# time_b
#1: 0.35889
#2: 23.35833
#3: 19.35861
#4: 22.35806
#5: 21.35778
#6: 20.35750

Sample data

set_A <- read.table(text =
"ID_a a1 a2 a3 time_a
2 35694 5245.2 301.6053 00.00944
3 85694 9278.9 301.6051 23.00972
4 65694 9375.2 301.6049 22.00972
5 85653 4375.5 301.6047 19.00972
6 12694 5236.3 301.6045 22.00972
7 85697 5345.2 301.6043 21.00972
8 85640 5274.1 301.6041 20.01000
9 30694 5279.0 301.6039 20.01000", header = T)

set_B <- read.table(text =
"ID_b b1 b2 source time_b
2 34.20 15.114 set1.csv.1 20.35750
7 67.20 16.114 set1.csv.2 21.35778
12 12.20 33.114 set1.csv.3 22.35806
17 73.20 67.114 set2.csv.1 23.35833
23 88.20 42.114 set2.csv.2 19.35861
28 90.20 52.114 set3.csv.1 00.35889", header = T)

Pandas Merge Operation on two different dataTable?

I think problem is columns EBELN and BSTNK has different dtypes in both DataFrames so no match.

Check it by:

print (sellOrder['EBELN'].dtype)
print (purchaseOrder['BSTNK'].dtype)

So need convert both columns to int or both to str.

sellOrder['EBELN'] = sellOrder['EBELN'].astype(int)
purchaseOrder['BSTNK'] = purchaseOrder['BSTNK'].astype(int)


sellOrder['EBELN'] = sellOrder['EBELN'].astype(str)
purchaseOrder['BSTNK'] = purchaseOrder['BSTNK'].astype(str)

Merge two large data.tables based on column name of one table and column value of the other without melting

Using set():

setkey(DT1, "ID")
setkey(DT2, "ID")
for (k in names(DT1)[-1]) {
rows <- which(DT2[["col"]] == k)
set(DT2, i = rows, j = "col_value", DT1[DT2[rows], ..k])

ID col col_value
1: A col1 1
2: A col4 13
3: B col2 6
4: B col3 10
5: C col1 3

Note: Setting the key up front speeds up the process but reorders the rows.

data.table merge on partial match of different columns in R

Given the dimension of the problem (DT1 [(1:50,000), (1:25)] - DT2[(1:50,000,000), (1:55)]), it is probably infeasible to do a CJ of the IDs before doing a two-way grepl.

Breaking down the different kind of matches/approx. matches, we can 1) first look for exact matches, 2) then approx. matches where substring in DT1 can be found in DT2 and then, 3) vice versa.

Finally, we row bind all the results and do a left join between original DT2 and the row-binded results to get desired output.

exactMatches <- DT1[DT2, on=c("ID1"="ID2"), nomatch=0L][,
ID2 := ID1]

substr1in2 <- DT2[, c(.SD, DT1[grepl(ID2, ID1) & ID1 != ID2]),
by=1:DT2[,.N]][!, -1L]

substr2in1 <- DT1[, c(.SD, DT2[grepl(ID1, ID2) & ID2 != ID1]),
by=1:DT1[,.N]][!, -1L]

binded <- rbindlist(list(exactMatches, substr1in2, substr2in1),
use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)

binded[DT2, on=.(ID2, VAL2)]


       ID1 VAL1 VAL2  ID2
1: BA 4 0 BA
2: ABC 5 5 ABC
3: ABC BC 3 5 ABC
4: AB 2 5 ABC
5: <NA> NA 2 DC
6: AA 1 7 AA
7: AB 2 1 AB
8: ABC 5 1 AB
9: ABC BC 3 1 AB
10: AB 2 0 R AB

I changed some of the column names to make the code more readable. Data:

DT1 <- data.table(ID1 = c("AA", "BA", "ABC", "ABC BC", "AB"), 
VAL1 = c(1,4,5,3,2))

DT2 <- data.table(VAL2 = c(0,5,2,7,1,0),
ID2 = c("BA", "ABC", "DC", "AA", "AB", "R AB"))

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