How to Custom or Display Modebar in Plotly

How to custom or display modebar in plotly?

Using your example:

x <- c(1:15)
y <- c(1:15)
xy <-,y))
example <- ggplot(data = xy,aes(x = x,y = y))+geom_line()

ggplotly(example) %>% config(displaylogo = FALSE,
modeBarButtonsToRemove = list(

Example output

Other options include: 'zoom2d','pan2d','select2d','lasso2d','zoomIn2d', and 'zoomOut2d'

How can I customize the modebar in plotly (preferably in R)?

Here's what you are looking for:

plot_ly(economics, x = ~pop) %>% 
config(displaylogo = FALSE, collaborate = FALSE,
modeBarButtonsToRemove = c(
'sendDataToCloud', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines',
'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian',

Sample Image

Since possible buttons are going to depend on the type of graph, keep in mind this list.

Plotly custom modebar icon change color and shape, and open link in a new window from R

Problem 1) I dont really know a good solution for this, except trying to rescale it until its ok. But you can certainly set the width to "2em" using the htmlwidgets::onRender method. I use it for changing the fill aswell.

Problem 2) You can use onRender to change the styling of the svg path. Inside the function I define 2 css selectors using the data-title MasterCard. One for the svg and one for the path inside the svg and then you can change their css settings with Jquery's css().

Problem 3) Try to use instead. That will open the page in a new tab.

mc_button <- list(
name = "MasterCard",
icon = list(
path = mc_icon_svg_path[[1]]
,transform = "scale(0.6 0.6) translate(-3, -2)"
click = htmlwidgets::JS(
"function(gd) {'', '_blank')}"

ggplotly(gg) %>%
config(modeBarButtonsToAdd = list(mc_button)) %>%
config(displayModeBar = TRUE) %>%
htmlwidgets::onRender('function(el, x) {
$("[data-title=\'MasterCard\'] svg path").css("fill", "#7ac143");
$("[data-title=\'MasterCard\'] svg").css("width","2em");

Make a custom modebar button icon in plotly graphs

  1. Get icon image path

    If you are using an icon that is already in svg format (e.g. from here), you can copy the path (which is the instructions on how to draw the icon) into R and assign it to an object:

    download icon

    dl_icon_svg_path = "M15.608,6.262h-2.338v0.935h2.338c0.516,0,0.934,0.418,0.934,0.935v8.879c0,0.517-0.418,0.935-0.934,0.935H4.392c-0.516,0-0.935-0.418-0.935-0.935V8.131c0-0.516,0.419-0.935,0.935-0.935h2.336V6.262H4.392c-1.032,0-1.869,0.837-1.869,1.869v8.879c0,1.031,0.837,1.869,1.869,1.869h11.216c1.031,0,1.869-0.838,1.869-1.869V8.131C17.478,7.099,16.64,6.262,15.608,6.262z M9.513,11.973c0.017,0.082,0.047,0.162,0.109,0.226c0.104,0.106,0.243,0.143,0.378,0.126c0.135,0.017,0.274-0.02,0.377-0.126c0.064-0.065,0.097-0.147,0.115-0.231l1.708-1.751c0.178-0.183,0.178-0.479,0-0.662c-0.178-0.182-0.467-0.182-0.645,0l-1.101,1.129V1.588c0-0.258-0.204-0.467-0.456-0.467c-0.252,0-0.456,0.209-0.456,0.467v9.094L8.443,9.553c-0.178-0.182-0.467-0.182-0.645,0c-0.178,0.184-0.178,0.479,0,0.662L9.513,11.973z"

    If you have a logo (png or some random image file type), the first step is to turn it into an svg path. You can do this in an image editor like Inkscape (open source) by importing/pasting your image in.
    Then use [path] [trace] command to create the path. You may end up with multiple paths. As far as I am aware, you probably want a single path, and you may need to accept it will end up as a single colour.

    To make a single path, use the [path] [combine] command. It may help to adjust the canvas size. Save your file, and open the file in a text editor (eg notepad) and copy out the path (should look similar to example above).

  2. Scale and adjust image

    In R, you may need to scale and adjust your image. This is a bit of guesswork, but the snippet of code to do this would look something like this, with scale factor behaving as expected, and translate moving the image in x and y direction respectively:

    icon = list(
    path = dl_icon_svg_path,
    transform = "scale(0.84) translate(-1, -1)"

    Note, by default any image you convert into svg is probably way bigger in px scale than an icon default. There are also controls to flip the image, as a result of some historical defaults, though this may have been fixed - hard to tell from the javascript discussions here.

  3. Change shape or dimensions of icon to display, Control colour of icon,Make icon download data or open link in new window

    These options are described here

  4. Additional Customisation

    • Multiple buttons is straightforward via a list:

      config(modeBarButtonsToAdd = list(mc_button,dl_button))
    • Order of buttons

    • Display of modebar
      Hide the modebar is described here. Always show the modebar is done by the reverse, i.e.:

      config(displayModeBar = TRUE)

Here is a self contained rmarkdown example you can copy and knit:

title: "Custom icons in Plotly"
output: html_document

```{r echo = FALSE, message = FALSE}

data <- data.frame(
Time = round(runif(10), 2),
Value = round(runif(10), 2),
Type = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5)

gg <- ggplot(data = data) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = Time, y = Value, colour = Type), size = 2)

# (1) svg path copied from svg file opened in notepad

# logo-mastercard.svg from
mc_icon_svg_path = "M29.375 16c0-1.438-0.375-2.813-1.063-4.063-0.75-1.188-1.75-2.125-2.938-2.875-1.313-0.688-2.625-1.063-4-1.063-1.813 0-3.438 0.563-4.875 1.625 1.313 1.188 2.125 2.563 2.563 4.188h-0.75c-0.375-1.375-1.125-2.688-2.313-3.75-1.188 1.063-1.938 2.375-2.313 3.75h-0.75c0.438-1.625 1.25-3 2.563-4.188-1.438-1.063-3.063-1.625-4.875-1.625-1.375 0-2.688 0.375-4 1.063-1.188 0.75-2.188 1.688-2.938 2.875-0.688 1.25-1.063 2.625-1.063 4.063s0.375 2.813 1.063 4.063c0.75 1.188 1.75 2.125 2.938 2.875 1.313 0.688 2.625 1.063 4 1.063 1.813 0 3.438-0.563 4.875-1.625-1.188-1.063-2-2.313-2.5-3.875h0.75c0.438 1.313 1.188 2.5 2.25 3.438 1.063-0.938 1.813-2.125 2.25-3.438h0.75c-0.5 1.563-1.313 2.813-2.5 3.875 1.438 1.063 3.063 1.625 4.875 1.625 1.375 0 2.688-0.375 4-1.063 1.188-0.75 2.188-1.688 2.938-2.875 0.688-1.25 1.063-2.625 1.063-4.063zM6.125 14.063h1.25l-0.625 3.875h-0.813l0.5-2.938-1.063 2.938h-0.625v-2.938l-0.5 2.938h-0.813l0.688-3.875h1.188v2.375zM9.875 15.688c0 0.188-0.063 0.375-0.063 0.563-0.063 0.313-0.125 0.625-0.188 0.875 0 0.25-0.063 0.438-0.125 0.625v0.188h-0.625v-0.375c-0.188 0.313-0.5 0.438-0.875 0.438-0.25 0-0.375-0.063-0.5-0.188-0.188-0.188-0.25-0.438-0.25-0.688 0-0.375 0.125-0.688 0.375-0.875 0.313-0.188 0.688-0.313 1.125-0.313h0.313v-0.188c0-0.188-0.188-0.25-0.563-0.25-0.188 0-0.5 0-0.813 0.125 0-0.188 0.063-0.438 0.125-0.688 0.313-0.125 0.625-0.188 0.938-0.188 0.75 0 1.125 0.313 1.125 0.938zM8.938 16.5h-0.188c-0.438 0-0.688 0.188-0.688 0.5 0 0.188 0.063 0.313 0.25 0.313s0.313-0.063 0.438-0.188c0.125-0.125 0.188-0.313 0.188-0.625zM12.188 14.813l-0.125 0.75c-0.188-0.063-0.375-0.063-0.625-0.063s-0.375 0.063-0.375 0.25c0 0.063 0 0.125 0.063 0.188l0.25 0.125c0.375 0.25 0.563 0.5 0.563 0.875 0 0.688-0.375 1.063-1.25 1.063-0.375 0-0.688-0.063-0.813-0.063 0-0.188 0.063-0.438 0.125-0.75 0.313 0.063 0.563 0.125 0.688 0.125 0.313 0 0.5-0.063 0.5-0.25 0-0.063-0.063-0.188-0.063-0.188-0.125-0.125-0.188-0.188-0.375-0.188-0.375-0.188-0.563-0.5-0.563-0.875 0-0.688 0.375-1.063 1.188-1.063 0.375 0 0.688 0 0.813 0.063zM13.438 14.813h0.375l-0.063 0.813h-0.438c0 0.188-0.063 0.375-0.063 0.563 0 0.063-0.063 0.125-0.063 0.25 0 0.188-0.063 0.25-0.125 0.313v0.25c0 0.188 0.125 0.25 0.313 0.25 0.063 0 0.125 0 0.25-0.063l-0.125 0.75c-0.125 0-0.313 0.063-0.625 0.063-0.438 0-0.625-0.25-0.625-0.688 0-0.25 0-0.563 0.125-0.875l0.313-2.063h0.813zM16.375 15.875c0 0.313 0 0.563-0.063 0.813h-1.625c0 0.188 0.063 0.375 0.125 0.438 0.125 0.125 0.313 0.188 0.563 0.188 0.313 0 0.563-0.063 0.875-0.25l-0.125 0.813c-0.188 0.063-0.5 0.125-0.875 0.125-0.875 0-1.375-0.5-1.375-1.375 0-0.625 0.125-1.063 0.438-1.375 0.25-0.313 0.563-0.5 0.938-0.5s0.688 0.125 0.875 0.313c0.188 0.188 0.25 0.438 0.25 0.813zM14.75 16h0.938v-0.188l-0.063-0.125c0-0.063-0.063-0.125-0.063-0.125-0.063 0-0.125-0.063-0.188-0.063h-0.125c-0.25 0-0.438 0.125-0.5 0.5zM18.438 14.813c-0.063 0.063-0.125 0.375-0.313 0.938-0.188-0.063-0.313 0.063-0.5 0.313-0.125 0.5-0.188 1.125-0.313 1.875h-0.875l0.063-0.188c0.188-1.25 0.313-2.25 0.438-2.938h0.813l-0.125 0.438c0.188-0.188 0.313-0.313 0.438-0.375 0.125-0.125 0.25-0.125 0.375-0.063zM21.25 14.188l-0.188 0.813c-0.25-0.125-0.5-0.188-0.688-0.188-0.375 0-0.625 0.125-0.813 0.375s-0.25 0.563-0.25 1.063c0 0.313 0.063 0.563 0.188 0.688 0.125 0.188 0.313 0.25 0.563 0.25 0.188 0 0.438-0.063 0.688-0.188l-0.125 0.875c-0.188 0.063-0.438 0.125-0.75 0.125-0.438 0-0.75-0.188-1.063-0.5-0.25-0.25-0.375-0.625-0.375-1.188 0-0.625 0.188-1.188 0.563-1.625 0.313-0.438 0.75-0.688 1.313-0.688 0.188 0 0.5 0.063 0.938 0.188zM23.625 15.688c0 0-0.063 0.125-0.063 0.25s0 0.25 0 0.313c-0.063 0.25-0.125 0.563-0.188 0.938 0 0.375-0.063 0.625-0.125 0.75h-0.625v-0.375c-0.188 0.313-0.5 0.438-0.875 0.438-0.25 0-0.375-0.063-0.5-0.188-0.188-0.188-0.25-0.438-0.25-0.688 0-0.375 0.125-0.688 0.375-0.875 0.313-0.188 0.625-0.313 1.063-0.313h0.313c0.063-0.063 0.063-0.125 0.063-0.188 0-0.188-0.188-0.25-0.5-0.25-0.25 0-0.563 0-0.875 0.125 0-0.188 0-0.438 0.125-0.688 0.375-0.125 0.625-0.188 0.938-0.188 0.75 0 1.125 0.313 1.125 0.938zM22.688 16.5h-0.188c-0.438 0-0.688 0.188-0.688 0.5 0 0.188 0.125 0.313 0.25 0.313 0.188 0 0.313-0.063 0.438-0.188s0.188-0.313 0.188-0.625zM25.625 14.813c-0.125 0.188-0.25 0.5-0.313 0.938-0.188-0.063-0.313 0.063-0.438 0.313s-0.188 0.875-0.375 1.875h-0.813l0.063-0.188c0.188-1 0.313-2 0.375-2.938h0.813c0 0.188-0.063 0.313-0.063 0.438 0.125-0.188 0.25-0.313 0.375-0.375 0.188-0.063 0.313-0.125 0.375-0.063zM27.688 14.063h0.875l-0.688 3.875h-0.75l0.063-0.313c-0.188 0.25-0.438 0.375-0.75 0.375-0.375 0-0.563-0.125-0.688-0.375-0.25-0.25-0.375-0.563-0.375-0.875 0-0.625 0.188-1.063 0.5-1.438 0.188-0.313 0.5-0.5 0.875-0.5 0.313 0 0.563 0.125 0.813 0.375zM27.375 16.125c0-0.375-0.188-0.563-0.438-0.563-0.188 0-0.375 0.063-0.5 0.313-0.063 0.125-0.125 0.375-0.125 0.75s0.125 0.563 0.375 0.563c0.188 0 0.375-0.063 0.5-0.25s0.188-0.438 0.188-0.813z"

# (2) Scale/translate works, after some trial and error

mc_button <- list(
name = "MasterCard",
icon = list(
path = mc_icon_svg_path[[1]]
,transform = "scale(0.6 0.6) translate(-3, -2)"
click = htmlwidgets::JS(
"function(gd) {'', '_blank')}"

ggplotly(gg) %>%
config(modeBarButtonsToAdd = list(mc_button)) %>%
config(displayModeBar = TRUE) %>%
htmlwidgets::onRender('function(el, x) {
$("[data-title=\'MasterCard\'] svg path").css("fill", "#7ac143");
$("[data-title=\'MasterCard\'] svg").css("width","2em");

Adding config modes to Plotly.Py offline - modebar

Open the HTML file, search for modeBarButtonsToRemove:[] then replace with the buttons you want removed, for my purpose modeBarButtonsToRemove:['sendDataToCloud']

To remove the Plotly Logo and link, search for displaylogo:!0 and replace with displaylogo:!1

Here is a demo using Python:

from plotly.offline import plot
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import webbrowser
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# generate your Plotly graph here

N = 500
y = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
x = np.random.randn(N)
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y})
data = [go.Histogram(x=df['x'])]

# plot it for offline editing
HTMLlink = plot(data, show_link=False, auto_open=False)[7:] #remove the junk characters
# now need to open the HTML file
with open(HTMLlink, 'r') as file :
tempHTML =
# Replace the target strings
tempHTML = tempHTML.replace('displaylogo:!0', 'displaylogo:!1')
tempHTML = tempHTML.replace('modeBarButtonsToRemove:[]', 'modeBarButtonsToRemove:["sendDataToCloud"]')
with open(HTMLlink, 'w') as file:
del tempHTML

How to display Modebar Icons in a horizontal Row

I found out the solution: the WordpRess theme I am using, "TwentyTwenty" style.css messes up the modebar with the following setting:

svg, img, embed, object {
display: block;

Rectification is rather simple, as follows:

svg {
display: inherit;

How to make the modebar in plotly graphs for R shiny permanently show?

You can do this by changing displayModeBar = FALSE to displayModeBar = TRUE

Example data obtained from here

fig <- plot_ly(y = ~rnorm(50), type = "box")
fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = ~rnorm(50, 1)) %>%
config(displayModeBar = TRUE)



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