Get the Vector of Values from Different Columns of a Matrix

Get the vector of values from different columns of a matrix

This should do it for you:


Get different columns of each row from matrix

Since you want row-major order (and Matlab works in column major order), transpose A first. Then build a logical mask to be used as index into A transposed:

At = A.'; %'
mask = (bsxfun(@ge, (1:size(At,1)), B(:,1)) & bsxfun(@le, 1:size(At,1), B(:,2))).'; %'
result = At(mask);

How to select elements of a matrix given a vector with same number of columns?

We can construct a matrix of row/column indexes to extract. The column sequence can be seq_len(ncol

mat1[cbind(vec1, seq_len(ncol(mat1)))]
[1] 13 6 19 4

Or another option is to extract the rows and use diag

[1] 13 6 19 4

Using row-wise column indices in a vector to extract values from data frame

Just use matrix indexing, like this:

dframe[cbind(seq_along(i), i)]
# [1] "g" "b" "f"

The cbind(seq_along(i), i) part creates a two column matrix of the relevant row and column that you want to extract.

Values from multiple dataframe columns into one vector

I've found that converting to a matrix first makes getting to levels a bit easier.

as.vector(as.matrix(df[,c("alpha", "gamma", "zeta")]))

Of course, you could have just done stringsAsFactors=FALSE when you read the data in initially.

Subset a matrix according to a columns vector


H[cbind(seq_len(nrow(H)), P)]
## [1] 0.6733731 0.7396847 0.5953580

Here we are indexing by consecutive rows and columns indicated in P

Regarding your question, so the reason H[, P] returns a matrix is because you are telling R:

select all rows in columns: 2, 1, 2 from matrix "H"

thus the result that you are getting is a matrix with identical first and third columns.

In R, split vector valued column in data frame into multiple columns

In this case, with a matrix, you can use cbind:

cbind(results[1], results[[2]])
# y 1 2 3
# 1 0 0.4710224 0.4280053 0.3206661
# 2 1 0.5769064 0.6220120 0.2683387

Using [ on the first argument makes sure it is a data.frame, so is used and the result is not coerced to matrix. But using [[ on the second argument makes sure that we are binding to the 2x3 matrix in the second column rather than a data frame containing that matrix.

More generally, tidyr::unnest works well with vector or list columns, but the result is in long form - you would have to add a column id and spread it to get it back to wide form.

However, the simplest way may be to use dplyr and summarize_at with a custom .funs argument:

descrip = funs(m = mean, med = median, sd = sd)
Df %>% group_by(y) %>% summarize_at("x", .funs = descrip)
# # A tibble: 2 × 4
# y m med sd
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 0 0.4710224 0.4280053 0.3206661
# 2 1 0.5769064 0.6220120 0.2683387

How to compare two columns of matrix in r and output the column name in a new vector

You need the vectorized version of if/else. The matrix version:

ifelse(data[,2] > data[,1], "second", "first")

Vectorizing a for loop that changes columns of a matrix

An alternative to the t(apply in @Jon Spring's answer is matrixStats::rowCumsums.


n <- 1e4L
n10 <- n/10L
age.mat <- outer(sample(150, n, TRUE), seq(0, 20, 5), "+")
x.mat <- matrix(FALSE, n, 5) # create the empty harvest matrix
# sample harvests so that no tree is harvested twice
x.mat[matrix(c(sample(n, n/2L), sample(n10:(6L*n10 - 1L)) %/% n10), n/2L)] <- TRUE

f1 <- function(age, x) {
age[x[,1],] <- 0
for (i in 2:5){ # we don't need to calculate over the first year
age[,i] <- age[,i - 1] + 5L # add 5 to previous year
age[x[,i], i] <- 0L # reset age of harvested trees to zero

f2 <- function(age, x) {
age - rowCumsums(x*age)

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(f1 = f1(age.mat, x.mat),
f2 = f2(age.mat, x.mat),
check = "equal")
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> f1 294.4 530.2 1023.450 566.6 629.35 33222.8 100
#> f2 135.2 263.6 334.622 284.2 307.15 4343.6 100

Tidyverse approach to selecting values from different columns in a dataframe with row-column index pairs

You could do

rain %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
pivot_longer(-id) %>%
inner_join(tibble(id = seq_along(v), name = v))

which returns

# A tibble: 5 x 3
id name value
<int> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 els 1
2 2 ceres 1
3 3 els 1
4 4 mond 0
5 5 ceres 3


pull(value, name)

returns the named vector

#>  els ceres   els  mond ceres 
#> 1 1 1 0 3

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