Favicon in Shiny

Favicon in Shiny

If you're using a local runapp, then putting one in
/www/favicon.ico should work, I believe.

You could also insert this somewhere in your UI:

tags$head(tags$link(rel="shortcut icon", href="URL-to-favicon"))

Joe Cheng

favicon not displaying in Shiny

Im not familiar with the shinyMobile package, but you can simply add it to the head

tags$head(tags$link(rel="shortcut icon", href="favicon.ico"))

My favicon will not display on a browser tab for my app when using open source shiny server

Try adding inside your dashboardBody function or in the UI function you are using:

tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico"))

If you have a .PNG file or both, you can use:

tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico"),
tags$link(rel = "apple-touch-icon", sizes = "180x180", href = "favicon.ico"),
tags$link(rel = "icon", type = "image/png", sizes = "32x32", href = "/favicon-32x32.png"),
tags$link(rel = "icon", type = "image/png", sizes = "16x16", href = "/favicon-16x16.png")

adding favicons in golem

The issue I had was saving the .ico file to the /www folder.

keeping the .ico in a folder called /new_favicon and calling
golem::use_favicon(path="new_favicon/favicon.ico", method = "curl") worked!

Display Icon in the title bar of Shiny app page

This should do it:


ui = shinyUI(fluidPage(
# Application title
title =
tags$link(rel = "icon", type = "image/gif", href = "https://guidetoiceland.is/image/389003/x/0/the-beautiful-waterfalls-of-south-iceland-seljalandsfoss-skogafoss-amp-gljufrabui-1.jpg"),
"My App"
inputId = "Pick",
label = "Chose",
choices = c('A', 'B', 'C'),
selected = NULL,
multiple = FALSE,
selectize = TRUE,
size = NULL,
width = 300

server = function(input, output, session) {

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Unless I misunderstood your question here is the output. You have to open it in a browser to see it:
Sample Image

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