Export a Graph to .Eps File with R

Export a graph to .eps file with R

The easiest way I've found to create postscripts is the following, using the setEPS() command:

plot(rnorm(100), main="Hey Some Data")

How do you save matplot in R as eps?

A jpeg file is a highly compressed file that loses information. It is never useful for graphics that will be printed or edited. In addition the default size and quality is small and low so you could have improved your results by printing a larger image at higher quality (see ?jpeg for details).

A postscript file (EPS) preserves the information lost by creating a jpeg file and stores the instructions for drawing the image, not a bitmap of the image. It is not clear what you problems were, but here is a simple example:

First, always provide reproducible data:

t <- 1950:1975
r1 <- rnorm(26, 35, 5)
r2 <- rnorm(26, 50, 5)
r3 <- rnorm(26, 65, 5)
r <- cbind(r1, r2, r3)

Now the plot:

matplot(t, r[, 1:3], type="l", lty=1, ylab="",xlab="Year")
readLines("name.eps", 10) # Check the results
# [1] "%!PS-Adobe-3.0" "%%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica" "%%+ font Helvetica-Bold"
# [4] "%%+ font Helvetica-Oblique" "%%+ font Helvetica-BoldOblique" "%%+ font Symbol"
# [7] "%%DocumentMedia: a4 595 841 0 () ()" "%%Title: R Graphics Output" "%%Creator: R Software"
# [10] "%%Pages: (atend)"

Postscript Matplot

export corrplot to .eps file

Did you see the warning that said

Warning message:
In text.default(Pos[, 1], Pos[, 2], col = addCoef.col, labels = round((DAT - :
semi-transparency is not supported on this device: reported only once per page

? That means that any colours you try to draw with semi-transparency (hint, hint: the alpha settings in your addCoef.col argument) won't work in a PostScript plot.

Eliminating the alpha setting as follows (just changing the colour from rgb(0,0,0,alpha=0.6) to rgb(0,0,0), although you might as well say "black") works fine on my system:

col1 <- "green" ## you didn't tell us what col1 was so I made something up
postscript("test.eps", height=8, width=8, paper="special",
family="Helvetica", fonts="Helvetica", horizontal=FALSE, onefile=FALSE)
corrplot(round(test),tl.cex=1.5,title="test", method="circle",
col=col1, addCoef.col = rgb(0,0,0), mar=c(0,0,1,0), diag= FALSE)

Export Graph in R, and also display it in knitr

I would do this,


to produce two versions of each figure automatically (one png, one eps). As @Tyler commented, you can also do it on a chunk-by-chunk basis rather than a global option.

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