Creating Tree Diagram for Showing Case Count Using R

creating tree diagram for showing case count using R

The tree diagram could be drawn using the "diagram" package. It is a generic package for drawing flow diagrams etc. See


Create tree diagram

Using the package ape, and assuming your data is olddat:

newdata <- as.phylo(x=~Division/Subgroup/Class/Brand,data=olddat)

You'll need to play with your various plot options, but I think this will get you going in the right direction. I'll see about updating the answer if I can get the plot to look okay.

How can I visualize hierarchical data?

Take a look at Rgraphviz, which can allow you to visualize graphs (including trees), using different schemes for your nodes.

How to build a dendrogram from a directory tree?

Here's a possible approach to get what you originally asked for which is a system like tree. This will give a data.tree object that's pretty flexible and could be made to plot like you might want but it's not entirely clear to me what you want:

path <- c(

library(data.tree); library(plyr)

x <- lapply(strsplit(path, "/"), function(z)
x <- rbind.fill(x)
x$pathString <- apply(x, 1, function(x) paste(trimws(na.omit(x)), collapse="/"))
(mytree <- data.tree::as.Node(x))

1 root
2 ¦--a
3 ¦ ¦--some
4 ¦ ¦ °--file.R
5 ¦ °--another
6 ¦ ¦--file.R
7 ¦ °--cool
8 ¦ °--file.R
9 °--b
10 ¦--some
11 ¦ °--data.csv
12 °--more
13 °--data.csv


You can get the parts you want (I think) but it'll require you to do the leg work and figure out conversion between data types in data.tree:

I use this approach in my pathr package's tree function when = TRUE

EDIT Per@Luke's comment takes a path directly:

(mytree <- data.tree::as.Node(data.frame(pathString = path)))

1 root2
2 ¦--a
3 ¦ ¦--some
4 ¦ ¦ °--file.R
5 ¦ °--another
6 ¦ ¦--file.R
7 ¦ °--cool
8 ¦ °--file.R
9 °--b
10 ¦--some
11 ¦ °--data.csv
12 °--more
13 °--data.csv

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