Concatenate Several Columns to Comma Separated Strings by Group

Collapse / concatenate / aggregate multiple columns to a single comma separated string within each group

We can group by 'A', 'B', and use summarise_at to paste all the non-NA elements

data %>%
group_by(A, B) %>%
summarise_at(vars(-group_cols()), ~ toString(.[!]))
# A tibble: 2 x 5
# Groups: A [2]
# A B C D E
# <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#1 111 100 1, 2 15, 16, 17 1
#2 222 200 1, 2 18, 19, 20 1

If we need to pass custom delimiter, use paste or str_c

data %>%
group_by(A, B) %>%
summarise_at(vars(-group_cols()), ~ str_c(.[!], collapse="_"))

Or using base R with aggregate

aggregate(. ~ A + B, data, FUN = function(x) 
toString(x[!]), na.action = NULL)

Concatenate several columns to comma separated strings by group

You can use aggregate with paste for each one and merge at the end:

x <- structure(list(SNP = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 
5L), .Label = c("chr1.111642529", "chr1.111801684", "chr1.111925084",
"chr1.11801605", "chr1.151220354"), class = "factor"), hu_mRNA = structure(c(3L,
4L, 2L, 7L, 1L, 8L, 5L, 6L), .Label = c("AK027740", "BC098118",
"NM_002107", "NM_005324", "NM_018913", "NM_018918", "NM_020435",
"NM_032849"), class = "factor"), gene = structure(c(4L, 5L, 1L,
3L, 1L, 2L, 6L, 7L), .Label = c("<NA>", "C13orf33", "GJC2", "H3F3A",
"H3F3B", "PCDHGA10", "PCDHGA5"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("SNP",
"hu_mRNA", "gene"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L

a1 <- aggregate(hu_mRNA~SNP,data=x,paste,sep=",")
a2 <- aggregate(gene~SNP,data=x,paste,sep=",")
SNP hu_mRNA gene
1 chr1.111642529 NM_002107, NM_005324 H3F3A, H3F3B
2 chr1.111801684 BC098118 <NA>
3 chr1.111925084 NM_020435 GJC2
4 chr1.11801605 AK027740, NM_032849 <NA>, C13orf33
5 chr1.151220354 NM_018913, NM_018918 PCDHGA10, PCDHGA5

Concatenate several columns as comma-separated string

By using NULLIF you can achieve it.

SELECT  Id, STUFF(COALESCE(N',' + NULLIF(Name1, ''), N'') + COALESCE(N',' + NULLIF(Name2, ''), N'')
+ COALESCE(N',' + NULLIF(Name3, ''), N''), 1, 1, '') AS ConcateStuff
FROM #Temp;


Id  ConcateStuff
1 Name1,Name3
2 Name1,Name2,Name3
3 Name3
4 Name3

Concatenating multiple column values inside a variable by comma separated

You can use group by to group the records by for example UserName and then aggregate the client names using string.Join(",",ClientName) to concatenate the client names.

Here is a sample code:

    var userClients = from c in (dbContext joined tables)
group c by c.UserName into u
select new {
UserName = u.First().UserName,
ClientName = string.Join(",", (from n in u select n.ClientName).ToArray())

Check the sample code in this demo

Joining multiple rows into comma separated strings by group in Python

Try this -

  1. Create a dictionary that has all the required columns except ID as key and lambda x: list(x) as function.
  2. Use groupby with agg to apply the independent functions on each column.
  3. If you want to convert the list to a concatenated string, then just change the lambda function to lambda x: ', '.join(list(x))

More details on how to work with complex groupby and aggregates can be found on my blog here, if you are interested.

g = {i:lambda x: ', '.join(list(x)) for i in df.columns[1:]}

output = df.groupby(['ID']).agg(g).reset_index()
   ID             Award           Type                                Date
0 01 PELL, SCH FED, LOC 2021-06-01, 2021-06-01
1 02 SCH LOC 2021-06-04
2 03 GRANT, PELL, SCH STA, FED, LOC 2021-06-02, 2021-06-15, 2021-07-01


If the goal is to only get a string with comma separation, then a shorter way as suggested by @Henry Ecker is ..

output = df.groupby(['ID'], as_index=False).agg(', '.join)

.. using only the aggregate with the method itself.

Concatenate SQL columns with comma separated

You can concat separators conditionally. This will output an empty string if either of the columns are null or empty.

select concat(col1,
case when len(col2)>1 then ',' else '' end,
case when len(col3)>1 then ',' else '' end,
from your_table;

To output null if either of the columns are null or empty, wrap the concat inside a nullif like this

select nullif(concat(col1,
case when len(col2)>1 then ',' else '' end,
case when len(col3)>1 then ',' else '' end,
from your_table;

SQL Server Concatenate three different columns into a Comma-Separated without repeated values

Without using window functions. The union might slow things down, but give it a try and see if you can tolerate the performance.

cte1 (id, col, indicator) as

(select id, column_a, 'col1' from t union
select id, column_b, 'col2' from t union
select id, column_c, 'col3' from t),

cte2 (id, indicator, agg) as

(select id, indicator, string_agg(col,',')
from cte1
group by id, indicator)

select id,
max(case when indicator='col1' then agg end) as column_a,
max(case when indicator='col2' then agg end) as column_b,
max(case when indicator='col3' then agg end) as column_c
from cte2
group by id;

Pandas groupby concat ungrouped column into comma separated string

Try groupby and agg like so:

(df.groupby(['col1', 'col2', 'col3'])['doc_no']
.agg(['count', ('doc_no', lambda x: ','.join(map(str, x)))])
.sort_values('count', ascending=False)

col1 col2 col3 count doc_no
0 a x f 3 0,1,5
1 d x t 2 5,6
2 b x g 1 2
3 b y g 1 3
4 c x t 1 3
5 c y t 1 4

agg is simple to use because you can specify a list of reducers to run on a single column.

Return grouped multiple concatenated columns to a comma delimited string column

Select A.*
,DistplayString = (Select Stuff((Select Distinct concat(', ',CarName,' (',Milage,'km)')
From YourTable
Where Year=A.Year and Category=A.Category
For XML Path ('')),1,2,'') )
From (Select Distinct Year, Category From YourTable) A

Returns (Thanks to Alan's Table Variable +1)

Year    Category    DistplayString
2012 GroupA Mercedes (200km), Porsche (100km)
2013 GroupA Ferrari (300km)
2013 GroupB Beetle (200km), Uno (200km)

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