Complete Time Series by Group in R

Time Series by group

We can split by 'Name' into a list and then create the ts within the list

lst1 <- split(x, x$Name)
lapply(lst1, function(u) ts(u$value, frequency = 1, start = c(u$year[1], 1)))

If we want to use this in a tidy way

x %>%
mutate(Year = ymd(Year, truncated = 2)) %>%
as_tsibble(key = Name, index = Year) %>%
model(decomp = classical_decomposition(value, type = 'additive')) # apply the models
# A mable: 2 x 2
# Key: Name [2]
# Name decomp
# <chr> <model>

Efficient way to Fill Time-Series per group

It appears that data.table is really much faster than the tidyverse option. So merely translating the above into data.table(compliments of @Frank) completed the operation in little under 3 minutes.


mDT = setDT(d1)[, .(grp = seq(min(grp), max(grp), by = "hour")), by = source]
new_D <- d1[mDT, on = names(mDT)]

new_D <- new_D[, cnt := replace(cnt,, 0)] #If needed

R: Average years in time series per group

To do what you want need an additional variable to group the year together. I used cut to do that.

# Define the cut breaks and labels for each group
# The cut define by the starting of each group and when using cut function
# I would use param right = FALSE to have the desire cut that I want here.
year_group_break <- c(2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020)
year_group_labels <- c("2000-2003", "2004-2007", "2008-2011", "2012-2015", "2016-2019")

data %>%
# create the year group variable
mutate(year_group = cut(Year, breaks = year_group_break,
labels = year_group_labels,
include.lowest = TRUE, right = FALSE)) %>%
# calculte the total value for each Reporter + Partner in each year group
group_by(year_group, ReporterName, PartnerName) %>%
summarize(`TradeValue in 1000 USD` = sum(`TradeValue in 1000 USD`),
.groups = "drop") %>%
# calculate the percentage value for Partner of each Reporter/Year group
group_by(year_group, ReporterName) %>%
mutate(Percentage = `TradeValue in 1000 USD` / sum(`TradeValue in 1000 USD`)) %>%


Sample output

   year_group ReporterName PartnerName          `TradeValue in 1000 USD` Percentage
<fct> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2016-2019 Angola Canada 647164. 0.0161
2 2016-2019 Angola China 24517058. 0.609
3 2016-2019 Angola Congo, Rep. 299119. 0.00744
4 2016-2019 Angola France 734551. 0.0183
5 2016-2019 Angola India 3768940. 0.0937
6 2016-2019 Angola Indonesia 575477. 0.0143
7 2016-2019 Angola Israel 452453. 0.0112
8 2016-2019 Angola Italy 468915. 0.0117
9 2016-2019 Angola Japan 264672. 0.00658
10 2016-2019 Angola Namibia 327922. 0.00815
11 2016-2019 Angola Portugal 1074137. 0.0267
12 2016-2019 Angola Singapore 513983. 0.0128
13 2016-2019 Angola South Africa 1161852. 0.0289
14 2016-2019 Angola Spain 1250555. 0.0311
15 2016-2019 Angola Thailand 649626. 0.0161
16 2016-2019 Angola United Arab Emirates 884725. 0.0220
17 2016-2019 Angola United Kingdom 425617. 0.0106
18 2016-2019 Angola United States 1470133. 0.0365
19 2016-2019 Angola Unspecified 423009. 0.0105
20 2016-2019 Angola Uruguay 320586. 0.00797

R code to get max count of time series data by group

Using dplyr, we can create a grouping variable by comparing the FlareLength with the previous FlareLength value and select the row with maximum FlareLength in the group.


df %>%
group_by(gr = cumsum(FlareLength < lag(FlareLength,
default = first(FlareLength)))) %>%
slice(which.max(FlareLength)) %>%
ungroup() %>%

# A tibble: 4 x 3
# Date Flare FlareLength
# <fct> <int> <int>
#1 2015-12-06 0 6
#2 2015-12-10 1 4
#3 2015-12-21 0 11
#4 2016-01-18 1 8

In base R with ave we can do the same as

subset(df, FlareLength == ave(FlareLength, cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(FlareLength) < 0)), 
FUN = max))

Using dplyr to average time series groups with individuals of different lengths

You could try:


dat %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(maxtime = max(Time)) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(maxtime = min(maxtime)) %>%
group_by(group, Time) %>%
summarize(values = mean(values)) %>%
ggplot(aes(Time, values, colour = group)) + geom_line()

Sample Image

Time Series Forecasting by Group in R

You can create a function, split and apply. I have not tested this as you did not include any data,

df$year <- lubridate::ymd(df$year, truncated = 2L)
df <- xts(df$variable, df$year)
my_forecast <- forecast(df, level = c(95), h = 2) # avoid naming objects the same as functions (i.e. forecast)

my_list <- split(full_df, full_df$state)

res <- lapply(my_list, my_forecast_fun)

res is a list with the forecast for each state

time series rolling function per group

Using roll_sd with a window size of 252 will make the first 252 values in each group NA - it won't give the result you suggest in your question. However, of the several ways you could achieve the result, the easiest is probably to use group_by and mutate from the tidyverse family of packages. I have dropped the resultantNA values from the final data frame using drop_na


df <- data.frame(ID = rep(letters[1:5], 500), RET = rnorm(2500))

df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(roll_sd = roll_sd(RET, 252)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 1,245 x 3
#> # Groups: ID [5]
#> ID RET roll_sd
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 a -0.538 1.02
#> 2 b -0.669 1.08
#> 3 c -0.438 0.990
#> 4 d -0.511 1.06
#> 5 e 0.953 1.04
#> 6 a -1.68 1.02
#> 7 b -0.806 1.08
#> 8 c -1.86 0.995
#> 9 d 3.49 1.08
#> 10 e -1.36 1.05
#> # ... with 1,235 more rows

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