Lower Case Certain Words R

Lower Case Certain Words R

In effect, it appears that you are interested in converting your text to title case. This can be easily achieved with use of the stringi package, as shown below:

>> stringi::stri_trans_totitle(c('The Kings of Summer', 'The Words', 'Out of the Furnace'))
[1] "The Kings Of Summer" "The Words" "Out Of The Furnace"

Alternative approach would involve making use of the toTitleCase function available in the the tools package:

>> tools::toTitleCase(c('The Kings of Summer', 'The Words', 'Out of the Furnace'))
[1] "The Kings of Summer" "The Words" "Out of the Furnace"

Capitalize the first letter of both words in a two word string

The base R function to perform capitalization is toupper(x). From the help file for ?toupper there is this function that does what you need:

simpleCap <- function(x) {
s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
sep="", collapse=" ")

name <- c("zip code", "state", "final count")

sapply(name, simpleCap)

zip code state final count
"Zip Code" "State" "Final Count"

Edit This works for any string, regardless of word count:

simpleCap("I like pizza a lot")
[1] "I Like Pizza A Lot"

Convert part of string to upper (or lower) case

We can use regex lookarounds. We match and capture a word starting with lower case letter followed by regex lookahead number ((?=[0-9])) as a group (using parentheses) and in the replacement we use \\U followed by the capture group to convert it to upper case.

 sub('\\b([a-z])(?=[0-9])', '\\U\\1', test, perl=TRUE)
#[1] "Aa, Heeswijk T1" "Aa, Heeswijk T1" "Aa, Middelrode T2"
#[4] "Meander Assendelft P1" "Aa, Heeswijk T1a" "Aa, Heeswijk T3b"

Or without using the lookarounds, we can do this with two capture groups.

 sub('\\b([a-z])([0-9])', '\\U\\1\\2', test, perl=TRUE)


Testing with the updated 'test' from the OP's post

sub('\\b([a-z])(?=[0-9])', '\\U\\1', test, perl=TRUE)
#[1] "Aa, Heeswijk T1" "Aa, Heeswijk T1" "Aa, Middelrode T2"
#[4] "Aa, Middelrode P1" "Aa, Heeswijk T1a" "Aa, Heeswijk T3b"
#[7] "Aa, test1 T1" "Aa, test2 T1"

Change text to lowercase in R keeping acronyms in uppercase in text mining

We can do:
test is the input:

paste(lapply(strsplit(test," "),function(x) ifelse(x %in% toupper(tm::stopwords()),
tolower(x),x))[[1]],collapse=" ")
[1] "NASA is a US COMPANY"

In R, switch uppercase to lowercase and vice-versa in a string

I'm sort of curious if there is a better way than:

chartr(x = this,
old = paste0(c(letters,LETTERS),collapse = ""),
new = paste0(c(LETTERS,letters),collapse = ""))

Helpful observation by @Joris in the comments that ?chartr notes that you can use character ranges, avoiding the paste:

chartr("a-zA-Z", "A-Za-z",this)

How to remove words not in caps in R?

Just use grep and a regular expression:

words <- 'Albert Einstein went to the store and saw his friend Nikola Tesla'

# split to vector of individual words
vec <- unlist(strsplit(words, ' '))
# just the capitalized ones
caps <- grep('^[A-Z]', vec, value = T)
# assemble back to a single string, if you want
paste(caps, collapse=' ')

Converting the characters of strings in a single column into lowercase and getting the updated dataframe with all columns

The tolower function should do the trick like so:

df <- df %>% 
mutate(colB = tolower(colB)

How to capitalize all but some letters in R


v2 <- gsub("[sty]", "", paste(letters, collapse="")) 
chartr(v2, toupper(v2), v1)


v1 <- c("JaStADmmnIsynDK", "laUksnDTusainS")

Replace all characters, except the first, in every word of a string with lowercase

There is a pretty way to do this. We can make a single call to gsub in Perl mode, taking advantage of the ability to lowercase a capture group.

text <- "This String IS a tESt. TRYING TO fINd a waY to do ThiS."
gsub("(?<=\\b.)(.*?)\\b", "\\L\\1", text, perl=TRUE)

[1] "This String Is a test. Trying To find a way to do This."


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