Cannot Coerce Type 'Closure' to Vector of Type 'Character'

cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'

The call to datasetInput1 and datasetInput2 in the two last lines is the reason of the error.

You should instead call datasetInput1() and datasetInput2().
Otherwise R tries to convert the function to char. It should be:

#Debug print value of sting being passed
output$testvar = renderText(print(datasetInput1()))

# Plot
output$myplot = renderPlot({myplotfunct(iris, datasetInput1(), datasetInput2())})

The () allows you to get the value of the reactive element rather than interact with the reactive element itself. This is a pretty fundamental concept with Shiny and if that's not something you are yet familiar yet, perhaps revisit the shiny tutorial.

Just by adding the (), the error disappears as you can see below:

Sample Image

Error in as.character(query) : cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'

In this line, you assign the base function sprintf to sql_statement:

sql_statement <- sprintf

You then pass it to sqlQuery() as the second argument (query):

df<- sqlQuery(sql_connection,sql_statement,stringsAsFactors=0)

The function expects query to be a character, so you get the error that R can't coerce a 'closure' (essentially another name for a function) to a character.

I assume you were trying to imitate this commented-out line:

#sql_statement <- sprintf(sql_string, BackDate, DidList[m])

But it's not necessary if all you want to do is run the query you just wrote. So if we just tidy up your code so sql_string is passed straight to sqlQuery(), it should work as intended, though I can't actually test it because we don't have access to your database:


#server for N2 purge attribute
target <- "xxxx"
user <- "xxxx"
pass <- "xxxx"

#print("Working on lot history...")

sql_string <- paste0("select

sql_connection <- odbcConnect(dsn = target, uid = user, pwd = pass,believeNRows=FALSE)
df<- sqlQuery(sql_connection,sql_string,stringsAsFactors=0)

Cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type list when creating a lag variable by id

Don't use quotes around the column name.

TandCtable[, RDexp_pre1 := c(NA, RD_expenses[-.N]), by=id]

If you want lag of different offset length it is better to use shift as suggested by @Waldi instead of appending NA's.

TandCtable[, RDexp_pre1 := shift(RD_expenses, 2), by=id]

r shiny - cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'double'

Try this:


df2 <- tibble(years = c(2012,2013,2014,2015))

ui <- fluidPage(
"Select Years:",
min = 2012,
max = 2019,
value = c(2012, 2019),
ticks = FALSE)),

server <- function(input, output) {

output$table <- renderTable({
filter(df2, years >= input$year_range[1], years <= input$year_range[2])

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Don't understand Cannot Coerce type 'closure' Error

TidySymptoms data has no id column in it. Assuming it's a mistake and you have that already in your data you can do the following changes in the function.

  • There is no need to pass to the function.
  • The column in TidySymptoms is called as word but you are using text in the function.

Try this code.

minus_TextNum <- function(df){ <- mutate(df, text = gsub(x = word, pattern = "[0-9]+|\\(.*\\)", replacement = "")) %>%
unnest_tokens(input = text, output = word) %>%
filter(!word %in% c(stop_words$word, "patient")) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarise(text = paste(word, collapse = " "))


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