Conditionally Display Block of Markdown Text Using Knitr

Conditionally display a block of text in R Markdown

You need a complete R expression, so you cannot break it into multiple blocks like you show, but if the results of a block are a text string then it will be included as is (without quotes), so you should be able to do something like:

`r if(show.text){"la la la"}`

and it will include the text if and only if show.text is TRUE.

Conditionally display block of markdown text using knitr

You could use the asis engine to conditionally include/exclude arbitrary text in knitr, e.g.

```{asis, echo=FALSE}
Some arbitrary text.

1. item
2. item

Change echo=TRUE or FALSE to display/hide this chunk.

But I just discovered a bug in this engine and fixed it. Unless you use knitr >= 1.11.6, you can create a simple asis engine by yourself, e.g.

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knit_engines$set(asis = function(options) {
if (options$echo && options$eval) paste(options$code, collapse = '\n')

If you want to include inline R expressions in the text, you will have to knit the text, e.g.

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knit_engines$set(asis = function(options) {
if (options$echo && options$eval) knit_child(text = options$code)

Conditionally display block of text with code inside string section

Using paste you could do:

Also note that there was a bug in your condition which I fixed.

title: "Untitled"
output: html_document
date: '2022-07-22'

df <- data.frame(
column = 1:2

`r if (nrow( subset(df,column == 1)) != 0) paste("Multiple choice variable with", nrow(subset(df, column == 1)), "missing values.") else ""`

Sample Image

Conditionally evaluate heading using knitr in .Rmd file

You can put the heading in an inline R expression:

eval_cell = TRUE

`r if (eval_cell) '# Heading (would like to eval only if eval_cell is TRUE)'`

```{r eval = eval_cell}

This will become cumbersome if you have large blocks of text/code that need to be conditionally included, in which case you are recommended to put them in a separate child document, say, child.Rmd:

# Heading (would like to eval only if eval_cell is TRUE)

Then in the original (parent) document, you just need

eval_cell = TRUE

```{r child='child.Rmd', eval=eval_cell}

Display Block of R Code in Knitr With Evaluation Turned Off

Is this what you want to do, or have I misunderstood? The eval = FALSE is in one code chunk and the second chunk still plots.

title: "A Test Knit"
output: html_document

## Show code but don't run

```{r, eval = FALSE}

## Run and render plot


quarto rmarkdown code block to only display certain lines

This does not work because you are using YAML syntax for chunk options as recommended with Quarto but #| echo: c(3) is not valid YAML. #| echo: 3 is.

You can use !expr within YAML field to parse R code if necessary. #| echo: !expr c(3) would work. It is explained here:

However, know that knitr supports other way to specify chunk options:

  • Usual header where option needs to be valid R code
```{r, echo = c(3)}
#| echo: c(3)
month <- "July"

  • And a multiline version of it, useful when having long option like fig.cap
#| rmdworkflow,
#| echo = FALSE,
#| fig.cap = "A diagram illustrating how an R Markdown document
#| is converted to the final output document.",
#| out.width = "100%"

knitr::include_graphics("images/workflow.png", dpi = NA)

See the announced in blog post for more about this new syntax:

This question has also been asked in Github - so more detailed answer there:

Conditionally display markup formatted text based on shiny input

The the following in your Rmd file. You already are in a code block and don't need to have additional inline r formatting. You can use results = 'asis' in your block and also add the header (#) for identical formatting if you'd like:

```{r, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
if(BoxValue == TRUE){
cat("# Value for input 2 is", Input2Value)

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