Can Dplyr Summarise Over Several Variables Without Listing Each One

Can dplyr summarise over several variables without listing each one?

The data.table idiom is lapply(.SD, mean), which is

DT <- data.table(df)
DT[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = sex]
# sex age bmi chol
# 1: boy 55 24 203.5
# 2: girl 51 28 197.0

I'm not sure of a dplyr idiom for the same thing, but you can do something like

dg <- group_by(df, sex)
# the names of the columns you want to summarize
cols <- names(dg)[-1]
# the dots component of your call to summarise
dots <- sapply(cols ,function(x) substitute(mean(x), list(, c(list(.data=dg), dots))
# Source: local data frame [2 x 4]

# sex age bmi chol
# 1 boy 55 24 203.5
# 2 girl 51 28 197.0

Note that there is a github issue #178 to efficienctly implement the plyr idiom colwise in dplyr.

Summarizing multiple columns with dplyr?

In dplyr (>=1.00) you may use across(everything() in summarise to apply a function to all variables:


df %>% group_by(grp) %>% summarise(across(everything(), list(mean)))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 5
#> grp a b c d
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 3.08 2.98 2.98 2.91
#> 2 2 3.03 3.04 2.97 2.87
#> 3 3 2.85 2.95 2.95 3.06

Alternatively, the purrrlyr package provides the same functionality:

df %>% slice_rows("grp") %>% dmap(mean)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 5
#> grp a b c d
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 3.08 2.98 2.98 2.91
#> 2 2 3.03 3.04 2.97 2.87
#> 3 3 2.85 2.95 2.95 3.06

Also don't forget about data.table (use keyby to sort sort groups):

setDT(df)[, lapply(.SD, mean), keyby = grp]
#> grp a b c d
#> 1: 1 3.079412 2.979412 2.979412 2.914706
#> 2: 2 3.029126 3.038835 2.967638 2.873786
#> 3: 3 2.854701 2.948718 2.951567 3.062678

Let's try to compare performance.

n <- 10000
df <- data.frame(
a = sample(1:5, n, replace = TRUE),
b = sample(1:5, n, replace = TRUE),
c = sample(1:5, n, replace = TRUE),
d = sample(1:5, n, replace = TRUE),
grp = sample(1:3, n, replace = TRUE)
dt <- setDT(df)
dplyr = df %>% group_by(grp) %>% summarise(across(everything(), list(mean))),
purrrlyr = df %>% slice_rows("grp") %>% dmap(mean),
data.table = dt[, lapply(.SD, mean), keyby = grp],
check = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 3 x 6
#> expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#> <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl>
#> 1 dplyr 2.81ms 2.85ms 328. NA 17.3
#> 2 purrrlyr 7.96ms 8.04ms 123. NA 24.5
#> 3 data.table 596.33µs 707.91µs 1409. NA 10.3

When using `dplyr::summarise()` with the `across()` function can I mix the list and formula syntax

To apply multiple functions in the same across statement you can use the list syntax as :


iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarise(across(starts_with("Sepal"), list(sum = ~sum(!,
mean = mean, sd = sd)))

dplyr summarise : Group by multiple variables in a loop and add results in the same dataframe


list("trav.satisf", "cuisine", "sexe") %>%
map(~ {
hdv2003 %>%
group_by_at(.x) %>%
n = n(),
percent = round((n() / nrow(hdv2003)) * 100, digits = 1),
femmes = round((sum(sexe == "Femme", na.rm = TRUE) / sum(! * 100, digits = 1),
age = round(mean(age, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 1)
) %>%
rename_at(1, ~"group") %>%
mutate(grouping = .x)
}) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
select(grouping, group, everything())
#> # A tibble: 8 x 6
#> grouping group n percent femmes age
#> <chr> <fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 trav.satisf Satisfaction 480 24 51.5 41.4
#> 2 trav.satisf Insatisfaction 117 5.9 47.9 40.3
#> 3 trav.satisf Equilibre 451 22.6 49.9 40.9
#> 4 trav.satisf <NA> 952 47.6 60.2 56
#> 5 cuisine Non 1119 56 43.8 50.1
#> 6 cuisine Oui 881 44 69.4 45.6
#> 7 sexe Homme 899 45 0 48.2
#> 8 sexe Femme 1101 55 100 48.2

Created on 2021-11-12 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

dplyr: add new variables in summarise for each variable name in a vector

There is a summarise_at just for this:

%>% group_by(Species)
%>% summarise_at(c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), funs(mean, sd), na.rm=TRUE)

# A tibble: 3 x 5
Species Sepal.Length_mean Sepal.Width_mean Sepal.Length_sd Sepal.Width_sd
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 setosa 5.01 3.43 0.352 0.379
2 versicolor 5.94 2.77 0.516 0.314
3 virginica 6.59 2.97 0.636 0.322

Summarise multiple columns that have to be grouped tidyverse

Get the data in long format and count :


df %>% pivot_longer(cols = one:three) %>% count(group1, group2, value)

# group1 group2 value n
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#1 High female no 1
#2 High female yes 2
#3 High male no 3
#4 High male yes 3
#5 Low female no 2
#6 Low female yes 4
#7 Low male no 1
#8 Low male yes 2

Using dplyr summarize with different operations for multiple columns

As other people have mentioned, this is normally done by calling summarize_each / summarize_at / summarize_if for every group of columns that you want to apply the summarizing function to. As far as I know, you would have to create a custom function that performs summarizations to each subset. You can for example set the colnames in such way that you can use the select helpers (e.g. contains()) to filter just the columns that you want to apply the function to. If not, then you can set the specific column numbers that you want to summarize.

For the example you mentioned, you could try the following:

summarizer <- function(tb, colsone, colstwo, colsthree, 
funsone, funstwo, funsthree, group_name) {

summarize_all(select(tb, colsone), .funs = funsone),
summarize_all(select(tb, colstwo), .funs = funstwo) %>%
ungroup() %>% select(-matches(group_name)),
summarize_all(select(tb, colsthree), .funs = funsthree) %>%
ungroup() %>% select(-matches(group_name))


#With colnames
iris %>% as.tibble() %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarizer(colsone = contains("Sepal"),
colstwo = matches("Petal.Length"),
colsthree = c(-contains("Sepal"), -matches("Petal.Length")),
funsone = "sum",
funstwo = "mean",
funsthree = "first",
group_name = "Species")

#With indexes
iris %>% as.tibble() %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarizer(colsone = 1:2,
colstwo = 3,
colsthree = 4,
funsone = "sum",
funstwo = "mean",
funsthree = "first",
group_name = "Species")

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