Identifying Duplicate Columns in a Dataframe

python pandas remove duplicate columns

Here's a one line solution to remove columns based on duplicate column names:

df = df.loc[:,~df.columns.duplicated()].copy()

How it works:

Suppose the columns of the data frame are ['alpha','beta','alpha']

df.columns.duplicated() returns a boolean array: a True or False for each column. If it is False then the column name is unique up to that point, if it is True then the column name is duplicated earlier. For example, using the given example, the returned value would be [False,False,True].

Pandas allows one to index using boolean values whereby it selects only the True values. Since we want to keep the unduplicated columns, we need the above boolean array to be flipped (ie [True, True, False] = ~[False,False,True])

Finally, df.loc[:,[True,True,False]] selects only the non-duplicated columns using the aforementioned indexing capability.

The final .copy() is there to copy the dataframe to (mostly) avoid getting errors about trying to modify an existing dataframe later down the line.

Note: the above only checks columns names, not column values.

To remove duplicated indexes

Since it is similar enough, do the same thing on the index:

df = df.loc[~df.index.duplicated(),:].copy()

To remove duplicates by checking values without transposing

df = df.loc[:,~df.apply(lambda x: x.duplicated(),axis=1).all()].copy()

This avoids the issue of transposing. Is it fast? No. Does it work? Yeah. Here, try it on this:

# create a large(ish) dataframe
ldf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size= (736334,1312)))

#to see size in gigs
#ldf.memory_usage().sum()/1e9 #it's about 3 gigs

# duplicate a column
ldf.loc[:,'dup'] = ldf.loc[:,101]

# take out duplicated columns by values
ldf = ldf.loc[:,~ldf.apply(lambda x: x.duplicated(),axis=1).all()].copy()

Find all duplicate columns in a collection of data frames


Since you are using Pandas, you can use pd.Series.duplicated after concatenating column names:

# concatenate column labels
s = pd.concat([df.columns.to_series() for df in (df1, df2, df3)])

# keep all duplicates only, then extract unique names
res = s[s.duplicated(keep=False)].unique()

array(['b', 'e'], dtype=object)


Alternatively, you can extract a series of counts and identify rows which have a count greater than 1:

s = pd.concat([df.columns.to_series() for df in (df1, df2, df3)]).value_counts()

res = s[s > 1].index

Index(['e', 'b'], dtype='object')


The classic Python solution is to use collections.Counter followed by a list comprehension. Recall that list(df) returns the columns in a dataframe, so we can use this map and itertools.chain to produce an iterable to feed Counter.

from itertools import chain
from collections import Counter

c = Counter(chain.from_iterable(map(list, (df1, df2, df3))))

res = [k for k, v in c.items() if v > 1]

Identifying the columns having duplicate column value with Different column name in python

Do you mean by:

s = df.T.duplicated().reset_index()
vals = s.loc[s[0], 'index'].tolist()
colk = df.columns.drop(vals)
print(df.drop(vals, axis=1))


['name_dup', 'age_dup']
['id', 'name', 'age']
id name age
0 1 A 1
1 2 B 2
2 2 B 2
3 3 C 3
4 3 D 3

Check for duplicate values in Pandas dataframe column

Main question

Is there a duplicate value in a column, True/False?

║ Student ║ Date ║
║ Joe ║ December 2017 ║
║ Bob ║ April 2018 ║
║ Joe ║ December 2018 ║

Assuming above dataframe (df), we could do a quick check if duplicated in the Student col by:

boolean = not df["Student"].is_unique      # True (credit to @Carsten)
boolean = df['Student'].duplicated().any() # True

Further reading and references

Above we are using one of the Pandas Series methods. The pandas DataFrame has several useful methods, two of which are:

  1. drop_duplicates(self[, subset, keep, inplace]) - Return DataFrame with duplicate rows removed, optionally only considering certain columns.
  2. duplicated(self[, subset, keep]) - Return boolean Series denoting duplicate rows, optionally only considering certain columns.

These methods can be applied on the DataFrame as a whole, and not just a Serie (column) as above. The equivalent would be:

boolean = df.duplicated(subset=['Student']).any() # True
# We were expecting True, as Joe can be seen twice.

However, if we are interested in the whole frame we could go ahead and do:

boolean = df.duplicated().any() # False
boolean = df.duplicated(subset=['Student','Date']).any() # False
# We were expecting False here - no duplicates row-wise
# ie. Joe Dec 2017, Joe Dec 2018

And a final useful tip. By using the keep paramater we can normally skip a few rows directly accessing what we need:

keep : {‘first’, ‘last’, False}, default ‘first’

  • first : Drop duplicates except for the first occurrence.
  • last : Drop duplicates except for the last occurrence.
  • False : Drop all duplicates.

Example to play around with

import pandas as pd
import io

data = '''\
Joe,December 2017
Bob,April 2018
Joe,December 2018'''

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), sep=',')

# Approach 1: Simple True/False
boolean = df.duplicated(subset=['Student']).any()
print(boolean, end='\n\n') # True

# Approach 2: First store boolean array, check then remove
duplicate_in_student = df.duplicated(subset=['Student'])
if duplicate_in_student.any():
print(df.loc[~duplicate_in_student], end='\n\n')

# Approach 3: Use drop_duplicates method
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Student'], inplace=True)



Student Date
0 Joe December 2017
1 Bob April 2018

Student Date
0 Joe December 2017
1 Bob April 2018

How to identify that dataframe has duplicate column names in pandas?

If all of the columns with an additional .1 are not meant to be with .1, you could try:

print(len(df.columns) != len(df.columns.str.replace('.1$', '').drop_duplicates()))



With dataframes where the columns are not duplicated, it would give False.

Note: It gives True for dataframes with duplicate columns and gives False for dataframes without duplicate columns.

How do you filter duplicate columns in a dataframe based on a value in another column

IIUC, you want to keep all rows if Code is not equal to 10 but drop the first of duplicates otherwise, right? Then you could add that into the boolean mask:

cols = ['NID', 'Lact', 'Code']
out = df[~df.duplicated(cols, keep=False) | df.duplicated(cols) | df['Code'].ne(10)]


  NID  Lact  Code
2 1 1 0
3 1 1 10
4 1 2 0
5 2 2 0
6 2 2 10
7 1 1 0

Identifying duplicate columns in a dataframe

You can do with lapply:

testframe[!duplicated(lapply(testframe, summary))]

summary summarizes the distribution while ignoring the order.

Not 100% but I would use digest if the data is huge:

testframe[!duplicated(lapply(testframe, digest))]

Find all duplicate columns in a pandas dataframe and then group them by key

You could group by using all columns but the first (because it corresponds to the original columns names) and then build the expected result using a dictionary comprehension and extended iterable unpacking:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'col2': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'col3': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1], 'col4': [1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
'col5': [1, 0, 1, 0, 1], 'col6': [1, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'col7': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]})

transpose = df.T

# build all column list but the first
columns = list(range(1, len(df)))

# build result iterating over groups
result = {head: tail for _, (head, *tail) in transpose.reset_index().groupby(columns).index}



{'col1': [], 'col4': ['col5'], 'col6': [], 'col2': ['col3', 'col7']}

How do I get a list of all the duplicate items using pandas in python?

Method #1: print all rows where the ID is one of the IDs in duplicated:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv("dup.csv")
>>> ids = df["ID"]
>>> df[ids.isin(ids[ids.duplicated()])].sort_values("ID")
24 11795 27-Feb-12 0643D38-Hanover NH 0643D38-Hanover NH 19-Jun-12
6 11795 3-Jul-12 0649597-White River VT 0649597-White River VT 30-Mar-12
18 8096 19-Dec-11 0649597-White River VT 0649597-White River VT 9-Apr-12
2 8096 8-Aug-12 0643D38-Hanover NH 0643D38-Hanover NH 25-Jun-12
12 A036 30-Nov-11 063B208-Randolph VT 063B208-Randolph VT NaN
3 A036 1-Apr-12 06CB8CF-Hanover NH 06CB8CF-Hanover NH 9-Aug-12
26 A036 11-Aug-12 06D3206-Hanover NH NaN 19-Jun-12

but I couldn't think of a nice way to prevent repeating ids so many times. I prefer method #2: groupby on the ID.

>>> pd.concat(g for _, g in df.groupby("ID") if len(g) > 1)
6 11795 3-Jul-12 0649597-White River VT 0649597-White River VT 30-Mar-12
24 11795 27-Feb-12 0643D38-Hanover NH 0643D38-Hanover NH 19-Jun-12
2 8096 8-Aug-12 0643D38-Hanover NH 0643D38-Hanover NH 25-Jun-12
18 8096 19-Dec-11 0649597-White River VT 0649597-White River VT 9-Apr-12
3 A036 1-Apr-12 06CB8CF-Hanover NH 06CB8CF-Hanover NH 9-Aug-12
12 A036 30-Nov-11 063B208-Randolph VT 063B208-Randolph VT NaN
26 A036 11-Aug-12 06D3206-Hanover NH NaN 19-Jun-12

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