Can Dcast Be Used Without an Aggregate Function

Can dcast be used without an aggregate function?

I don't think there is a way to do it directly but we can add in an additional column which will help us out

df2 <- structure(list(id = c("A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C", "C"), cat = c("SS", 
"SS", "SS", "SV", "SV", "SV", "SV"), val = c(220L, 222L, 223L,
224L, 225L, 220L, 1L)), .Names = c("id", "cat", "val"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

# Add a variable for how many times the id*cat combination has occured
tmp <- ddply(df2, .(id, cat), transform, newid = paste(id, seq_along(cat)))
# Aggregate using this newid and toss in the id so we don't lose it
out <- dcast(tmp, id + newid ~ cat, value.var = "val")
# Remove newid if we want
out <- out[,-which(colnames(out) == "newid")]
> out
# id SS SV
#1 A 220 224
#2 B 222 225
#3 C 223 220
#4 C NA 1

R: Casting a character column without aggregation

We can create a sequence column for the duplicates and it should work

dcast(setDT(Rank2), Cat + rowid(Rank) ~ Rank, value.var = 'Group')

why is dcast so impossible to pass a non-aggregate function?

We can use rbindlist after placing the datasets in a list

DTfinal <- rbindlist(list(a,b))
#[1] 400 4
#[1] 200 4
#[1] 200 4

Suppose if both datasets have different number of columns, and we have a vector of column names that we need to keep

nm1 <- intersect(names(a), names(b))
rbindlist(list(a[, nm1, with = FALSE], b[, nm1, with = FALSE]), idcol= "id")


If we need to convert to 'wide' format

DTfinal <-  rbindlist(setNames(list(a,b), c("a", "b")), idcol= "id")
dcast(DTfinal, grp + time ~id, value.var = c('mean', 'median'))
# grp time mean_a mean_b median_a median_b
# 1: a 1 0.52171471 25.99502 -0.06558068 25
# 2: a 2 0.36445108 25.99010 0.13518412 25
# 3: a 3 0.08993721 25.98522 0.20128790 25
# 4: a 4 -64.04617391 25.98039 0.40999376 25
# 5: a 5 0.81730847 25.97561 -0.03481697 25
# ---
#196: d 46 1.62818374 176.67568 -0.26695999 176
#197: d 47 -1.45259871 176.67340 0.14893356 176
#198: d 48 9.59796683 176.67114 -0.05834959 176
#199: d 49 -2.74285453 176.66890 -0.22094347 176
#200: d 50 1.22109043 176.66667 -0.08172928 176

reshape2 dcast without aggregation - problems with seq

You may need to create a sequence column

mymelt$indx <- with(mymelt, ave(seq_along(species), species, FUN=seq_along))
dcast(mymelt, sample+variable+indx~species, value.var='value', fill=0)
# sample variable indx M. edulis Mytilus sp.
#1 41411elba_2 cell_nr 2 5107.51 0.00
#2 41411elba_2 biovol 4 1021502.16 0.00
#3 41442bay_1 cell_nr 1 0.00 6.22
#4 41442bay_1 biovol 4 0.00 1243.04
#5 41443bay_2 cell_nr 1 599.14 0.00
#6 41443bay_2 biovol 3 114028.15 0.00
#7 41502bay_3 cell_nr 3 0.00 2.74
#8 41502bay_3 biovol 6 0.00 548.21
#9 41502elba_1 cell_nr 2 0.00 1.35
#10 41502elba_1 biovol 5 0.00 260.64


If the dataset still has duplicates, try

 mymelt$indx <- with( mymelt,
dcast(mymelt, sample+variable+indx~species, value.var='value', fill=0)


 mydata <- structure(
list(sample = c("41442bay_1", "41502elba_1", "41502bay_3", "41443bay_2", "41411elba_2"),
species = c("Mytilus sp.", "Mytilus sp.", "Mytilus sp.", "M. edulis", "M. edulis"),
cell_nr = c(6.22, 1.35, 2.74, 599.14, 5107.51),
biovol = c(1243.04, 260.64, 548.21, 114028.15, 1021502.16)
.Names = c("sample", "species", "cell_nr", "biovol"),
class = "data.frame",
row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")

Customise the aggregate function inside dcast based on the max value of a column in data.table?

Here is one option where you take the relevent subset before dcasting:

DT[order(V4, decreasing = TRUE)
][, dcast(unique(.SD, by = c("V1", "V2")), V1 ~ V2, value.var = "V3")]

# V1 1 2
# 1: a B cc
# 2: b st st
# 3: c cc <NA>

Alternatively order and use a custom function in dcast():

DT[order(V4, decreasing = TRUE)],
V1 ~ V2,
value.var = "V3",
fun.aggregate = function(x) x[1]

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