Unzip a Tar.Gz File

Extract tar.gz file and save again extracted file using Google colaboratory

Try this code. Sometimes it may be fixed your issue. Give your file name with its destination where you want to extract the tar file in Google Drive.


  • -x : Extract a tarball.

  • -v : Verbose output or show progress while extracting files.

  • -f : Specify an archive or a tarball filename.

  • -C : Specify a different directory to extract

  • -z : Decompress and extract the contents of the compressed archive created by gzip program (tar.gz extension).

    #run this cell extract_tar.gz files

    !tar -xzvf "/content/drive/path/input_file_name.tar.gz" -C "/content/drive/path/output_folder/"

javascript - unzip tar.gz archive in google script

You can use the Utilities Class to unzip your File.

To unzip the gzip you have to call the ungzip() method:

var textBlob = Utilities.newBlob("Some text to compress using gzip compression");

// Create the compressed blob.
var gzipBlob = Utilities.gzip(textBlob, "text.gz");

// Uncompress the data.
var uncompressedBlob = Utilities.ungzip(gzipBlob);

That's the example provided in the official documentation.

You can also take a look at the answer given to this question that also explains how to use the Utilities Class in combination with Google Drive.

How to extract a .tar.gz file on UNIX

You must either run the command from the directory your file exists in, or provide a relative or absolute path to the file. Let's do the latter:

cd /home/jsmith
mkdir cw
cd cw
tar zxvf /home/jsmith/Downloads/fileNameHere.tgz

Unzip tar.gz in Windows

7 zip can do that: http://www.7-zip.org/

It has a documented command line. I use it every day via scripts.

Plus: it is free and has 32 and 64 bit versions.

how to extract members of tar.gz file within a zip file in Python

You can use the tarfile module, in a very similar way you used the zipfile module.
To complete your code and get the names of files in the tar.gz file:

def scan_zip_file(zfile):
l_files = []
with zipfile.ZipFile(zfile, 'r') as zf:
for zname in zf.namelist():
if zname.endswith('.zip'):
with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(zf.read(zname))) as zf2:
elif zname.endswith('.tar.gz'):
with tarfile.open(fileobj=io.BytesIO(zf.read(zname))) as tf:

The fileobj argument for tarfile.open tells it to use a 'File-like object' which io.BytesIO returns.

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