Add New Value to New Column Based on If Value Exists in Other Dataframe in R

Add new value to new column based on if value exists in other dataframe in R

We can use %in% to compare the values and wrap as.integer to convert logical values to integers.

purchases$buyers <- as.integer(purchases$ID %in% users$ID)

# ID buyers
#1 6456 1
#2 4436 0
#3 88945 0

This can also be written as :

purchases$buyers <- +(purchases$ID %in% users$ID)

Add a new column to a dataframe using matching values of another dataframe

merge(table1, table2[, c("pid", "val2")], by="pid")

Add in the all.x=TRUE argument in order to keep all of the pids in table1 that don't have matches in table2...

You were on the right track. Here's a way using match...

table1$val2 <- table2$val2[match(table1$pid, table2$pid)]

Create new column based on matches in another table

In Base R, you could do a merge:

data3 <- merge( data1, data2, all.y = TRUE )

and then replace the NAs with your string of choice:

data3[ data3[ 5 ] ), 5 ] <- "Not Determined"

which gives you

> data3
Col1 Col2 Col3 Count Method
1 ABC AA Al 1 Sample
2 ABC AA B 4 Dry
3 ABC CC C 5 Not Determined
4 EFG AA Al 6 Sample
5 XYZ BB Al 2 Sample
6 XYZ CC C 1 Not Determined

Attention: If you are on an older version of R (< 4.0), you might be dealing with factors and need to add the additional factor level before with

levels( data3$Method ) <- c( levels( data3$Method ), "Not Determined" )

R - Create new column based on substring from another column with conditions

There is probably a more efficient way to do this, but we could do a series of ifelse statements using case_when from tidyverse. First, I remove any rows that just end with ;s__. Then, in the series of statements, I check to if a given taxonomic level is present, then if so, then return that in the desired format. Then, that is repeated across all taxonomic levels.


output <- input_data %>%
mutate(taxon = trimws(taxon, whitespace = ";s__")) %>%
mutate(taxon_main = case_when(str_detect(taxon, "s__") ~ trimws(str_replace_all(str_extract(taxon, "(?<=g__).*"), ";s_", ""), whitespace = '_'),
!str_detect(taxon, "s__") & str_detect(taxon, "g__")~ str_replace_all(str_extract(taxon, "g__.*"), "__", "_"),
!str_detect(taxon, "g__") & str_detect(taxon, "f__") ~ str_replace_all(str_extract(taxon, "f__.*"), "__", "_"),
!str_detect(taxon, "f__") & str_detect(taxon, "o__")~ str_replace_all(str_extract(taxon, "o__.*"), "__", "_"),
!str_detect(taxon, "o__") & str_detect(taxon, "c__")~ str_replace_all(str_extract(taxon, "c__.*"), "__", "_"),
!str_detect(taxon, "c__") & str_detect(taxon, "p__")~ str_replace_all(str_extract(taxon, "p__.*"), "__", "_"),
!str_detect(taxon, "p__") & str_detect(taxon, "k__")~ str_replace_all(str_extract(taxon, "k__.*"), "__", "_"),
TRUE ~ NA_character_))


output %>% select(taxon_main)

1 Lactobacillus_crispatus
2 g_Anaerococcus
3 f_Comamonadaceae
4 f_Lachnospiraceae
5 Bosea_massiliensis
6 Acinetobacter_baumannii
7 f_Methylophilaceae

Or you could also use separate first, which will make the code less reliant on using a lot of stringr. We can clean up before using separate, such as only having one underscore and remove extra s__. Then, we can go through the ifelse statements, and then we can bind back to the original taxon column and drop all the other columns, except for taxon_main.

input_data %>%
mutate(taxon = trimws(taxon, whitespace = ";s__"),
taxon = str_replace_all(taxon, ";s__", ";"),
taxon = str_replace_all(taxon, "__", "_")) %>%
separate(taxon, sep = ";", into = c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species")) %>%
mutate(taxon_main = case_when(! ~ paste(str_extract(Genus, "(?<=g_).*"), Species, sep = "_"), & ! ~ Genus, & ! ~ Family, & ! ~ Order, & ! ~ Class, & ! ~ Phylum, & ! ~ Kingdom
)) %>%
bind_cols(input_data,.) %>%
select(taxon_main, taxon)


               taxon_main                                                                                                                     taxon
1 Lactobacillus_crispatus k__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes;c__Bacilli;o__Lactobacillales;f__Lactobacillaceae;g__Lactobacillus;s__crispatus
2 g_Anaerococcus k__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes;c__Tissierellia;o__Tissierellales;f__Peptoniphilaceae;g__Anaerococcus;s__
3 f_Comamonadaceae k__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Betap__Proteobacteria;o__Burkholderiales;f__Comamonadaceae
4 f_Lachnospiraceae k__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes;c__Clostridia;o__Clostridiales;f__Lachnospiraceae
5 Bosea_massiliensis k__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Alphap__Proteobacteria;o__Rhizobiales;f__Bradyrhizobiaceae;g__Bosea;s__massiliensis
6 Acinetobacter_baumannii k__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Gammap__Proteobacteria;o__Pseudomonadales;f__Moraxellaceae;g__Acinetobacter;s__baumannii
7 f_Methylophilaceae k__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Betap__Proteobacteria;o__Nitrosomonadales;f__Methylophilaceae

How to check if values in one dataframe exist in another dataframe in R?

Try this using %in% and a vector for all values:

df1$reply <- df1$user_name %in% c(df2$name,df2$organisation)


id reply user_name
1 1 TRUE John
2 2 TRUE Amazon
3 3 FALSE Bob

Some data used:

df1 <- structure(list(id = 1:3, reply = c(NA, NA, NA), user_name = c("John",
"Amazon", "Bob")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L

df2 <- structure(list(name = c("John", "Pat"), organisation = c("Amazon",
"Apple")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L))

How to check if a value exists within a set of columns?

Create a vector with the columns of interest and use rowSums(), i.e.

i1 <- grep('i10_', names(d1))
rowSums(d1[i1] == 'C7931' | d1[i1] == 'C7932', na.rm = TRUE) > 0


d1 <- structure(list(v1 = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"), i10_a = c(NA, 
"C7931", NA, NA, "S272XXA", "R55"), i10_1 = c("C7931", "C7931",
"R079", "S272XXA", "S234sfs", "N179")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

subset a column in data frame based on another data frame/list

We can use %in% to get a logical vector and subset the rows of the 'table1' based on that.

subset(table1, gene_ID %in% accessions40$V1)

A better option would be data.table

setDT(table1)[gene_ID %chin% accessions40$V1]

Or use filter from dplyr

table1 %>%
filter(gene_ID %in% accessions40$V1)

Add column if value is in another column of another dataframe

We need to trim the df1 with explode then we can do map

df1['list'] = df1['list'].str.split(',')
s = df1.explode('list')
df['present'] =['list'],s['topic'])))
name value present
0 Harry a topic1
1 Kenny b NaN
2 Zoey h NaN

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