Writing a Connection String When Password Contains Special Characters

Writing a connection string when password contains special characters

Backslashes aren't valid escape characters for URL component strings. You need to URL-encode the password portion of the connect string:

from urllib import quote_plus as urlquote
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
engine = create_engine('postgres://user:%s@host/database' % urlquote('badpass'))

If you look at the implementation of the class used in SQLAlchemy to represent database connection URLs (in sqlalchemy/engine/url.py), you can see that they use the same method to escape passwords when converting the URL instances into strings, and that the parsing code uses the complementary urllib.unquote_plus function to extract the password from a connection string.

Password with special characters in connectionString

In this example I see two things:

  1. A & in xml should be escaped with & (Good explanation in this answer)
  2. A ; in a connection string, you should wrap the password in single quotes

So this should work for you:

<add name="CRM365" connectionString="AuthType=AD;Url=http://crm.xxx.com/CRM365; Domain=test; Username=test; Password='T,jL4O&vc%t;30'" />

Edit (just tried it for myself):

Additionally, another variant is to use escaped double quotes:

<add name="CRM365" connectionString="AuthType=AD;Url=http://crm.xxx.com/CRM365; Domain=test; Username=test; Password="T,jL4O&vc%t;30"" />


Use either password='T,jL4O&vc%t;30'; or password="T,jL4O&vc%t;30";

Access denied for user when password contains special characters

If any of the constituent parts of the database URL might contain special characters that would potentially confuse the URL parser it is best to have sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL construct the URL for you. For example:

import sqlalchemy as sa

connection_url = sa.engine.url.URL(drivername="mysql+pymysql",
# mysql+pymysql://db_user:my%3Apassword@localhost:3307/mydb

Notice that the colon character in the password is percent-encoded as %3A.

mongodb shell login - password contains special characters like -(hyphen) and '(single quote)

The manual for the deprecated mongo command makes it clear that the preferred way to pass a connection string is as a URI. https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/ makes it clear that usernames and passwords can be passed as part of that URI.

mongo mongodb://username:-8B%27df5%3D@hostname/admin

%27 is the URL-escaping version of '

%3D is the URL-escaping version of =

Python's urllib.quote() is one of the many ways you can look up these mappings yourself.

SQLAlchemy ValueError for slash in password for create_engine()

Slashes aren't valid characters for URL component strings. You need to URL-encode the password portion of the connect string:

from urllib import quote_plus as urlquote
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
engineString = 'postgresql://wberg:%s@localhost/mydatabase' % urlquote('pass/word')
engine = create_engine(engineString)

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