What Is Ruby Equivalent of Python's 'S= "Hello, %S. Where Is %S" % ("John","Mary")'

What is Ruby equivalent of Python's `s= hello, %s. Where is %s? % (John,Mary)`

The easiest way is string interpolation. You can inject little pieces of Ruby code directly into your strings.

name1 = "John"
name2 = "Mary"
"hello, #{name1}. Where is #{name2}?"

You can also do format strings in Ruby.

"hello, %s.  Where is %s?" % ["John", "Mary"]

Remember to use square brackets there. Ruby doesn't have tuples, just arrays, and those use square brackets.

Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby's string interpolation?

Python 3.6 will add literal string interpolation similar to Ruby's string interpolation. Starting with that version of Python (which is scheduled to be released by the end of 2016), you will be able to include expressions in "f-strings", e.g.

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print(f"Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? {name}.")

Prior to 3.6, the closest you can get to this is

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? %(name)s." % locals())

The % operator can be used for string interpolation in Python. The first operand is the string to be interpolated, the second can have different types including a "mapping", mapping field names to the values to be interpolated. Here I used the dictionary of local variables locals() to map the field name name to its value as a local variable.

The same code using the .format() method of recent Python versions would look like this:

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? {name!s}.".format(**locals()))

There is also the string.Template class:

tmpl = string.Template("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? $name.")
print(tmpl.substitute(name="Spongebob Squarepants"))

Is there an equivalent null prevention on chained attributes of groovy in ruby?

This works in Rails:


If you want it to work in Ruby you have to extend Object like this:

class Object
# @person ? @person.name : nil
# vs
# @person.try(:name)
def try(method)
send method if respond_to? method


In Rails it's implemented like this:

class Object
def try(*a, &b)
if a.empty? && block_given?
yield self
__send__(*a, &b)

class NilClass
def try(*args)

Using Tuples in Ruby?


Brief example:

require 'ostruct'

person = OpenStruct.new
person.name = "John Smith"
person.age = 70
person.pension = 300

puts person.name # -> "John Smith"
puts person.age # -> 70
puts person.address # -> nil

Escaping a variable (containing an array)

Perhaps try string formatting instead. It is not evaluated on creation but rather later.

statement = %|{:foo => %s}|
array = ["a", "b"]
eval(statement % array.inspect) #=> {:foo => ["a", "b"]}
array = [1,2,3]
eval(statement % array.inspect) #=> {:foo => [1, 2, 3]}

Here's another SO question that deals with the above concept

I get highly nervous when I see eval so I would recommend finding some other way of accomplishing this! However, this should work if you deem there to be no other means.

x not in list, where x contains samples of HELLO speech

MATLAB's .mat files store one or more variables. numpy loads those variables as a dictionary where each key corresponds to a variable name and each value corresponds to the value stored in that variable. So x in your case isn't the HELLO samples, it is a dictionary containing at least one key and the same number of values, where at least one of the values should have your samples. You need to get that value out and store it in x.

If you know the variable name ahead of time, you can just do this (assume the variable name is 'name'):

x = sio.loadmat('C:\\Users\\dell\\Desktop\\Rabia Ahmad spring 2016\\FYP\\1. Matlab Work\\record work\\kk.mat')['name']

If you don't know the variable name, but now there will only ever be one variable in the file, you can do this:

myvars = sio.loadmat('C:\\Users\\dell\\Desktop\\Rabia Ahmad spring 2016\\FYP\\1. Matlab Work\\record work\\kk.mat')
x = list(myvars.values)[0]

Also, you don't need to define h as 'float', it will do that automatically since there are decimals in the values. And as AreTor said, you don't need to fill x with zeros beforehand, in fact that just wastes time since that array will be immediately discarded and a new one will be created.

Ruby formatting for ordinals: '1' as '1st', '2' as '2nd' etc

Looks like you are looking for ordinalize:

The Ruby on Rails framework is chock full of interesting little nuggets. Ordinalize is a number extension that returns the corresponding ordinal number as a string. For instance, 1.ordinalize returns “1st” and 22.ordinalize return “22nd”.


place = 3
puts "You are currently in #{place.ordinalize} place."


You are currently in 3rd place.

Which format should the version constant of my project have

First of all, Foo::Version seems wrong to me. That implicates that version is a Class or a Module, but should be a constant, as first two of your examples.

Apart from that, there is no golden rule here. Here are a few examples:



(Note: a module VERSION with all capitals.)







(Note, a module Version, compare with Rails above.)





Most of the above have their version defined in the lib/[name]/version.rb file, except for Rails, which has a version.rb in the root of the project, and Cucumber, which has buried it in the lib/cucumber/platform.rb file.

Also note that all of the above use Strings as a version. (Rails even concatenates MAJOR, MINOR, TINY, and PRE constants into a single VERSION constant.) This allows for easy comparison of versions:

    "1.2.3" > "0.4.2"  # => true
"1.2.3" > "1.2.2" # => true
"1.2.3" > "1.2" # => true

However, such a comparison fails when you run into double digits for the patch level:

    "1.2.3" > "1.2.12" # => true

To me, defining Foo::VERSION is your best bet, define it in lib/foo/version.rb, and make it a String value.

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