What's an Efficient Way to Find If a Point Lies in the Convex Hull of a Point Cloud

Checking if a point is in ConvexHull?

It seems to be an edge case problem with the find_simplex method of the Delaunay object for almost flat simplex (triangle).

Here is a code to find and plot a faulty case with only 3 points:

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from scipy.spatial import delaunay_plot_2d

for _ in range(5000):
cloud = np.random.rand(3, 2)

tri = Delaunay(cloud)

if np.any( tri.find_simplex(cloud)<0 ):
print('break at', _)

id_break = np.where(tri.find_simplex(cloud)<0)
plt.plot( *cloud[id_break].ravel(), 'or' );

faulty example

The other method proposed here seems to work well:

hull = ConvexHull(cloud)

def point_in_hull(point, hull, tolerance=1e-12):
return all(
(np.dot(eq[:-1], point) + eq[-1] <= tolerance)
for eq in hull.equations)

[ point_in_hull(point, hull) for point in cloud ]
# [True, True, True]

Rough test if points are inside/outside of convex hull

In order to quickly purge away points that are certified to be inside the convex hull you can reuse the points you found in your bounding box computation.
Namely, the 2k points (of dimension k) containing the min and max value in every dimension.

You can construct a small (2k constraints) linear programming problem and purge away any point that is within the convex hull of these 2k points.

You can do this both for the query points and for the original point cloud, which will leave you with a smaller linear programming problem to solve for the remaining points.

Points in convex hull and assign True/False to the dataframe

You can use the hull equations do determine if the point is inside the hull

def in_hull(points, hull):
A = hull.equations
dist = np.array(points[['x', 'y']]) @ A[:,:2].T + A[:,2]
return np.all(dist < 0, axis=1)

df1['within'] = in_hull(df1, hull_of_df2);
df2['within'] = in_hull(df2, hull_of_df1);

With some plotting to be more convincing

plt.plot(df1['x'], df1['y'], '.r')
for r in hull_of_df1.simplices:
plt.plot(df1['x'][r], df1['y'][r], '-r')
plt.plot(df2['x'], df2['y'], '.g')
for r in hull_of_df2.simplices:
plt.plot(df2['x'][r], df2['y'][r], '-g')

df1['within'] = in_hull(df1, hull_of_df2);
mr = df1['within']
plt.plot(df1['x'][mr], df1['y'][mr], 'xg')

df2['within'] = in_hull(df2, hull_of_df1);
mr = df2['within']
plt.plot(df2['x'][mr], df2['y'][mr], 'xr')

Sample Image

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