Combine a Folder of Text Files into a CSV with Each Content in a Cell

Combine a folder of text files into a CSV with each content in a cell

Can be written slightly more compactly using pathlib.

>>> import os
>>> os.chdir('c:/scratch/folder to process')
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> with open('big.csv', 'w') as out_file:
... csv_out = csv.writer(out_file)
... csv_out.writerow(['FileName', 'Content'])
... for fileName in Path('.').glob('*.txt'):
... csv_out.writerow([str(fileName),open(str(fileName.absolute())).read().strip()])

The items yielded by this glob provide access to both the full pathname and the filename, hence no need for concatenations.

EDIT: I've examined one of the text files and found that one of the characters that chokes processing looks like 'fi' but is actually these two characters together as a single character. Given the likely practical use to which this csv will be put I suggest the following processing, which ignores weird characters like that one. I strip out endlines because I suspect this makes csv processing more complicated, and a possible topic for another question.

import csv
from pathlib import Path

with open('big.csv', 'w', encoding='Latin-1') as out_file:
csv_out = csv.writer(out_file)
csv_out.writerow(['FileName', 'Content'])
for fileName in Path('.').glob('*.txt'):
lines = [ ]
with open(str(fileName.absolute()),'rb') as one_text:
for line in one_text.readlines():
csv_out.writerow([str(fileName),' '.join(lines)])

Multiple specific text files into CSV in python

As a general advice: The pandas library is pretty useful for things like this. If I understood your problem correctly, this should basically do it:

import os
import pandas as pd

dirpath = 'C:\Users\gputman\Desktop\Control_File_Tracker\Input\\'
output = 'C:\Users\gputman\Desktop\Control_File_Tracker\Output\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.csv'
csvout = pd.DataFrame()

for filename in files:
data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=':', index_col=0, header=None).T
csvout = csvout.append(data)


For explanation of the code, see this question/answer which explains how to read a transposed text file with pandas.

PowerShell: How to upload data from multiple txt files into a single xlsx or csv file

If you're certain the text files all have the same format, you can treat them as tab-delimited csv files, import them and save out merged like below:

(Get-ChildItem -Path 'X:\Somewhere' -Filter '*.txt' -File).FullName | 
Import-Csv -Delimiter "`t" |
Export-Csv 'X:\SomewhereElse\merged.csv' -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation

Using switch -UseCulture means the merged csv is written out using the delimiter your local Excel expects, so when done just double-click the file to open in Excel.

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