What Does Enumerate() Mean

What does for x, u in enumerate(...) mean?

Yep... the enumerate built-in function will create a list something like:

[(0, user1),
(1, user2),
(2, user3)]

Note that I don't know any info about your self.__users that's why I putting that way....
So this line for x, u in enumerate(self.__users): will return for x the index and for the u your user.

Hope that helped

What does object is enumerated mean in C#?

General explainations for enumeration

IEnumerable is an interface, that is usually implemented by collection types in C#. For example List, Queue or Array.

IEnumerable provides a method GetEnumerator which returns an object of type IEnumerator.

The IEnumerator basically represents a "forward moving pointer" to elements in a collection.
IEnumerator has:

  • the property Current, which returns the object it currently points to (e.g. first object in your collection).
  • a method MoveNext, which moves the pointer to the next element. After calling it, Current will hold a reference to the second object in your collection. MoveNext will return false if there were no more elements in the collection.

Whenever a foreach loop is executed, the IEnumerator is retreived and MoveNext is called for each iteration - until it eventually returns false. The variable you define in your loop header, is filled with the IEnumerator's Current.

Compiling a foreach loop

thx to @Llama

This code...

List<int> a = new List<int>();
foreach (var val in a)
var b = 1 + val;

is transformed to something like this by the compiler:

List<int> list = new List<int>();
List<int>.Enumerator enumerator = list.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
int current = enumerator.Current;
int num = 1 + current;
} finally {

The quote

The query represented by this method is not executed until the object
is enumerated either by calling its GetEnumerator method directly or
by using foreach in Visual C#.

GetEnumerator is automatically called, as soon as you put your object into a foreach loop, for example. Of course, other functions, e.g. Linq queries, can also retreive the IEnumerator from your collection, by doing so either explicit (call GetEnumerator) or implicit in some sort of loop, like I did in my sample above.

What Does Enumerate Do in This Context [Python]

enumerate is used to generate a line index, the i variable, together with the line string, which is the i-th line in the text file. Getting an index from an iterable is such a common idiom on any iterable that enumerate provides an elegant way to do this. You could, of course, just initialize an integer counter i and increment it after each line is read, but enumerate does that for you. The main advantage is code readability: the i variable initialization and increment statements would be book-keeping code that is not strictly necessary to show the intent of what that loop is trying to do. Python excels at revealing the business-logic of code being concise and to the point.
You can look at Raymond Hettinger's presentation to learn more about idiomatic python from these excellent notes.

Working of Enumerate in Python

enumerate creates a generator function that effectively turns a list of values into a list of tuples.

L1 = [9, 12, 9, 6]


[(0, 9), (1, 12), (2, 9), (3, 6)]

The max function finds the maximum value in that list. If no other arguments were provided to max, it would compare the tuples to each other and this item would be the max - (3, 6). But that's not what we want. We don't want it to use the enumerate number in the comparison.

max accepts a key argument, which should be a function that takes one argument, which will be the value from the list, and should return a value that will be used to sort the list and choose a maximum. In this case, we want to sort the list based on the second number in each tuple (i.e the 6 in (3, 6)).

operator.itemgetter is a function that returns a function, which will return an indexed item of the thing it's called on. For example:

L1 = [3, 4, 6, 2]
f = operator.itemgetter(0)
# 3

f = operator.itemgetter(2)
# 6

In this case, it uses operator.itemgetter(1), which is going to return the 6 in (3, 6)

So the result we get from max(enumerate(l1), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) is a tuple with the index of the max value and the max value in L1.

Difference between Iterator and Enumerator object

Your understanding of what it ultimately does is correct, but the phrasing in that quote is misleading. There is no difference between an "enumerator" (not really a standard term) and an iterator, or rather, the "enumerator" is a kind of iterator. enumerate returns an enumerate object, so enumerate is a class:

>>> enumerate
<class 'enumerate'>
>>> type(enumerate)
<class 'type'>
>>> enumerate(())
<enumerate object at 0x10ad9c300>

Just like other built-in types list:

>>> list
<class 'list'>
>>> type(list)
<class 'type'>
>>> type([1,2,3]) is list

Or custom types:

>>> class Foo:
... pass
>>> Foo
<class '__main__.Foo'>
<class 'type'>
>>> type(Foo())
<class '__main__.Foo'>

enumerate objects are iterators. It is not that they can be "treated like" iterators, they are iterators, Iterators are any types that fulfill the following criteria: they define a __iter__ and __next__:

>>> en = enumerate([1])
>>> en.__iter__
<method-wrapper '__iter__' of enumerate object at 0x10ad9c440>
>>> en.__next__
<method-wrapper '__next__' of enumerate object at 0x10ad9c440>

And iter(iterator) is iterator:

>>> iter(en) is en
>>> en
<enumerate object at 0x10ad9c440>
>>> iter(en)
<enumerate object at 0x10ad9c440>


>>> next(en)
(0, 1)

Now, to be specific, it doesn't return an index value per se, rather, it returns a two-tuple containing the next value in the iterable passed in along with monotonically increasing integers, by default starting at 0, but it can take a start parameter, and the iterable passed in doesn't have to be indexable:

>>> class Iterable:
... def __iter__(self):
... yield 1
... yield 2
... yield 3
>>> iterable = Iterable()
>>> iterable[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'Iterable' object is not subscriptable
>>> list(enumerate(iterable))
[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
>>> list(enumerate(iterable, start=1))
[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]
>>> list(enumerate(iterable, start=17))
[(17, 1), (18, 2), (19, 3)]

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