Trailing Slash Triggers 404 in Flask Path Rule

Trailing slash triggers 404 in Flask path rule

Your /users route is missing a trailing slash, which Werkzeug interprets as an explicit rule to not match a trailing slash. Either add the trailing slash, and Werkzeug will redirect if the url doesn't have it, or set strict_slashes=False on the route and Werkzeug will match the rule with or without the slash.

def users(path=None):
return str(path)

c = app.test_client()
print(c.get('/users')) # 302 MOVED PERMANENTLY (to /users/)
print(c.get('/users/')) # 200 OK
print(c.get('/users/test')) # 200 OK
@app.route('/users', strict_slashes=False)
def users(path=None):
return str(path)

c = app.test_client()
print(c.get('/users')) # 200 OK
print(c.get('/users/')) # 200 OK
print(c.get('/users/test')) # 200 OK

You can also set strict_slashes for all URLs.

app.url_map.strict_slashes = False

However, you should avoid disabling strict slashes in most cases. The docs explain why:

This behavior allows relative URLs to continue working even if the trailing slash is omitted, consistent with how Apache and other servers work. Also, the URLs will stay unique, which helps search engines avoid indexing the same page twice.

Flask adds trailing slash to URL, no routes match

Your WSGIScriptAlias is misconfigured. Your app is being served by Apache relative to /foo

To get the behavior you want, the alias should be for the root directory, I.E. / instead of /foo

Trailing slash in Flask route

You are on the right tracking with using strict_slashes, which you can configure on the Flask app itself. This will set the strict_slashes flag to False for every route that is created

app = Flask('my_app')
app.url_map.strict_slashes = False

Then you can use before_request to detect the trailing / for a redirect. Using before_request will allow you to not require special logic to be applied to each route individually

def clear_trailing():
from flask import redirect, request

rp = request.path
if rp != '/' and rp.endswith('/'):
return redirect(rp[:-1])

Why does putting the word Admin in the route of a flask application cause the page to 404?

It's not the n letter that's causing the error, but the / at the end of the URL. and are different URLs in this context. You need to handle them separately or add to the same handler.

You can do this:

def editTable():
return flask.render_template('formTest.html')

and the URL will become slash-agnostic. If you want to make all your URL slash-agnostic, you need to handle and remove the slashes in @app.before_request.
See this question for more details.

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