Xls to CSV Converter

Convert XLS to CSV - R (Tried Rio Package)

Although I was not able to do it with rio to convert, I read it as xls and wrote it back as csv using below code. Testing worked fine, Hope it works without glitch in implementation.

files <- list.files(pattern = '*.xls')    


for(i in files ) {
x <- read.xlsx(i, sheetIndex = 1, header=TRUE, startRow=9)
y= rbind(y,x)

dt <- Sys.Date()
fn<- paste("path/",dt,".csv",sep="")
write.csv(y,fn,row.names = FALSE)

I Want to convert a .xls or.xlsx file to .csv format using C#

You have to specify the FileFormat explicitely, see here:

xlsheet.SaveAs(@"C:\Users\AbrahamSamuel\Desktop\sample\new.csv", XlFileFormat.xlCSV);

Depending on your needs, instead of xlCSV, xlCSVUTF8 or xlCSVWindows might be the right choice.

Convert XLS to CSV on the server in Node

There is no library that I am aware of, but you could use node-xlsx to parse the excel file, get the rows and make the CSV yourself. Here's an example:

var xlsx = require('node-xlsx');
var fs = require('fs');
var obj = xlsx.parse(__dirname + '/test.xls'); // parses a file
var rows = [];
var writeStr = "";

//looping through all sheets
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
var sheet = obj[i];
//loop through all rows in the sheet
for(var j = 0; j < sheet['data'].length; j++)
//add the row to the rows array

//creates the csv string to write it to a file
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
writeStr += rows[i].join(",") + "\n";

//writes to a file, but you will presumably send the csv as a
//response instead
fs.writeFile(__dirname + "/test.csv", writeStr, function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log("test.csv was saved in the current directory!");

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