Running Python Scripts with Xampp

Using XAMPP server to run python files is returning only folders containing the program instead of running the program

Got my answer here: Configure Flask dev server to be visible across the network from @Ibz. Shaikh. They go through command Prompt to set this up. Later on, I was able to figure out that in my file I can set the host name to the IP address that I want.

if __name__=='main__':

change to<ip address of your server>)

And it will run on {ip address}:5000 (similar to @Jeevan Chaitanya's answer in the aforementioned link).

If you decide to continue using port 8080 where XAMPP is, make sure that your files are stored accordingly. I had to have my file directly in htdocs (path: C:/xampp/htdocs/ nesting it further caused errors.

From my original question: No, you do not need to add routes to python at the top of each file. Just ensure that your server (i am working on development and using a laptop to practice) runs python.

Running Python Code on Xampp on windows platform

The official releases of mod_wsgi don't support Python 3.2 so you cant use it. To use Python 3.2 you would need to compile mod_wsgi from source code in subversion repository which I would suggest is probably going to be a bit beyond what you are able to do based on problems you are having above. So, use Python 2.6/2.7. Also see:

As Daniel suggested I would suggest you use Flask. You could also use web2py which is another framework which is easy for newbies. I would also suggest that if you are only starting to learn this stuff that you not use Apache/mod_wsgi and instead just use the inbuilt development server provided by the Python web framework you use. That will save you a lot of headaches initially if you know nothing about Apache.

XAMPP-python script execution

I think the problem is that you have safe mode enabled which prevents execution outside of safe mode directory. See description.

You can also try using system() function instead.

I also think that it is not a great idea to call python script from php. :)

If you are on development environment, I would suggest you try to following:

1) copy to the directory where your .php file is.

2) change .php exec line to system('python');

3) if that works, try to call .py in cgi-bin directory. if cgi-bin is one level up from your htdocs directory, you can try system('python ..\cgi-bin\');

I can't try it on my machine, since I run Mac.

4) I looked at safe mode description, it seems it was removed in PHP 5.4.0. So if your version of PHP is higher than that, it should not apply to you.

5) I would suggest also trying forward slashes in path: system('python ../cgi-bin/');

Good luck. Let me know if it helps.

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