Python Flask Intentional Empty Response

Python Flask Intentional Empty Response

You are responding to a request, your HTTP server must return something. The HTTP 'empty response' response is 204 No Content:

return ('', 204)

Note that returning a file to the browser is not an empty response, just different from a HTML response.

Flask to return nothing but only run script

Add this as a return statement for your sendemail function

return ('', 204)

Do I have to provide a body response Flask with http 405 error

An empty string should accomplish what you're after without necessitating a fully-formed error message.

Flask view return error View function did not return a response

The following does not return a response:

@app.route('/hello', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def hello():

You mean to say...

@app.route('/hello', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def hello():
return hello_world()

Note the addition of return in this fixed function.

Getting array with empty values in flask but get correct values in a python notebook

The data type of test_data is showing as an object, try casting it into float and then do the operations maybe.

For series: s.astype('int64')

For dataframe: df.astype({'col1': 'int64'})

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