Python Virtualenv Questions

Python virtualenv questions

Normally virtualenv creates environments in the current directory. Unless you're intending to create virtual environments in C:\Windows\system32 for some reason, I would use a different directory for environments.

You shouldn't need to mess with paths: use the activate script (in <env>\Scripts) to ensure that the Python executable and path are environment-specific. Once you've done this, the command prompt changes to indicate the environment. You can then just invoke easy_install and whatever you install this way will be installed into this environment. Use deactivate to set everything back to how it was before activation.


c:\Temp>virtualenv myenv
New python executable in myenv\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools..................done.
(myenv) C:\Temp>deactivate

Notice how I didn't need to specify a path for deactivate - activate does that for you, so that when activated "Python" will run the Python in the virtualenv, not your system Python. (Try it - do an import sys; sys.prefix and it should print the root of your environment.)

You can just activate a new environment to switch between environments/projects, but you'll need to specify the whole path for activate so it knows which environment to activate. You shouldn't ever need to mess with PATH or PYTHONPATH explicitly.

If you use Windows Powershell then you can take advantage of a wrapper. On Linux, the virtualenvwrapper (the link points to a port of this to Powershell) makes life with virtualenv even easier.

Update: Not incorrect, exactly, but perhaps not quite in the spirit of virtualenv. You could take a different tack: for example, if you install Django and anything else you need for your site in your virtualenv, then you could work in your project directory (where you're developing your site) with the virtualenv activated. Because it was activated, your Python would find Django and anything else you'd easy_installed into the virtual environment: and because you're working in your project directory, your project files would be visible to Python, too.

Further update: You should be able to use pip, distribute instead of setuptools, and just plain python install with virtualenv. Just ensure you've activated an environment before installing something into it.

Determine if Python is running inside virtualenv

The most reliable way to check for this is to check whether sys.prefix == sys.base_prefix. If they are equal, you are not in a virtual environment; if they are unequal, you are. Inside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the virtual environment, and sys.base_prefix is the prefix of the system Python the virtualenv was created from.

The above always works for Python 3 stdlib venv and for recent virtualenv (since version 20). Older versions of virtualenv used sys.real_prefix instead of sys.base_prefix (and sys.real_prefix did not exist outside a virtual environment), and in Python 3.3 and earlier sys.base_prefix did not ever exist. So a fully robust check that handles all of these cases could look like this:

import sys

def get_base_prefix_compat():
"""Get base/real prefix, or sys.prefix if there is none."""
return getattr(sys, "base_prefix", None) or getattr(sys, "real_prefix", None) or sys.prefix

def in_virtualenv():
return get_base_prefix_compat() != sys.prefix

If you only care about supported Python versions and latest virtualenv, you can replace get_base_prefix_compat() with simply sys.base_prefix.

Using the VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable is not reliable. It is set by the virtualenv activate shell script, but a virtualenv can be used without activation by directly running an executable from the virtualenv's bin/ (or Scripts) directory, in which case $VIRTUAL_ENV will not be set. Or a non-virtualenv Python binary can be executed directly while a virtualenv is activated in the shell, in which case $VIRTUAL_ENV may be set in a Python process that is not actually running in that virtualenv.

What does Python Virtual Env actually do?

You've got it. It rewrites your sys.path to expose the stuff installed in the virtual environment, and it cuts off access to the globally installed third-party libraries not in the virtual environment.

Python Virtualenv not creating the new environment in the directory I am


py -3.8 -m venv _venv38.win32

this will create venv at cwd.

virtualenv has a custom "remote" location for virtual environments somewhere outside your project

Using Python 3 in virtualenv

simply run

virtualenv -p python3 envname

Update after OP's edit:

There was a bug in the OP's version of virtualenv, as described here. The problem was fixed by running:

pip install --upgrade virtualenv

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