Is Everything an Object in Python Like Ruby

Is everything an object in Python like Ruby?

DiveIntoPython - Everything Is an Object

Everything in Python is an object, and almost everything has attributes and methods. All functions have a built-in attribute __doc__, which returns the doc string defined in the function's source code. The sys module is an object which has (among other things) an attribute called path. And so forth.

Still, this begs the question. What is an object? Different programming languages define “object” in different ways. In some, it means that all objects must have attributes and methods; in others, it means that all objects are subclassable. In Python, the definition is looser; some objects have neither attributes nor methods (more on this in Chapter 3), and not all objects are subclassable (more on this in Chapter 5). But everything is an object in the sense that it can be assigned to a variable or passed as an argument to a function (more in this in Chapter 4).

Ruby Docs - To Ruby From Python

As with Python, in Ruby,... Everything is an object

So there you have it from Ruby's own website: in Python everything is an object.

What does Ruby have that Python doesn't, and vice versa?

You can have code in the class definition in both Ruby and Python. However, in Ruby you have a reference to the class (self). In Python you don't have a reference to the class, as the class isn't defined yet.

An example:

class Kaka
puts self

self in this case is the class, and this code would print out "Kaka". There is no way to print out the class name or in other ways access the class from the class definition body in Python.

What is an Object in Python?

To go deep, you need to understand the Python data model.

But if you want a glossy stackoverflow cheat sheet, let's start with a dictionary. (In order to avoid circular definitions, let's just agree that at a minimum, a dictionary is a mapping of keys to values. In this case, we can even say the keys are definitely strings.)

def some_method():
return 'hello world'

some_dictionary = {
"a_data_key": "a value",
"a_method_key": some_method,

An object, then, is such a mapping, with some additional syntactic sugar that allows you to access the "keys" using dot notation.

Now, there's a lot more to it than that. (In fact, if you want to understand this beyond python, I recommend The Art of the Metaobject Protocol.) You have to follow up with "but what is an instance?" and "how can you do things like iterate on entries in a dictionary like that?" and "what's a type system"? Some of this is addressed in Skam's fine answer.

We can talk about the python dunder methods, and how they are basically a protocol to implementing native behaviors like sized (things with length), comparable types (x < y), iterable types, etc.

But since the question is basically PhD-level broad, I think I'll leave my answer terribly reductive and see if you want to constrain the question.

Does Ruby have a dir method, similar to Python?

There is fairly popular gem pry, which has method called ls that can provide you I believe with something, similar to the dir in Python.

Has Python changed to more object oriented?

Jian Lin — the answer is "Yes", Python is more object-oriented than when Matz decided he wanted to create Ruby, and both languages now feature "everything is an object". Back when Python was younger, "types" like strings and numbers lacked methods, whereas "objects" were built with the "class" statement (or by deliberately building a class in a C extension module) and were a bit less efficient but did support methods and inheritance. For the very early 1990s, when a fast 386 was a pretty nice machine, this compromise made sense. But types and classes were unified in Python 2.2 (released in 2001), and strings got methods and, in more recent Python versions, users can even subclass from them.

So: Python was certainly less object oriented at one time; but, so far as I know, every one of those old barriers is now gone.

Here's the guide to the unification that took place:

Clarification: perhaps I can put it even more simply: in Python, everything has always been an object; but some basic kinds of object (ints, strings) once played by "different rules" that prevent OO programming methods (like inheritance) from being used with them. That has now been fixed. The len() method, described in another response here, is probably the only thing left that I wish Guido had changed in the upgrade to Python 3.0. But at least he gave me dictionary comprehensions, so I won't complain too loudly. :-)

Everything in Python is an object, why operators are not?

Operators tell the interpreter what underlying method to operate on the objects provided, so they are more like functions, which are still object in a sense, you just need the appropriate reference to call the type on. For instance, say you have Foo.some_method and you want to look up its type. You need the proper reference: type(Foo.some_method) instead of just type(some_method), the first of which returns <class 'function'>, the latter a NameError.

That said, you can certainly implement something like this without the operator module:

def operation(operand1, operand2, operator):
return getattr(operand1, operator)(operand2)

operation(1, 2, '__add__')
# 3

That said, the easiest way to understand your issue is that operators are part of the syntax for python to interpret your code, not an actual object. So when the interpreter sees *, +, ~ etc... it expects two operands to fetch the aliased method and execute. The method itself is an object. The syntax, not so much.

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