Python:Undefined Symbol: Pyunicodeucs2_Decodeutf8

python : undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF8

You are using a different Python interpreter for running your code than the one used to compile scipy. This usually occurs with a Python installation compiled with Unicode UCS2 support running modules compiled against a Python installation with Unicode UCS4 support (or vis versa). You need to recompile/reinstall the scipy installation with exact the Python interpreter used for running your code.

trying to import a module: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8

The module was built against a Python that was built with UCS-4 as its internal unicode representation. Your Python was built with UCS-2 as its internal representation. Rebuild the module, or rebuild Python.

This issue is mentioned in the official FAQ. This is discussed in-depth in python issue 8654.

undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_Decode whilst trying to install psycopg2

fixed it.

I had to recompile python with --enable-unicode=ucs4.

Still not clear why as the default version on ubuntu uses ucs4.

Python: ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_Replace

You have (at least) two different versions of Python installed and you're mixing their files. Make sure that $PYTHONPATH, $PYTHONHOME and sys.path only contain folders for a single Python installation. In your case, one installation is in /usr/local and the other is probably in /usr.

Also, you can try installing virtualenvwrapper and setting up separate python environment to alleviate any conflicts you might be having. Here is a tutorial for installing and using virtualenv.

Have C Start Python Interpreter under a USC-2

There is no way to initialize the interpreter with the correct encoding. Whether the interpreter uses UCS2 or UCS4 is a compile-time choice. What you need to do is to recompile the entire module from source. If you do not have the sources for the module, then you must compile the Python 2.7 from source and be careful to not replace the system python 2.7 with it.

The UCS2 builds were considered a mistake because there the non-BMP characters will be represented as UTF-16 surrogate pairs that now become visible as separate codepoints. That is why Python 3 does not have this compile-time option, as it always uses UCS4 internally for strings that cannot be represented in UCS2.

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