Python MySQLdb Typeerror: Not All Arguments Converted During String Formatting

Python MySQLdb TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Instead of this:

cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM records WHERE email LIKE '%s'", search )

Try this:

cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM records WHERE email LIKE %s", [search] )

See the MySQLdb documentation. The reasoning is that execute's second parameter represents a list of the objects to be converted, because you could have an arbitrary number of objects in a parameterized query. In this case, you have only one, but it still needs to be an iterable (a tuple instead of a list would also be fine).

pymsql - TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting when passing multiple parameters

You are missing couple of %ss. Correct statement:

c.execute('''INSERT INTO upcoming_events1 (name, html_insert, date, institution) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);''', (header, my_html, event_date, event_institution, ))

ProgrammingError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Sorted!!!! just found the solution,

1 - apparently i could not use ? because of the format specifier,
2 - and i also did not add the con for not only being able to retrive but also to insert in the database,

here is the example of the code that worked for me:

import MySQLdb

hostname = ''
username = ''
password = ''
database = ''

myConnection = MySQLdb.connect( host=hostname, user=username, passwd=password, db=database )

def doQuery() :

fin = open("hovik.jpg",'rb')
contents =

with myConnection:
cur = myConnection.cursor()
sql = "INSERT INTO image VALUES (%s)"

ret = cur.execute(sql, [contents])


Executing database query gives TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

cursor.execute expects a list as its second argument

q_list_all = "SELECT * FROM item_info WHERE item_code = '%s'"
print q_list_all
a_list_all = (value,) #the comma makes it a list not the parens
items_request = db.query(q_list_all, a_list_all)

when you pass it a string

cur.execute(qry,"MyArg") # =becomes==> cur.execute(qry,["M","y","A","r","g"])

on a somewhat unrelated note you should really think about just using an ORM like sqlalchemy

cx_Oracle: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Thanks to the pointer by @christopher-jones, I figured the problem out. (I originally thought the problem was the query, so I didn't dive into this before posting the question.)

I was using an (inhouse-written) middleware library that I thought was using cx_Oracle for all database handling, but for the MariaDB case it was using pymysql instead (which makes sense, of course).

And apparently, pymysql doesn't do positional binding the way cx_Oracle does but uses %s placeholders instead.

So I changed the query to:

query = "UPDATE temp SET file_logging=%s, file_report=%s, submission_subfolder=%s, status=%s where id = 1"

and now it's working.

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