Python: Getting Around Division by Zero

Make division by zero equal to zero

Check if the denominator is zero before dividing. This avoids the overhead of catching the exception, which may be more efficient if you expect to be dividing by zero a lot.

def weird_division(n, d):
return n / d if d else 0

How to prevent division by zero exception?

An "exception" is something that the python kernel raises to let you know it found an error and the code doesn't work. For example, try


You will get a "traceback" that shows all the exceptions that were handled by python (this is why python is so great, it doesn't just crash your computer when an error happens). In this case the "exception" is called ZeroDivisionError. You can handle the error yourself in a number of different ways; for example, you could prevent python from trying to divide by zero, by checking the inputs first. Let's try:

a = int(input("Give me an integer of your choice: "))
b = int(input("Give me another integer of your choice: "))
if b == 0:
print("Sorry, can't divide by zero, this will cause an error.")

Avoiding division by zero

I moved the code into function so it's more structured. The function looks like this:

def occupied_percent(car_park_spaces):
if not car_park_spaces:
return None

occupied = 0
total_spaces = len(car_park_spaces)

for space in car_park_spaces:
if space:
occupied += 1

return occupied / total_spaces * 100

The output is a float if the percentage was computed successfully, otherwise the output is None. When using the function you have to check the return value before printing the result.

Next I created printing function that simplifies usage:

def print_percentage(car_park_spaces):
result = occupied_percent(car_park_spaces)
print('The list is empty.' if result is None else f'The percentage of occupied spaces is {result}%.')

And I run some test cases:

print_percentage([1, 0])
print_percentage([1, 0, 1, 1])

Those produce this output:

The list is empty.
The percentage of occupied spaces is 0.0%.
The percentage of occupied spaces is 100.0%.
The percentage of occupied spaces is 50.0%.
The percentage of occupied spaces is 75.0%.

Note that the code can be probably simplified further because Python tends to use a lot of one-liners.

python: getting around division by zero

Since the log for x=0 is minus infinite, I'd simply check if the input value is zero and return whatever you want there:

def safe_ln(x):
if x <= 0:
return 0
return math.log(x)

EDIT: small edit: you should check for all values smaller than or equal to 0.

EDIT 2: np.log is of course a function to calculate on a numpy array, for single values you should use math.log. This is how the above function looks with numpy:

def safe_ln(x, minval=0.0000000001):
return np.log(x.clip(min=minval))

Get infinity when dividing by zero

If you just want a float that represents infinity, you can issue float('inf') or float('-inf').

Standard Python floats and ints will give you a ZeroDivisionError, but you can use numpy datatypes.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.float64(15)/0

Without numpy, write a function:

def my_div(dividend, divisor):
return dividend/divisor
except ZeroDivisionError:
if dividend == 0:
raise ValueError('0/0 is undefined')
# instead of raising an error, an alternative
# is to return float('nan') as the result of 0/0

if dividend > 0:
return float('inf')
return float('-inf')

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