How to Disable Pylint Unused Import Error Messages in VS Code

"Unused import warning" and pylint

The approach I would use is to use loggingsetup as a sort of wrapper for logging.

import logging

# set up logging config here

from logging import *

Then in your other modules you:

import loggingsetup as logging

You might want to use a name other than loggingsetup in this case, e.g. tweaked_logging or logging_with_my_settings.

Pylint "unresolved import" error in Visual Studio Code

In your workspace settings, you can set your Python path like this:

"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/path/to/your/venv/bin/python",

Pylint Import "import routes" should be placed at the top of the module

To avoid Pylint warnings on VSCode go to

Preferences > Settings > open any settings.json file and add

    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [

I don't know how to do the same on other editors.

To disable a particular warning remove "--errors-only" and add

"--disable=" + the warning you want to disable

How do I disable pylint unused import error messages in vs code
for more info.

I hope this can help you.

Another way to do it is by appending

#pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

but obviously, it avoids the warning only for that module

Detect unused imports in visual studio code for python 3?

Update/create VSCode user settings

"python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
"python.linting.pylintArgs": [

this works for me in Python 3.6.7 / 3.6.8

Imports failing in VScode for pylint when importing pygame

For E1101:
The problem is that most of Pygame is implemented in C directly. Now, this is all well and dandy in terms of performance, however, pylint (the linter used by VSCode) is unable to scan these C files.
Unfortunately, these same files define a bunch of useful things, namely QUIT and other constants, such as MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, K_SPACE, etc, as well as functions like init or quit.

To fix this, first things first, stop ignoring the pygame module by removing all your arguments in "python.linting.pylintArgs". Trust me, the linter can come in handy.

Now to fix the problems. For your constants (anything in caps), manually import them like so:

from pygame.constants import (

You can now use these without prepending them with pygame.:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
# Code

Next, for your init and other functions errors, you can manually help the linter in resolving these, by way of 2 methods:

  • Either add this somewhere in your code: # pylint: disable=no-member. This will deactivate member validation for the entire file, preventing such errors from being shown.
  • Or you can encase the line with the error:

    # pylint: disable=no-member


    # pylint: enable=no-member

This is similar to what the first method does, however it limits the effect to only that line.

Finally, for all your other warnings, the solution is to fix them. Pylint is there to show you places in which your code is either pointless, or nonconforming to the Python specs. A quick glance at your screenshot shows for example that your module doesn't have a docstring, that you have declared unused variables...
Pylint is here to aid you in writing concise, clear, and beautiful code. You can ignore these warnings or hide them (with # pylint: disable= and these codes) or spend a little time cleaning up everything.

In the long run, this is the best solution, as it'll make your code more readable and therefore maintainable, and just more pleasing to look at.

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