Python: Access Class Property from String

Python: access class property from string

x = getattr(self, source) will work just perfectly if source names ANY attribute of self, including the other_data in your example.

How to access object attribute given string corresponding to name of that attribute

There are built-in functions called getattr and setattr

getattr(object, attrname)
setattr(object, attrname, value)

In this case

x = getattr(t, 'attr1')
setattr(t, 'attr1', 21)

Set and Get @property method in Python by string variable

Calling getattr(model_class, model_attribute) will return the property object that model_attribute refers to. I'm assuming you already know this and are trying to access the value of the property object.

class A(object):

def __init__(self):
self._myprop = "Hello"

def myprop(self):
return self._myprop

def myprop(self, v):
self._myprop = v

prop = getattr(A, "myprop")

print prop
# <property object at 0x7fe1b595a2b8>

Now that we have obtained the property object from the class we want to access its value. Properties have three methods fget, fset, and fdel that provide access to the getter, settter, and deleter methods defined for that property.

Since myprop is an instance method, we'll have to create an instance so we can call it.

print prop.fget
# <function myprop at 0x7fe1b595d5f0>

print prop.fset
# <function myprop at 0x7fe1b595d668>

print prop.fdel # We never defined a deleter method
# None

a = A()
print prop.fget(a)
# Hello

How to access class property in decorator in Python?

One workaround would be to use a string containing the attribute name in the decorator, and getattr in the test function:

("testuser1", "user1", "Bar"),
("testuser2", "user2", "Foo")
def test_param(self, name, input, expected):
assert_equal(getattr(self, input), expected)

With this approach, test_param assumes that the value of its input argument is the attribute name whose value should be checked against expected.

Why does getting a class property from an instance raise an AttributeError?

That is due to the way attribute lookup works. Upon trying to retrieve an
attribute in an instance, Python does:

  1. call the instance's class __getattribute__(not the metaclass __getattribute__), which in turn will:

    1. Check the instance's class, and its superclasses following the method resolution order, for the attribute. It does not proceed to the class of the class (the metaclass) - it follows the inheritance chain..

      1. if the attribute is found in the class and it has a __get__ method, making it a descriptor: the __get__ method is called with the instance and its class as parameters - the returned value is used as the attribute value
        • note: for classes using __slots__, each instance attribute is recorded in a special descriptor - which exists in the class itself and has a __get__ method, so instance attributes for slotted classes are retrieved at this step
      2. if there is no __get__ method, it just skips the search at the class.
    2. check the instance itself: the attribute should exist as an entry in the instances __dict__ attribute. If so, the corresponding value is returned. (__dict__ is an special attribute which is accessed directly in cPython, but would otherwise follow the descriptor rule for slotted attributes, above)

    3. The class (and its inheritance hierarchy) are checked again for the attribute, this time, regardless of it having a __get__ method. If found, that is used. This attribute check in the class is performed directly in the class and its superclasses __dict__, not by calling their own __getattribute__ in a recursive fashion. (*)

  2. The class (or superclasses) __getattr__ method is called, if it exists, with the attribute name. It may return a value, or raise AttributeError(__getattr__ is a different thing from the low level __getattribute__, and easier to customize)

  3. AttributeError is raised.

(*) This is the step that answers your question: the metaclass is not searched for an attribute in the instance. In your code above, if you try to use A.cls_prop as a property, instead of A().cls_prop it will work: when retrieving an attribute directly from the class, it takes the role of "instance" in the retrieval algorithm above.

(**) NB. This attribute retrieval algorithm description is fairly complete, but for attribute assignment and deletion, instead of retrieval, there are some differences for a descriptor, based on whether it features a __set__ (or __del__) method, making it a "data descriptor" or not: non-data descriptors (such as regular methods, defined in the instance's class body), are assigned directly on the instance's dict, therefore overriding and "switching off" a method just for that instance. Data descriptors will have their __set__ method called.

how to make properties defined in the metaclass work for instances:

As you can see, attribute access is very customizable, and if you want to define "class properties" in a metaclass that will work from the instance, it is easy to customize your code so that it works. One way is to add to your baseclass (not the metaclass), a __getattr__ that will lookup custom descriptors on the metaclass and call them:

class Base(metaclass=Meta):
def __getattr__(self, name):
metacls = type(cls:=type(self))
if hasattr(metacls, name):
metaattr = getattr(metacls, name)
if isinstance(metaattr, property): # customize this check as you want. It is better not to call it for anything that has a `__get__`, as it would retrieve metaclass specific stuff, such as its __init__ and __call__ methods, if those were not defined in the class.
attr = metaattr.__get__(cls, metacls)
return attr
return super().__getattr__(name)


In [44]: class A(Base):
...: pass

In [45]: a = A()

In [46]: a.cls_prop
Out[46]: True

Check the value of all properties ('@property') on a class

You could use getattr with the property names in the props tuple.

valid = [p for p, _ in props if getattr(self, p) is not None]

Remember that accessing a property may execute arbitrary code, so the getting of the value itself might set the value to None or not None.

how to access the class variable by string in Python?

To get the variable, you can do:

getattr(test, a_string)

Access a class attribute using django in Python

Attributes of the instance is stored as a dictionary field called __dict__. However a proper way of getting a field dynamically is by using a getattr method. Here is an example:

>>> t = Test()
>>> t.b = 2
>>> getattr(t, 'b')
>>> getattr(t, 'c', 'default_value')

Call a class attribute which is a string type

Use getattr

getattr will do exactly what you're asking.

class A:

def __init__(self,a,b):
self.result = ''
self.a = a
self.b = b

def add(self):
self.result = self.a+self.b

x = 'result' # I will get from other source
obj = A(1,2)
obj.add() #this was missing before thus obj.result would've been 0
print getattr(obj, x) # Here x = result and the result is the actual class attribute

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