Python 3.4.3 Modules Installation in Linux Error

Error in installing/upgrading to python 3.4.3

Try sudo apt-get remove --purge python3 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 to (probably) get back to a 'clean' state. Check python3 --version after that, you might be lucky and get python 3.4!

While installing pandas on python 3.4.3, getting error - No module tempita

Python 3.4 is very old, either update it or install older version of pandas. I belive v.0.19.2 is suitable

pip install pandas==0.19.2

How to install requests module in Python 3.4, instead of 2.7

You can specify a Python version for pip to use:

pip3.4 install requests

Python 3.4 has pip support built-in, so you can also use:

python3.4 -m pip install

If you're running Ubuntu (or probably Debian as well), you'll need to install the system pip3 separately:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

This will install the pip3 executable, so you can use it, as well as the earlier mentioned python3.4 -m pip:

pip3 install requests

ImportError: No module named 'typing' when trying to install a package

If you accidentally upgraded your pip, you are unfortunately unable to use pip to restore your previous version as pip is broken.

If you were on a Linux like Centos you maybe able to reinstall pip using this:

yum reinstall -y python2-pip.noarch python27-python-pip.noarch

But since you are using Windows, maybe try reinstall pip using and specify the pip version you want:

ImportError: No module named 'PIL' ( Python 3.4.3 , (1, 8, 7, 'final', 0)

You must install the libjpeg-devel package.

Under Amazon Linux AMI (that you mentioned in the coments that you're using):

sudo yum install libjpeg-devel

You might still get errors after installing this.

If you get the error:

ValueError: --enable-zlib requested but zlib not found, aborting.

install the zlib-devel package:

sudo yum install zlib-devel

And if you get the error:

error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1


sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++

to install gcc

If you still have a problem try installing the package:

sudo yum install python-devel

I switched from GCE to EC2 today (Amazon Linux AMI too) and had these errors while trying to install Pillow. After installing these packages it installed no problem.

the problem you're having here

eb_django_app)[ec2-user@ip-172-31-11-114 mysite]$ import Image as img
-bash: import: command not found

is you're trying to import Image directly in the bash shell, but you must be in the python shell to import Image.

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