Pygame Is Running Slow

Pygame is running slow

The game is running slow because you load the START_Image in every frame. pygame.image.load is a very expensive operation, because it has to read the images from the data store. Load START_Image once at startup

surface  = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()#for fps
pygame.display.set_caption('Survival Island')

START_Image = pygame.image.load('START_Image.png').convert()

Do not call pygame.display.update() more than once in the main application loop. pygame.display.update() removes the events from the queue, thus you'll get each event just once. Get the list of events once (events = pygame.event.get()) and pass the list of events to the functions:

while running:
# [...]
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
# [...]

if play == True:
if canQuitOnStart == True:

Further more, draw the scene in the application loop, rather the event loop. It is sufficient to do 1 single pygame.display.update() after drawing the entire scene.

The button click condition is wrong. It has to be:

if mousex > 550 and mousey > 350 and mousex <590 and mousey <390:

if  415 < mousex < 415+70 and 190 < mousey < 190+30:

Anyway I recommend to use pygame.Rect and collidepoint:

if pygame.Rect(415,190,70,30).collidepoint(mousex, mousey):

See the example:

import pygame
import sys
from sys import exit
#display surf
width = 600
height = 400
surface = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()#for fps
pygame.display.set_caption('Survival Island')

START_Image = pygame.image.load('START_Image.png').convert()

mousex = 0
mousey = 0
play = True #entered playmode
canQuitOnStart = True #game can be quitted on start
drawStartScreen = True #start screen drawed
running = True # game is running
def quitOnStart(events): #quitting the game
#can be seen if rect is drawn [pygame.draw.rect(surface,(0,0,255),(550,350,40,40))]
global mousex,mousey,running
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #quit on pressing x on start screen
if mousex > 550 and mousey > 350 and mousex <590 and mousey <390:
running = False

def drawStart(): #drawing start menu

def playGame(events):
#play on clicking on "play"
global mousex,mousey,canQuitOnStart,drawStartScreen
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if pygame.Rect(415,190,70,30).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): # can be seen if rect is drawn [pygame.draw.rect(surface,(0,0,255),(415,190,70,30))]
canQuitOnStart = False
drawStartScreen = False
if drawStartScreen == True:
#pygame.draw.rect(surface, (255, 0, 0), (415,190,70,30))

def main():
global canQuitOnStart, play, running, mousex, mousey
#main loop
while running:
#get mouse position
mousex,mousey = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
# fps is 60
# quit button event
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
# main function
if play == True:
if canQuitOnStart == True:

if __name__ == '__main__':

My pygame code is running horribly slow, how can I fix it?

Try adding pygame.display.update() to the end of your while loop

I've had a similar issue running Pygame before :))

Why is my platform game in PyGame suddenly so slow?

Do not load the image in your main loop. Define (load) it outside of the loop and then use it via variable. This is your problem, because it loads the image (in this case FPS = 60) times per second from your disk.

Why is my pygame program gradually getting slower the longer it runs?

The issue is caused by the fact, that the containers (lists) self.dark_blocks and self.color_blocks are refilled in every frame, but you missed to clear them. Hence the number of elements int the containers is continuously growing. Since the content of this lists is drawn in every frame, the performance drops. You can't see this effect, because the elements of the lists are drawn on top of each other.

Clear self.dark_blocks and self.color_blocks at the begin of room_0.draw, right after tile_rects is cleared:

class room_0():
# [...]

def draw(self, window):
global tile_rects
tile_rects = []

self.dark_blocks = []
self.color_blocks = []

# [...]

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