Print Multiple Arguments in Python

Printing multiple variables inside quotes in python

You should enclose the entire string with single quotes (') and each %s with double quotes ("):

print 'Hostname="%s" IP="%s" tags="%s"' % (name, value["ip"], tags)

Printing multiple variables in a separate lines using a single print

In python3:

print(string1, string2, sep='\n')

In python2:

print string1 + '\n' + string2

... or from __future__ import print_function and use python3's print

Since my first answer, OP has edited the question with a variable type change. Updating answer for the updated question:

If you have some integers, namely int1 and int2:

Python 3:

print(int1, int2, sep='\n')

Python 2:

print str(int1) + '\n' + str(int2)


from __future__ import print_function

print(int1, int2, sep='\n')


print '\n'.join([str(i) for i in [int1, int2]])

print multiple variables in a string what is the correct syntax

The second argument would be arg1 "arg2" which is not a valid expression. If you want to print both arg1 and "arg2", you should separate it by another comma:

print("arg1 =", arg1, "arg2 =", arg2)

Python: Accept multiple arguments

*args and **kwargs allow to pass any no of arguments, positional (*) and keyword (**) to the function

>>> def test(*args):
... for var in args:
... print var

For no of variable

>>> test("a",1,"b",2)         

>>> test(1,2,3)

For list & dict

>>> a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
>>> test(a)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> b = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
>>> test(b)
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}

For detail

Print more than one value

Just use commas to seperate arguments:

print("Hello ", name, ", how are you?", sep='')

You can also use the f string formatter:

print(f"Hello {name}, how are you?")

or also with str.format():

print("Hello {}, how are you?".format(name))

Is there a way I can print multiple lines using one print()?

If you'd like to have a preconfigured multiline block of text to print, and just add some values to it (bit like doing a mail-merge in Word), you can use the str.format method.

>>> help(str.format)

| S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str
| Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs.
| The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').

Multiline strings have """ (or, less commonly, ''').

template = """{name} is a {role}.
Age: {age}
Height: {height} metres
Weight: {weight} milligrams"""

gabh = template.format(


(This is slightly different to f-strings, where values get put into the string at the moment it's created.)

If you have a dictionary with keys matching the {stuff} in {curly braces} in your template string, you can use format_map:

template = """{name} is a {role}.
Age: {age}
Height: {height} metres
Weight: {weight} milligrams"""

gabh = {
"name": "Gabh",
"role": "Musician",
"age": 21,
"height": 5.4,
"weight": 47,


variable positional and printing the values

The first output shows a comma because without it, 1 being the only element, (1) would be just a integer (parentheses are wrapping the expression 1), (1,) is shown to differentiate tuples and simple parentheses.

in the second one, no trailing comma is needed to differentiate tuples, since there are more than one element.

In the third O/p, you are not passing 1 and 2, but instead you're passing the whole (1,2), so it shows only one item (which is (1,2)) in a tuple, and adds an extra comma. Same for the fourth: your passing the entire ((1,2), (3,4)).

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